SS Yoke Bar Squat
Worked up to a few heavy-ish doubles on the elitefts SS Yoke bar. Squat: (for convenience I just counted the bar as 45lbs) barx5 135x5 185x5 225x3 275x3 315x2 365x2 405x2 455x2 495x1 Maverick Wraps on 495x2 x 2 sets The first 495 x 1 with no wraps was really tough. I was training alone, […]
Bryan Doberdruk Returns to Full Power Pro at 2019 XPCs
I moved back to northeastern Ohio and started training with a new group to prepare for the 2019 XPCs. For the last couple of years, I've only done the 21-Deadlift Salute. This year, though, I decided to come back and do the full meet, and here are the final results.