Outlifted by JP Carroll (Video)
Out lifted by JP.... I'm in the same boat as most people on this planet.
First good Deadlift
Winning the XPC 21 Deadlift Salute for the second year in the row as a LW, Bryan is ready for an off-season. Feeling great, he’s looking forward to preparing for a full meet next. When he’s not coaching athletes at his gym, The Strength Lab in Wilmington, Ohio, Bryan is training at the elitefts S5 Compound in London, Ohio. It’s
Bench Doubles
Since my meet last month I haven't really pushed anything significant in the bench press. I wasn't really planning on it this workout either, but it was one of those days where you feel good. Warmup: Band Pull a parts, facepulls, reverse grip dumbbell bench press Bench Press: bar x 10 135x10 185x5 225x5 275x2 […]
The Last Weekend at the S4 Compound
Great last training session at the S4 compound. This place will be missed!
Best Gyms in Ohio (That I've visited)
I'm sure I could add a couple more to this list, but here are some of the baddest gyms in Ohio that I've trained in. Let me know what I'm missing!
Bench Day at the S4 Compound
Bryan is co-owner of The Strength Lab in Wilmington, Ohio. When he’s not coaching athletes at his gym, he’s training at the elitefts S5 Compound in London, Ohio. It’s here, the eyes of Dave Tate and Ted Toalston (and more) constantly reshape his lifting technique. Follow along with his prep for the XPC 21 Deadlift Salute during the 2018
Meet Report: Bryan Doberdruk, Rivercity Barbell Fall Throwdown
Raw 220. Squat, 675. Bench, 425. Deadlift, 755. Total 1,855.
Squat opener for September 16th.
635 squat opener for RPS Meet at Rivercity Barbell on September 16.
Squat. 5 week out
Sept 16 I'm competing in an RPS Meet at Rivercity Barbell in Newport, KY. My squat has been going really well, and I'm on track to hit a big PR. Squat: barx10 1 plate x5 2 plates x5 3 plates x3 4 plates x2 5 platesx1 575x1 615x1 660x1 for a gym PR I'm pretty […]
Training at Port City Sports Performance (with gym tour)
Trained at Port City Sports Performance in Wilmington, NC.