5 Things Better Than Asking For Injury Help on IG
Hurt yourself? You don't need a doctor, you just need the power of the Internet!
Introducing Myoplasmic & Squatting 405x100
It's not the New Year yet, but Justin and I couldn't wait to share details on our biggest project ever.
Intensity: Bodybuilding Vs. Powerlifting
If you want to be bigger, stronger, or both — then you need to understand this.
5 Gifts for the Powerbuilder
With no weight class or aesthetic events to worry about around the holiday season, it’s a perfect opportunity to pack on some extra mass... and to pick up some gifts for your favorite powerbuilder.
3 Differences between Powerlifting and Bodybuilding
There are probably a hundred big differences, but these ones are pretty important to keep in mind if you want to get big and strong.
PROGRAM REVIEW: High Evolutionary by John Meadows
My review of the Mountain Dog's newest training program!
Building Confidence — Here's How
True confidence is ALWAYS there when you need it, but it takes work to build. Here's how.
My Favorite Gyms in the DC Area
If you're in the area for the holidays, be sure to stop by one of these gyms!
My Top 3 Foods to Get Your Bloat on This Thanksgiving
Family is great and all, but you know what Thanksgiving is really about....
Does the Pump Matter for Powerlifting?
How to incorporate bodybuilding-style training for better strength gains.
Nine Things You MUST Have to Train
If you don't have these, you might as well not even set foot in the gym.
Forward Knee Displacement in the Squat
It's a case of Goldilocks syndrome: you don't want too much or too little, but JUST the right amount for your body and your goals.
Deadlifts for Huge Lats
When performed properly, deadlifts can be a powerful exercise movement for strengthening your lats. Emphasis on "when performed properly."
Where You Train Determines Where You’ll Get
A big thanks to the guys at The Shop Gym and Big Tex Gym.
My Top 5 Prep Foods
Here’s what I eat on a regular basis to get those shreds: a few that you’d expect, and a few surprises.
Pre-Workout Gua Sha for Gains
An underrated tool for preworkout mobility that you can do in five minutes or less.
A Hypertrophy Method for Strength Athletes
The thing to keep in mind as you read the remainder of this program is that I’m describing a method of training — not a set-in-stone program. It’s up to you to apply the method to your particular context: your body, your goals, and your life situation.
Cortisone: Miracle Drug or Joint Killer?
My take on what cured my crippling knee tendonitis: It’s not evil, and it’s not magic, but it can be helpful when used correctly.
A Day in the Life
From the minute I wake up till the minute I hit the sack, here’s my daily schedule.
Powerlifting for the Bodybuilder — Are Deadlifts Overrated?
Part of my journey to getting that IFBB pro card includes getting more active in the online bodybuilding community... which also gets me into situations where I answer questions like this one: Are deadlifts overrated?
Powerlifting for the Bodybuilder — Huge Pecs
As the bodybuilder or raw powerlifter, you have to lift heavy-ass weights and build a big-ass chest. Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done! So here are some ideas (cues and a sample chest workout) to help you get started.
Bodybuilding for the Powerlifter: The Hamstrings (with Sample Deadlift R...
In this "powerbuilding" article, we’re looking at hamstrings — a muscle group bodybuilders and strength athletes alike struggle to develop. If you’re naturally lower-body dominant, you don’t need to spend tons of time on 'em. But if you’ve got piglets instead of hammies, I don’t need to convince you to read on.
Bodybuilding for the Powerlifter: Why and How to Use the Maximal Effort ...
You're not a competitive powerlifter or bodybuilder. You want to move big weights in the gym, look good naked, and still have fun training and eating. You need the maximal effort method.