Ashley Jones

Ashley Jones has worked in three professional sports across 30+ years and seven countries. He was awarded the NSCA's Professional Coach of the Year in 2016. Ashley holds his CSCS since 1988 and his RSCC*E since 2016. In 2023, he was awarded the NSCA Boyd Epley Lifetime Achievement award.

Off-Season Running Plan
Off-Season Running Plan
Speed and energy system training for maximal ruckability.
Fix Your Boring Warm-up
Fix Your Boring Warm-up
Borrowing ideas from Olympic lifting to make pre-workout interesting and effective.
 Is This the Single Best Sports-Specific Exercise?
Is This the Single Best Sports-Specific Exercise?
My view is no other exercise delivers as much for sports performance.
Three-Way Matrix Upper Body Hypertrophy Emphasis
Three-Way Matrix Upper Body Hypertrophy Emphasis
If you want to upgrade to a 2XL t-shirt, this program can get that done.
Three Quick Circuit Finishers
Three Quick Circuit Finishers
Finish your training with one of these three circuits to shed those extra pounds…without sacrificing performance.
Off-Season Strength Training for Amateur Rugby Players
Off-Season Strength Training for Amateur Rugby Players
Get the jump on next season by showing up bigger, badder, faster and meaner…
Thoughts on Coaching
Thoughts on Coaching
Random thoughts, training concepts and wisdom from three decades as a coach.
Ruck & Maul: In Season Physical Preparation for Rugby
Ruck & Maul: In Season Physical Preparation for Rugby
Ashley outlines the physical preparation program for each member on the rugby team.
Ruck & Maul: In Season, Gym Based Programming
Ruck & Maul: In Season, Gym Based Programming
Do not just blindly follow this training template with your teams, but experiment with elements of it and come up with what works best in your own environment.
Ruck & Maul: Off Season Rugby Plan for Club Players
Ruck & Maul: Off Season Rugby Plan for Club Players
Are you an athlete struggling with off-season fat gain? Ashley Jones has the program for you.
Ruck & Maul: Specific Training for Rugby Props & Football Down Linemen
Ruck & Maul: Specific Training for Rugby Props & Football Down L...
To achieve this impressive physical resume requires one of the highest work ethics in a team and a resilience and tenacity to pursue strength and power goals like no other member of a rugby squad.
Programming for Strength: Big Is a By-Product of Strong
Programming for Strength: Big Is a By-Product of Strong
After reading the review summary of the video of the elitefts roundtable on programs and programming, I felt I had to put my ideas down to join the discussion.
Training by the Numbers 2013
Training by the Numbers 2013
A three-week loading cycle for strength and power.
Conditioning to Develop the Physically Dominant Rugby Player
Conditioning to Develop the Physically Dominant Rugby Player
Depending on the position you play, the type and level of fitness that you require may differ.
Back Three Program for Rugby
Back Three Program for Rugby
A strength and power program for rugby fullbacks and wingers.
In-Season Vs. Off-Season Considerations and Programming for Rugby
In-Season Vs. Off-Season Considerations and Programming for Rugby
An in-depth look at how one strength and conditioning coach sees the training world.
Kneeling Acceleration Step Up
Kneeling Acceleration Step Up
This variation of a single-leg step up movement works to encourage drive through the rear leg.
Strength and Conditioning for Rugby: Must Haves
Strength and Conditioning for Rugby: Must Haves
After recently being let go by the Australian Rugby Union, I’ve had time to contemplate what is important in rugby strength and conditioning—basically the “must haves” rather than the “nice to haves.”

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