2.18.2025. Shut Up and Train
I’m all for the science of training. I like discussing exercise physiology and naming points of origin and insertion of muscle. I enjoy talking about the biomechanics of the techniques we use for various exercises, but there comes a time when we need to shut the fuck up and pick the weight up. Between podcasts, […]
2/17/2025 Your Laziness Is Destroying Your Future.
Choose better. Start now. Today’s Training: Cycle: 30 mins Side Flex using the 45-degree back extension: 3x10x KB Jackson Abs: 3×10. Using a Smith Machine with your arms fully extended, sit up as high as you can with your feet up. Floor Press: 5x5x+10 lbs more than last week Incline Cable Fly: 3×12 DB Lateral […]
2.15.2025. Success
Success is the greatest middle finger of all time. Today’s TrainingRun: 3.0 miles Dynamic Squat: 10×2 + chains Dynamic Deadlift: 10×1 + chains
2.14.2025 Mental Strength
Mental toughness or strength is a part of ourselves that needs progressive development. You aren’t the same person you were five years ago, and you won’t be the same person you are five years from now. That’s why you must develop your mental and emotional toughness with time. Our lives keep changing. The issues and […]
2.13.2025. When It Rains It Pours
California has “The Rainy” season, and we are in it! We don’t even call for heavy rain; we call it “an upper atmospheric river” disturbance. (Aren’t we fancy?) Regardless of what we call it, I felt compelled not to ride my bike as my daily commute and to start collecting animals of every kind by […]
2.12.2025 When You Don’t Care
When you don’t care what anyone thinks of you, you have reached a dangerously awesome level of freedom. Today’s Training: Cycle: Commute Concept II Row: 10 mins steady followed by 10×15 second all-out sprint with a 45 second recovery GHR: Squat: 5x5x an additional 10 lbs more than the last time 45-degree Back Extension: 5×10 […]
2.11.2025 Three Steps To Attitude
I instituted the “Word of the Day” yesterday, and I don’t know if it’s a hit, but it entertains one of my training partners and me. Today’s slogan is “Three Steps to Attitude”. Every morning at Zero-Dark-Dark, people will come into the gym dragging their pillows and sleep-deprived attitude. The pillow isn’t so bad, but […]
2.10.2025 Be A Hustler, Well-wisher, A Go-Getter.
The alternative is a miserable fuck with no moral fiber with nowhere to go. Saturday’s Training: GHR: 100 reps Dynamic Squat: 10×2 Dynamic Deadlift: 10×1 Reverse Hyper: 3×15 Today’s Training: Run: 3 miles Cycle: Commute Suspended Knee to Elbow: 3×10 BOSU Sit-up: 100 reps Floor Press: 5×5. add 10 pounds more to the bar than […]
2.7.2025 Can’t Perform At A High Level?
Show up anyway. Doing something is still a thousand times better than not showing up at all. Today’s Training Weighted BOSU Sit-up: 3×15 Kettlebell “X” Deadlifts: 3×10 Stand between two kettlebells. Squat down and pick the left side one up with the right hand then stand up. Squat back down and grab the one on […]
2.6.2025 Self-discipline
Self-discipline will improve every aspect of your life. Today’s Training Run: 3 miles Stretch: A lot for a long. SMFR: Lax ball in the ass for sciatic relief Lat Pulldown: 4×8 DB Lateral Raise: 4×10 Low Cable Row (on wide handles): 4×8 C/S Rear Delt Raise: 4×10 (used kettlebells) 45-degree back extension: 4×10 Shrugs: 4x8x […]
2.5.2025 It’s Not Always About Being The Best
It’s about giving your best every time. Today’s Training: Cycle: Commute Row: Concept II Ergometer 22 minutes w/ 10×15 second sprints and 45 sec. recoveries GHR: Hex Bar Deadlift: 5 RM followed by 4 more sets of 5 Reverse Hyper: 3×15 Cycle: Commute
2.4.2025 Obsession
Obsession beats talent every time. Today’s Training Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3×12 Oblique Side Flex using the 45-degree back extension: 3×12 Floor Press 5 Rep w/ a PRE of 8 Flat DB Fly: 4×12 Stretcher Push-up: 3×43 DB Supine Tricep Extension: 3×100 Cable Tricep Pushdown: 3×25
2.3.2025 You’re Only As Old As The Friends You Call To Bail You Out
Keep a few rowdy buddies around. Who says mischief has an age limit? Today’s Training: Run: 3 miles Cycle: Commute Lat Pulldown: 4×15 Low Cable Row: 4×15 C/S Row: 4×15 Straight Arm Pulldown: 4×15 Supinated Grip (Chin-up style) Lat Pulldown: 4×100. Go light and SQUEEZE the bicep to the forearm Cycle: Commute
2.1.2025. Dynamic Thinking
Occasionally, I’ll move max effort and dynamic days around just to mess with people. Sometimes, we think that a dynamic day is an “easy” day because of the lighter weight we move. However, I ensure that as we escalate the weight to our working sets, we understand the WHYs of what we are doing. We […]
1.31.2025 You Can’t?
Whenever I was told that I couldn’t do something physically, I refused to listen and gave everything I had to prove them wrong or test my will. Know that you can do the same thing. You can’t? My ass… Today’s Training: Cycle: Commute Concept II Row: 22 minutes Weighted BOSU Sit-ups: 3×12 Suspended Knees to […]
1.30.2025. "Ever Have One of Those Days?"
“It’s just one of those days when you don’t wanna wake upEverything is fucked, everybody sucksYou don’t really know why, but you wanna justifyRippin’ someone’s head off”. ~Limp Biskit The lyrics hit home today for just some reason. I can’t explain it, even though the numbers were good for today’s workout, there was just something […]
1.29.2025 Try Something New
An amateur built the ark, professionals built the Titanic Training: Run: 3 miles Fartlek Cycle: Commute DB Row: 4×12 Lat Pulldown: 4×12 Low Cable Row: 4×12 Straight Arm Pulldown: 4×12 Barbell Curl: 4×10 Hammer Curl: 4×10 Concentration Curl: 4×10 BOSU Sit-up: 125 Ab Wheel: 3×12 Cycle: Commute
1.28.2025 The Negative Mind
The negative mindset will never give you a positive life. Change your thinking, change your life. Training: Run: 3 miles (fast) Cycle: Commute (cold) Floor Press: 5 RM Cable Fly: 4×25 Push-ups: 100 reps in as few sets as possible JM Press: 5×15 Single Arm Mini Band Pushdown: 100 continuous reps Cycle: Commute (still cold)
1.27.2025 It Still Amazes Me
I have people that try to “get over” on me. Every day, I write the program on a whiteboard so people can then write it in their journals to keep track of not only what they did but also their progress and thoughts. Today’s objective is “Strength/Endurance”; it is a beast of a workout without […]