The OBB Power Handles and Home GHR are back in stock!
Due to the increase in steel tariffs I had to put the sale of these products on hold until I could either find a new manufacturer or workout a new price. They’re now back in stock.
Deadlifts off 2” Mats against chains w/video of my training partner, Isa...
Isaac's meet PR is 485 so his numbers are continuing to improve at a steady rate.
The progress of Orlando Barbell’s Natalie Falbo on the M2/Minimalist Met...
Since The M2 Method is based off of reasonable projected maxes it works well for lifters of all levels.
Online Training?
I normally don't promote the fact that I offer online programming for multiple reasons.
Video of my Special Olympic athlete, CJ Piantieri's, Deadlift train...
CJ is better off reinforcing his motor pattern with the full movement each week.
When one door closes another one opens? When one chapter ends another b...
How about sometimes things just suck and you have to move on.
Live, Learn, Pass on- the Lifting CECO Superheroes Deadlift event at Orl...
Thank you to everyone involved!
Pulling the most I have in years w/video of Neal and I
elitefts teammate, Meana Albersworth, moved to nearby Port Orange last month and he's honored to be coaching her. Utilizing the Minimalist/M2 Method for her USPA meet in Miami on December 15th, follow along as Brian share notes on her progress. This month too, continue to watch how his Special Olympian athlete prepares for the Florida State Games, learn new ways
7/10- Speed Pulls and April Pulling heavy
I plan to keep alternating heavy pulls with speed pulls each week to give my lower back more recovery time.
Squatting progressively heavier w/video
Thankfully my squat seems to be progressively increasing for now.
Modified benching for shoulder pain and some upper accessory work
I finally have an appointment with an Ortho this upcoming Wednesday.
A good day of pulling is better than a bad day at work
My deadlift seems to be the one lift that’s consistently improving for me
Working around or through pain?
I’ve often read, or heard, lifters describe how they “Push through pain.”
October 13th has been confirmed for our Orlando Barbell APF Southern Sta...
We hope to see you there!
The 2018 Special Olympic Nationals with CJ Piantieri
I don’t think I’ve ever been more proud of CJ. He may not fully understand what he’s overcome, but I do.
The benefit of limited ROM training and/or reverse bands w/video
The first response our body’s make to stimulus is a neurological adaptation
Birthday Pulls w/video
I recommend doing something that scares you every now and then. It reminds you that you’re alive.
What???? Look who’s following the Minimalist/M2 Method again!
It worked before and it still works now.
If no one sees you squatting did you really squat?
And this was the last training session with the Indianians. Many tears were shed.
5/21- Deadlifts off blocks with some of the team
This was another great training session with a full crew.
Video of my Special Olympic athlete, CJ Piantieri's, Squat attempts...
If he does this in the meet, he’ll be good.
5/7- Deadlifts off 2” Mats w/vids of me and some of the crew
This is providing the biggest obstacle to me putting weight, and thus strength, back on
4/30- Raw Deadlifts w/videos, some new plans, and getting the band back ...
Follow me on my uncertain journey.
4/23- Raw Reverse Band Deadlifts w/videos of my training partner, Isaac,...
Congratulations to my training partner Isaac Sullender for pulling a huge PR of 505!
My Special Olympian Athlete, CJ Piantieri, Squatting w/video, 5 Weeks ou...
The issues are that; it’s hard to judge depth while spotting and CJ often either stops when he believes he’s at depth
4/11- Crappy Benching and innovative exercises w/video
I keep planning to post one or two training log updates a day to get caught up, but it’s easy to get distracted when you own a business.
4/9- My training partner, Isaac, and I pulling off Blocks w/video
My hope is that my coaching log will help you by: Showing the benefits of high intensity/low volume training that I’ve followed injury free for over 20 years which has developed into the The Minimalist/M2 Raw Training Method and the The M2 Equipped Training Ebook Teaching through the experiences of my training partners and I. […]
4/6- Raw Cambered Bar Squats w/video
Squatting without the box after using it for a while is always rough.
My Special Olympian Athlete, CJ Piantieri, Deadlifting w/video
I’ve trained CJ for over 9 years and have learned what he responds best to.
4/3- Raw Bench with autoimmune shoulder pain and the “no workout workout...
This wasn’t a bad idea, but it didn’t last long. I have to be honest with myself. After lifting for almost 30 years I need training partners to get motivated enough to train anymore.
3/29- Raw Parallel Box Squats against Jon Neel w/video
It’s always good to have some friendly competition. Thanks to Andrew Utterback and Isaac Sullender for helping as well.
The Second Annual Andy Blackton Memorial Strength Challenge
Next Saturday, April 28th, we'll be hosting the Second Annual Andy Blackton Memorial Strength Challenge, so there's only 1 week left to sign up!
3/26- My training partner and I pulling off mats w/video
Isaac is steadily improving while keeping me on track with my own program.
3/22- Squatting through autoimmune issues
Finally finding the right combination of meds has been crucial, but finding ways to work around the joint pain in order to keep training has been too.
Orlando Barbell’s Carley Camarotti using the Home GHR and another joy of...
Although we’re trying to improve her technique to recruit more of her hamstrings and glutes, Carley is currently a very quad dominant squatter.
3/20- Raw Benchin
I’ll be focusing more on posting updates of my clients and progress of my training partners and gym members so that there’s more of an emphasis on coaching.
My latest client spotlight
Thank you for all you have done Jason. I look forward to continuing to work with you.
3/19- Raw Deadlifts w/video of my training partner, Isaac, and I
My training partner, Isaac Sullender, has been training for years, but since he started training with me he’s been strictly following my M2 Method.
3/14- Weak raw benching
Hopefully the inflammation will continue to decrease and the situation will improve. For now this is the best I can do.
3/1- Raw Squats w/Video
This was the same amount I did off of the high box last week, but off a lower box.
2/23- Raw Squats and another unique Home GHR variation w/videos
This was a great way to perform a burnout set for both the hamstrings and abs that obviously couldn’t be done with a regular GHR.