A Bodybuilding Offseason (with Full Program) for the Powerlifter
The bad news: You can’t go hard all the time. It’s the quickest way to burn out — to see your progress stall, to get injured, and to lose interest in your training. The good news: A bodybuilding-style approach to the offseason has a ton of benefits for the powerlifter.
Bodybuilding for the Powerlifter: Extra Workouts
Extra workouts, if programmed right, can kick your training and results up a notch.
My Coaching Philosophy
Over the past few months, I’ve been dealing with a very difficult neck injury. Injuries suck, and my own training is limited, but I’ve had more time to expand my role as a coach. That’s been extremely rewarding, and I wanted to take the opportunity to share some of what I’ve found. Here are three […]
Your Nutritional Plan for Meet Day
You’ve done the work thus far to demonstrate your strength on the platform. Don’t ruin it with poor food choices come meet day.
The Optimal Powerbuilding Split
Powerbuilding is not just bodybuilding with the squat, bench press, and deadlift tacked on. It’s also not just powerlifting with accessory exercises.
The Optimal Bodybuilding Split
The biggest mistake I see among lifters is rushing into advanced training too soon. Let’s back up for a minute.
Bodybuilding Basics, Part 1: Bodybuilders Are Athletes
My thoughts on bodybuilding as a sport and how athletic requirements are reflected in optimal programming.
A Bodybuilding Diet for Powerlifters: How to Eat to Build Muscle and Get...
A few easy dieting strategies can make a big difference in your recovery, strength, and—most of all— how you look.
Coaching Roundup: Rows for Size, Sumo Setup & More
How to optimize your Meadows rows, perfect your sumo deadlift, and fix your external rotation fast.
Quad Rehab with BPC 157 and Movement Therapy
How I dealt with a strain in the last phases of my meet prep.
FREE 8-Week Powerbuilding Program
If you've been keeping up with my coaching log, you know that I have a different take on powerbuilding than most other lifters. And for good reason: powerbuilding isn't easy. It's difficult to program for multiple goals, and it's even more difficult to have the discipline and motivation to train for them simultaneously. Read More: […]
Pump the Brakes (and the Lats) with Elitefts Coach Ben Pollack
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ben Pollack, Ph.D. (@phdeadlift)
Putting Together Your Powerbuilding Split
...I’ll then add extra “pump” sessions to the basic split. If you’re familiar with the John Meadows style of training, you already know about pump sessions: -They avoid barbell work as much as possible and instead use machines, bands and dumbbells to put less stress on the joints.-They use light weights to avoid putting undue […]
The BEST Max Effort Exercises... For Bodybuilding?!?
Bodybuilding doesn't just have to be all fluff and pump. Check out Ben Pollack's article here!
V+E = SP: An Alternative Scale for Autoregulation
Maybe the most valuable 3 minutes you'll spend this week, outside the bedroom
Another Strategy to Improve Your Rooting
A quick foot-lacing drill to help warm up for squats and pulls.
WATCH: Advanced Deadbugs for Core Strength
Advanced takes on the traditional movement for advanced athletes
My Powerbuilding Method: Designing A Split
In Part 1 of this series, I discussed my approach to volume, and how I use autoregulation to ensure that I’m doing the appropriate amount of work each training session to meet my goals. In this second installment, I’ll explain how I set up my training micro- and mesocycles. Okay, before we jump into the […]
Autoregulation: Not Just for Weights
How to autoregulate movements to work around minor aches and pains.
A Holistic View of Autoregulation
Taylor Gohn is a Kabuki athlete, competitive strongman and former collegiate wrestler. He has coached professional athletes, strongmen, Olympic weightlifters, powerlifters and is coaching me now for my pro card in bodybuilding. This article explains his high-level approach to various forms of autoregulation. You can contact Taylor for coaching by clicking here. What is Autoregulation? […]
Three of My Favorite Bodybuilding Movements for Strength
In addressing these weaknesses, I’ve found some cool movements that I plan to incorporate into my future strength programming for prehab and corrective work.
My Superheavyweight Bodybuilding Experience
I won, but didn't perform at my best. Time to step it up.
Mid-Year Check In
Bodybuilding, trap bar deadlifts, and a return to the platform all in my (hopefully near) future.
Tackle Your Tendinitis
If you're a powerlifter, there's a good chance you've had to deal with tendinitis.. And if you've had to deal with tendinitis, you know it's definitely no fun. Tendinitis involves inflammation of the connective tissues, and can be brought on by — and interfere with — heavy training. In fact, a bad case of tendinitis […]
Paul Carter: Pressing without Pain
Shoulders, internal rotation, and preventing pain while pressing heavy.
Fixing My Squat Part 2: Head Position & Bracing
Bracing is a skill, and mastering it may require you to experiment with other aspects of your technique — like head position.
Fixing My Squat Part 1: Elbows Down
Your torso angle follows your elbows. Keep them down to get your squat up.
My Garage Gym Wishlist
If I had a million dollars, this isn't what I would buy. But if I had $10,000...
Another Quick Tip to Unf*%! Your Squat
This is a bit long for a "quick trick," but it's helped me a lot and I believe it's worth the read.
Top 5 Tricks of the Trade for the Deadlift
These are ACTUAL tricks — not your standard "deadlift more" BS.
Add BIG to Your Sumo DL With This Cue
Keep tightness in the hamstrings and find your ideal starting hip position in seconds.