Brett Kilka

The 10,000 Hour Phenomena: If You Want More, Be More!
The 10,000 Hour Phenomena: If You Want More, Be More!
Ten thousand hours. According to Malcolm Gladwell in his book, Outliers, that’s how much time industry leaders have committed to their chosen vocation.
 “Sport-Specific” Training for Youth: Athlete and Parents Beware, Part 1
“Sport-Specific” Training for Youth: Athlete and Parents Beware, Part 1
“Sport-specific” is the new marketing buzzword when it comes to strength and conditioning programs for youth. Uneducated masses of parents and coaches herd their sports teams at a young age into “athletic performance” programs that supposedly address the strength, movement, and speed demands of one specific sport.
 Too Fat to Get Fit?: Addressing the Physical Development Needs of Today’s Youth
Too Fat to Get Fit?: Addressing the Physical Development Needs of Today...
It isn’t pretty, but it’s a reality. Our youth are getting fatter and unhealthier by the day. Physical education classes are either gone or absolutely minimized in our educational curriculum. The classes that are still intact are ill-suited for the new generation.

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