Surf the Curve for Maximum Gains
From one season to the next, Ashley reflects and brings a new program to light. Here it is!
A Fresh Look at French Contrast Method Variations
Design strength and power programs targeting both hypertrophy and metabolic goals. Includes comprehensive lower and upper body workouts, plyometrics, and a 3-week progressive cycle.
The Joy of Programming
Discover why understanding the “why” behind workouts matters, how to blend classic and modern techniques, and what it takes to tailor programs for athletes, especially rugby players.
Programming Acceleration and French Contrast Methods
A new programming approach for stronger lower body strength and speed.
Grief After the Loss of a Job and Inevitable Retirement
Ashley Jones shares coping strategies for processing through the stages of grief after losing a job or heading into retirement.
1+ Per Day for Strength
Your strength training program does not have to be complicated. Enhance your workout efficiently with this structured minimalist approach.
Revisiting A Simple Flow Chart for Athlete Programming
You can create simple and tailored training programs to enhance athletic performances following this revisited flow chart by Ashley Jones.
High School Weight Training Progressions
From foundational exercises to advanced programming, these weight training progressions are tailored for high school athletes to strengthen performance and minimize injury risks.
CARE Programming Versatility
Tailor the CARE Program for your athletes by using entree, main course, and dessert workout scenarios.
Hypertrophy Training for Athletes
These programming options provide a variety of training methods including cluster waves, armour plating, and conjugate.
Adjusting Weekly Training Sessions in a Monthly Loading Cycle
Training constantly needs to be modified based on life stressors. Use this setup to get a stimulus, progress, and stay injury-free.
Be Your Own Strength Coach
Embrace the wisdom of ‘Everyday Better’ and tailor your programming based on proven systems and personal goals.
Off-Season Conjugate Training for Rugby
Ashley’s off-season program uses the conjugate system—focussing on neural, mechanical, and metabolic work. Plus, core accessory rehab exercises.
The Education of a Strength and Conditioning Coach
Motivate your pupils to become the best version of themselves and the TEAM will dominate on the field.
Training Thoughts and Ideas From a Lifetime in the Trenches
Ashley Jones started training in 1979 and has coached athletes and general population alike. Forty-four years later, he shares some of his most poignant takeaways.
Muscles and Movements
“Train movements, not muscles.” This philosophy isn’t completely wrong, but it doesn’t tell the whole story. Learn how to build a program that does both.
Programming For Everyone
Anyone, regardless of experience, should be able to program workouts for themselves. Once you understand your goals, use these easy tips to build a program that delivers results.
Alternating Weekly and Monthly Plans
Building periodized programs is a big investment. It requires time, patience, and thought.
3-Day-a-Week Full Body Program for Team Sports
The three-day-a-week full body program is the most productive in team sports preparation. Here’s what we’re doing for 2023!
The Coaching Process
It’s up to us as coaches to stay relevant and be open to changing methods to meet the demands of the changing generations.
Simple Does NOT Mean Easy
Here’s the blueprint that’s simple, yet most don’t follow. It’s hard but it’ll yield great results for performance, strength, and size.
Programming Different Physical Qualities
I like to program from a metabolic, strength, or power focus. The three-day-a-week program allows more stimulation for each major area.
Training for Size and Strength
Here’s the simple plan with a four-day-a-week training split of upper and lower body. Each session has four exercises that’ll take an hour to complete.
Trialing a Rotating Weekly Plan
Here are my ideas for a rotating weekly plan that I’ve been trialing this month with my exact exercises and training loads. I’m sore!
Solving the Conditioning Paradox
Bigger players often suffer from a lack of condition—they need size to execute their skill set yet run the risk of overuse-related injuries.
Program Variation Based on Recovery Status
I like using the bell-shaped curve when considering where a player fits into a type of training session: reviving, surviving, or thriving.
In-Season Rugby Programming Utilizing the Westside Conjugate Methods
The key to the program is to never accommodate to movements and exercises. Change some aspects of your training every time you train.
The End of a Strength and Conditioning Career
What do you do when you wake up one morning and realize that your best years are behind you? Retirement is a double-edged sword.
The Eternal Triangle of Sports Weight Training
What is the eternal triangle shape of sports weight training? Considering speed, strength, and size, is it a scalene, isosceles, or equilateral?
Do We Deliver on Our Job Title?
For whatever reason, there’s a constant need to reframe what we do by a change in job title. Our job description has yet to change.
Programming for a Full Off-Season
Here’s a Major League Rugby (MLR) perspective on how to set up programming after the last game of the season.
The Devil is in the Detail for Gym Start-Ups
As strength and conditioning coaches, before you buy the gym equipment and create an exercise selection chart, answer these questions.
Time as a Factor in Weight Training
Unless you’re here to make friends, your workout should last no longer than sixty minutes. Strategize for strength and size gains!
The Six Pillars of Excellence
There are six pillars of excellence that every player and staff member should live by. It’ll breed character, culture, and success.
Off-Season Gym Programming
This article presents a few of my favorite programming variations to achieve the desired outcome this off-season.
The Combined Seasonal Training Chart
To expand upon the exercise selection chart discussion from last month, these training options form the basis of my decision-making and conversations with players as to what they need to focus on over the next four to six weeks in their gym sessions.
Programming Two-A-Days for Your Player's Pre-Season and In-season
Poliquin, Thibadeau, and Schoenfeld, among many other writers and researchers, have popularized this method—performing multiple training sessions within a day. Here’s how I set this up for my players within a three-day split program.
The Exercise Selection Chart
Let me walk you through a new weight room and share my processes for creating an exercise selection chart to best meet the needs of your athletes.
Integration of Great Ideas into a Manageable Training Program
Westside Barbell, 5/3/1, 5thSet, and Juggernaut Training Systems all play a role in the creation of this program. Let me know how you advance using it.
It's Better to Wear Out Than to Rust Out
In my fifties, I started to experience knee pain during and after Olympic lifts, squats, and deadlifts. After a career full of lifting and contact sports, my options were anti-inflammatory medication and gels, surgery, braces, ABI, and PRP. Here’s what helped me.
Pre-Season Planning
This is the first-week break-in program that I will put in place. I will also keep some players on this three-day-a-week programming based on needs-based discussions with the playing group upon their return and what other work-ons they have from a physical and skills perspective.
Specialty Bars and Sports Programming
Why do strength coaches persist in using the traditional bar now that there are many excellent alternative bars available?
The Integration of Unilateral and Bilateral Movements to Assist in Stren...
The program within is called One Big, One Small—there is one major movement, and a secondary movement supports this major movement. It can be used by anyone irrespective of sport or training goal to improve performance or get bigger and stronger.
Gym Programming Variation Across a Team
Here are several programs that were used during our last rugby season. Take special notice of the variety that you can achieve but also the range and breadth of programming in a team sport.
3x3 Performance Programming Matrix
I believe that the individualization of programming in team sports is the real holy grail of strength and conditioning. The application of the 3×3 programming matrix will ensure that each player will have the best opportunity to improve in the areas of dire need.
Relationships and Team Dynamics
I write this after fielding many questions during this COVID-19 lockdown period from young strength and conditioning coaches who have either lost their jobs or are at a crossroads of confidence. In some 30 years, I’ve had 17 strength and conditioning jobs…
Back-to-the-Gym Program to Optimize the Loading Process
As most of us come out of COVID-19 lockdown and back into the gym, here’s a program that can be used as a three- or a six-day-a-week program with emphasis on simplicity and variability.
Rugby Wants You!
Where do all of the football players go when they are unable to reach their playing goals in college or the National Football League?
Flow Chart to Assist in the Determination of Physical Training Content i...
Here’s the standard week-long plan with a seven-day turnaround between games, optimizing a balance between recovery both physiologically and psychologically.
Choosing 1 of 10 Programs to Individualize the Training Process
In designing programs for my players, I discuss with the player, the medical staff, and the coaching staff the areas they see as major ones to work on. All 10 programs are based on the emphasis given to each of the three key areas of weight room programming: neural, mechanical, and metabolic.
Pre-Season: Our Time to Shine
It is the one chance each year that sports practices do not take priority or leave players fatigued that they cannot give 100 percent to the physical development program.
Integration of Strength and Power Programming for the Lower Body in Spor...
Running sports are tangential in nature, so in order to optimize transfer from the weight room to the field, both vertical and horizontal movements need to be considered. To this end, the program I am going to outline will look at elements of training to ensure all bases are covered.
The Education Disconnect
A third-year sports coaching strength and conditioning major told me he had learned more about exercise technique in two 10-minute sessions under my instruction than he had over the entirety of his degree to that point. How can we ensure these students are getting the best education?
Progressions in Exercise Selection Based on Technical Proficiency
I firmly believe you have to start at the simplest movement that someone can master correctly, and then, over time, progress from that simple movement to the more complex movements. The process is one of progressive skill acquisition.
7 Items Rugby Players (and I) Can't Lift Without
I am seeing that the specific injuries that are inherent in rugby need a modified program that’s not using traditional training equipment to get results, so here are 7 of my non-traditional tools of the trade.
Build a Professional Rugby Team Through This Academy Program
I am currently working as a consultant for a pro rugby team, and I was asked about the type of player I would require moving into a pro team. Fair warning: What I wrote here may be considered heretical in the strength and conditioning world…
The Physical Requirements That Make a Rugby Player Great
In January 2017, Marc Keys and I embarked upon a labor of love to develop a questionnaire investigating what the various groups of people who make up the rugby industry think are the key elements of the physical preparation of the rugby player. Here are the results.
The Grand Unified Theory of Everything
A few years ago, I attempted to bring 4 strength sports together into a training plan for rugby. This time, I want to delve deeper into the framework that makes up the programming of these sports and how we can program them into a usable athletic development plan.