Anne Sheehan

After a 17-year bodybuilding career, Anne Sheehan finally turned Pro, earning two wins at Masters Nationals over 35 and over 40: 1st Heavyweight and Overall for each division. She attributes these victories not just to her die-hard work ethic in the gym but to her recovery from alcohol as well. After Anne was welcomed into the IFBB, she gave her first attempt at powerlifting and earned Florida State and Masters World Records. Anne ended her first season with a 27th Open ranking and 5th Masters ranking in all federations in 2018. As a dual athlete, her goal is to help others on the stage, platform, and with addiction. Her motto is “We can’t keep what we don’t give away,” truly embodying the elitefts code of live, learn, and pass on.

Truth Hurts
Truth Hurts
I went home covered in piss, sweat, and dirt and I wouldn’t have it any other way. If this doesn’t sound good to you, you may not want to have the same goals I do, that’s all.
Anneville Training: 7 Weeks out from the Battle of the Bay
Anneville Training: 7 Weeks out from the Battle of the Bay
Please know, my greatest passion in life is seeing people become as strong as they possibly can be. I believe in the Elitefts motto of "live, learn and pass on," and I am here to serve the strength community.
Anneville Training 8 weeks out from Battle of the Bay
Anneville Training 8 weeks out from Battle of the Bay
Ok, I'm definitely feeling this prep now. I even threw on a recovery day. I actually rolled and stretched on my own for over an hour on my recovery day and did some light accessory work.  After last week, my entire upper left side was killing me to the point I couldn't sleep. Even with […]
Calf training for the win
Calf training for the win
Let’s talk about calf training, let’s talk about you and me, let’s talk about all the good things and the bad things that can be, let’s talk about calves.
Anneville Training 9 weeks out from Battle of the Bay
Anneville Training 9 weeks out from Battle of the Bay
I just feel like I am 8 weeks out.
The Throwdown, Part II: Best Meet Ever!
The Throwdown, Part II: Best Meet Ever!
Something you could hear over and over again in the crowd and in the warm-up area, "this has been the best meet ever."
Anneville Training: Peaking for The Throwdown
Anneville Training: Peaking for The Throwdown
I utilized the Conjugate Method and my bodybuilding/hypertrophy training to gain strength and put up numbers that exceeded my own expectations.
Expectations and Acceptance
Expectations and Acceptance
I need to concentrate not so much on what needs to be changed in the world as on what needs to be changed in me and in my attitudes.
Anneville Training Update: Five weeks out from The Miami Throwdown
Anneville Training Update: Five weeks out from The Miami Throwdown
Right now, my biggest challenge is adapting to the pressure of the wraps.
Anneville Training: 6 weeks out from the Throwdown
Anneville Training: 6 weeks out from the Throwdown
I didn't get strong powerlifting. I got strong bodybuilding. It is essential to have both in your program if you want to be the best you can be at either.
Anneville Training Update: 7 Weeks out from The Miami Throwdown
Anneville Training Update: 7 Weeks out from The Miami Throwdown
I'm about to peak myself for The Miami Throwdown in five weeks! I'm feeling strong, healthy, and very excited to grace the platform again.
Anneville News: Women's Day recap and training with Iron Bound Barbell Club
Anneville News: Women's Day recap and training with Iron Bound Barb...
The best way to get over your life is to start caring about others.
Anneville Training: Training around lower back pain
Anneville Training: Training around lower back pain
Utilizing pre and rehab modalities and noninvasive therapies have kept me from having to resort to pills, needles, and surgery.
Anneville Training: FBB's back at on the O stage and BFR training
Anneville Training: FBB's back at on the O stage and BFR training
At the Olympia, I also got to hear the announcement first hand that we (female bodybuilders) are being welcomed back to the Olympia stage in 2020.
Anneville Training Update 09.04.19
Anneville Training Update 09.04.19
Please, don't eat shit this week during your training! Make sure you have the support you need before trying anything stupid!
Anneville News August 28,2019
Anneville News August 28,2019
“So, how are you training now for powerlifting or bodybuilding?” "Both."
Anneville News
Anneville News
ANNEVILLE TRAINING UPDATE: Another amazing week in the books! My speed bench is moving fast and I’m growing stronger by the week. Since Justin Harris of Troponinutrition has taken over, my weight is down from 200 lbs to 182! I'm really happy about this because I will be competing in the 181lb class in the […]
Keeping the gym "Old School"
Keeping the gym "Old School"
I’d like to introduce you to a friend of mine, Justin Stine. This Florida born 26-year young Powerlifter has adopted Busy Body Gym, Boca Raton as his gym home and is working hard to both furnish the place, and to create a Powerlifting community in an old school gym setting. Busy Body Gym is a […]
Commercialism in Powerlifting
Commercialism in Powerlifting
When asked, “what do you like better? Powerlifting or Bodybuilding?” My response is usually, “I prefer the Powerlifting community.” There are things about each “sport” that I enjoy (or I wouldn’t do either). But as far as the people involved, I do prefer the powerlifters over the bodybuilders. They, or perhaps I should say, “we” […]
Conjugate/Hypertrophy Training Week 8
Conjugate/Hypertrophy Training Week 8
This week I focused on deadlift both DE and ME LOWER days because it went so well with Andrew of Ironbound Barbell Club. I don’t want to lose my groove. Next week, I’ll be focusing more on squats. I need to order my Elitefts Patriot Knee Wraps. I really hate knee wraps. They are the […]
So, what got you into "this," anyway?
So, what got you into "this," anyway?
What got you into this stuff anyway? In a previous blog I shared my first encounter with a female bodybuilder. When I saw her, it occurred to me for the first time, contrary to what I had believed, girls can be muscular. Somehow, at 8 or 9 years old I knew that correlated into girls […]
Powerlifting OR Bodybuilding
Powerlifting OR Bodybuilding
During the time between my Pro debut and my competing in four meets my first year, there was a resounding voice from people, "she used to be a bodybuilder." Like it is now a thing of my past.
Conjugate Hypertrophy Training Week 7
Conjugate Hypertrophy Training Week 7
Anne Sheehan is an IFBB pro bodybuilder who's been giving powerlifting her all. As a dual athlete and recovering alcoholic, her goal is to help others on the stage, platform, and with addiction. Her motto is “We can’t keep what we don’t give away,” truly embodying the elitefts code of live, learn, and pass on.
Conjugate Hypertrophy Training Week 6
Conjugate Hypertrophy Training Week 6
Conjugate/hypertrophy Training Week 6   TRAINING WEEK 6 SUNDAY: DE LOWER   MONDAY: ME UPPER   TUESDAY: ME LOWER    THURSDAY: DE UPPER    I finally got my shoulder looked at. Apparently, the pain I've been experiencing is a result of arthritis, osteophytes and a returned bone spur (that was removed 15 years ago). "It's […]
Recovery Road to IFBB Pro
Recovery Road to IFBB Pro
“If I can do this, what else can I do?” The first thought that entered my mind in the morning after I turned Pro. I have an elite total my first year in powerlifting. I at myself the question again. I cannot tell you how many times I quit. How many times I’ve said, “it’s […]
Conjugate Hypertrophy Training Week 5
Conjugate Hypertrophy Training Week 5
Conjugate/hypertrophy Training Week 5 TRAINING WEEK 5 WEDNESDAY: DE UPPER   THURSDAY: DE LOWER   FRIDAY: UPPER MAX   SATURDAY: ED COAN SEMINAR  Nothing like starting the week on a Wednesday! I’m getting away from the pin presses a bit for bench to try to work on my range of motion. DE UPPER wasn’t going […]
Where it began
Where it began
Sheehan was modified from "O'Sheehan" when my family came to this country from Ireland. There are many Irish jokes that are popular because they're mostly true for most Irish people. One of these stereo-typical traits is alcoholism. We all know I inherited that one.  Another is we fight. The "Fighting Irish." About all kinds of […]
Conjugate / Hypertrophy Training Week 4
Conjugate / Hypertrophy Training Week 4
Conjugate/hypertrophy Training Week 4 TRAINING WEEK 4 WEDNESDAY: DE UPPER   THURSDAY: DE LOWER   FRIDAY: UPPER MAX   MONDAY: LOWER MAX   Well, it was a good week. Numbers are going up. The workload is too as I’m adding sets and exercises. The shoulder feels like ground beef. It’s interesting how the pain moves […]
Conjugate/Hypertrophy Training Week 3
Conjugate/Hypertrophy Training Week 3
Conjugate/hypertrophy Training Week 3   TRAINING WEEK 3 THURSDAY: UPPER BODY   FRIDAY: LOWER BODY MAX EFFORT    MONDAY: UPPER BODY DYNAMIC EFFORT TUESDAY: LOWER BODY DYNAMIC EFFORT Somehow, my schedule became training every other day thing. It was due to my crazy schedule but my recovery is going well and I’m cutting off my […]
Hi, My Name is Anne, and I'm an Alcoholic
Hi, My Name is Anne, and I'm an Alcoholic
Believe it or not, sometimes words can be heavier than your PR. These words and the ones that follow are my weights to bear… and also, to share with you and others who may need to hear them. This is my story.
Conjugate/Hypertrophy Week 2
Conjugate/Hypertrophy Week 2
Conjugate/hypertrophy Training Week 2   This week’s training went pretty good but my shoulder issues have worsened. I can deal with pain but now I’m having strength issues. It’s also getting stuck on side to side movements. So that sounds like it’s probably torn. Confession time. As you can see, my focus right now is […]
Conjugate/Hypertrophy Training Week 1
Conjugate/Hypertrophy Training Week 1
  Conjugate/hypertrophy Training Week 1 con·ju·gate [conjugate] VERB grammar give the different forms of (a verb in an inflected language) as they vary according to voice, mood, tense, number, and person.   There are different ways to get strong. My foundation is hypertrophy. That is why I’m returning my focus back to where I started. […]
The Jenn Recap
The Jenn Recap
So, I missed my last few entries on prep for The Jenn. This was my fifth meet. Some things that I had noticed with previous meet prep's had begun to happen. With the exception of my first meet (only 5 weeks into powerlifting training), I had become run down, weak and very sick with the […]
"Hi, my name is Anne and I am an alcoholic."
"Hi, my name is Anne and I am an alcoholic."
“Hi. My name is Annie and I am an alcoholic.” The first time I was in a meeting and said these words was one of the heaviest weights I’ve ever had to lift. Think back to when you were a kid and full of innocence. Unaware even of the hostile environment that might be surrounding […]
The Jenn Prep
The Jenn Prep
“The Jenn” Tampa, FL June 1&2 3 WEEKS OUT Current weight: 185lbs (height: 5'2") SQUAT MEET PR: 424 LBS GOAL: 405 BENCH MEET PR: 275 LBS GOAL: 245 DEADLIFT MEET PR: 435 LBS GOAL: 405 TOTAL: 1,134 GOAL: 1,055 05.12.19 SUN: REST 05.13.19 MON: UPPER BODY DYNAMIC 05.14.19 TUE: REST 05.15.19 WED: LOWER BODY DYNAMIC […]
The Jenn Prep
The Jenn Prep
“The Jenn” It’s the end of the  “Snow Bird” season here in South Florida. I am a freelance hair and makeup artist. I’ve been doing this for over 30 years. I am also a personal trainer and an online coach. I work six days a week. Monday through Friday I go from 6 am till […]
The Jenn Prep
The Jenn Prep
My last meet was the 2018 IPL Tribute in San Antonio, TX. I was pretty beat up after that meet and took some time off. I look forward to gracing the platform again at The Jenn in five weeks in Tampa, FL. This is the largest women's only event, in the Southeast. Promoted by World […]

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