4th of July Squats and Deadlifts
We had a nice group train together July 4th at The Strength Lab. We finished up a 3 week wave of box squats vs the EliteFTS Strong Bands. Week 1 - worked up to a triple, Week 2 a double, and this week was a heavy single. Due to some cranky elbows in our training […]
Bench program week 2 day 2
Week 2 of my bench program. It's an 8 week program 2x per week and you max out on the 9th week. I've struggled to really put anything on my bench in the past year or two so I'm giving this a whirl. It's a lot more volume than I'm used to but as long […]
More Incline Pressing
Last week my training crew at The Strength Lab and I worked up to a 3rm on incline bench, this week to a 2 RM. We pretty much never incline barbell bench and I'm decent ad DB incline so I don't know why I suck so bad with a bar, but at least everyone else […]