Bryan Doberdruk


Bryan is the owner of Iron Athlete Sports Performance, a private training facility in Concord, Ohio designed specifically for athletes. He trains athletes (ages eight years old through collegiate and professional). Bryan has a bachelor's degree in exercise science from Shawnee State University. Other education and certifications include: Parisi Speed School Sports Performance Coach, USA Weightlifting Certified Sports Performance Coach, International Youth Conditioning Association certified Youth Fitness Specialist, and Crossfit Level 1 Trainer. At 220 raw with wraps, his best lifts include a 675 squat, 430 bench, and 755 deadlift (782 deadlift multi-ply).

SSB Pause Squat
SSB Pause Squat
SS Yoke bar pause squat doubles
Single Leg work
Single Leg work
Single leg Stuff
DB Pressing
DB Pressing
Trying to get stronger
Overhead Press
Overhead Press
shoulders and back
SSB Pause squat
SSB Pause squat
ssb pause squats
Rehab work
Rehab work
Long overdue rehab..
Pec Strain
Pec Strain
Not me in the pic, but you get the idea....
Squatting with Cooper
Squatting with Cooper
Just like old times...
ME Squatting
ME Squatting
same set up, more weight
Bench Accessory and Conditioning
Bench Accessory and Conditioning
Some lifting and a tiny bit of running....
DE Squatting
DE Squatting
squats to the elitefts squat box
Bench Single
Bench Single
easy 405 bench
Wrapped Squat
Wrapped Squat
light squatting
Bench Reps
Bench Reps
lots of reps (for me)
Bench Overload
Bench Overload
first time slingshot benching
DL's and pause squats
Squat Singles
Squat Singles
Easy 570 x 1
SSB Pause Squats
SSB Pause Squats
yoke bar pause squats
Bench vs Mini band
Bench vs Mini band
great upper body day
Deadlift Volume
Deadlift Volume
Lots of sets, little rest
Benching at Elitefts
Benching at Elitefts
Training with Dave Tate and Ted Toalston
Squat Day
Squat Day
First single back in wraps
SSB Box squats
SSB Box squats
Safety bar Box Squat
Bench Volume
Bench Volume
Lots of sets of 10
Upper body
Upper body
Colley Presses and Pullups (with exciting pullup video)
Floor Press + Chains
Floor Press + Chains
Floor pressing and Close Grip Cambered bar pressing
SS Yoke Bar Squat
SS Yoke Bar Squat
Worked up to a few heavy-ish doubles on the elitefts SS Yoke bar. Squat: (for convenience I just counted the bar as 45lbs) barx5 135x5 185x5 225x3 275x3 315x2 365x2 405x2 455x2 495x1 Maverick Wraps on 495x2 x 2 sets The first 495 x 1 with no wraps was really tough. I was training alone, […]
Some DL fun
Some DL fun
equipped deadlifting
Bench Triples
Bench Triples
Heavy Triple and Pin Presses
Squats vs bands
Squats vs bands
heavy box squats triples
Bench w/ Shoulder Saver
Bench w/ Shoulder Saver
Love this variation
1st Post meet deadlift
1st Post meet deadlift
Deadlift with Video
5x5 squat
5x5 squat
lots of reps
Back to Work
Back to Work
back to the drawing board
Bryan Doberdruk Returns to Full Power Pro at 2019 XPCs
Bryan Doberdruk Returns to Full Power Pro at 2019 XPCs
I moved back to northeastern Ohio and started training with a new group to prepare for the 2019 XPCs. For the last couple of years, I've only done the 21-Deadlift Salute. This year, though, I decided to come back and do the full meet, and here are the final results.
2 days out... Recovery
2 days out... Recovery
Headed to Arctic Recovery
Tuesday before the meet
Tuesday before the meet
a few more days
Squat opener(ish)
Squat opener(ish)
easy opener in the books.
Bench Opener
easy bench opener in the books
Deadlift Opener
Deadlift Opener
last deadlift befor the Arnold

Items 60 to 118 of 389 total