Bryan Doberdruk


Bryan is the owner of Iron Athlete Sports Performance, a private training facility in Concord, Ohio designed specifically for athletes. He trains athletes (ages eight years old through collegiate and professional). Bryan has a bachelor's degree in exercise science from Shawnee State University. Other education and certifications include: Parisi Speed School Sports Performance Coach, USA Weightlifting Certified Sports Performance Coach, International Youth Conditioning Association certified Youth Fitness Specialist, and Crossfit Level 1 Trainer. At 220 raw with wraps, his best lifts include a 675 squat, 430 bench, and 755 deadlift (782 deadlift multi-ply).

Heavy(ish) benching
Heavy(ish) benching
relatively pain free 405 to the chest
SSB Speed Squats
SSB Speed Squats
Dynamic efforts ssb box squats
Deadlifts and Rack Pulls
Deadlifts and Rack Pulls
light deadlift and heavy rack pulls
Benching (Full ROM)
Benching (Full ROM)
First time touching my chest in a while...
Speed Bench
Speed Bench
pain free benching
655 Squat at EliteFTS
655 Squat at EliteFTS
a nice, easy 5 lb squat PR
Birthday Bench Press
Birthday Bench Press
Attempt of a Bench PR
4th of July Squats and Deadlifts
4th of July Squats and Deadlifts
We had a nice group train together July 4th at The Strength Lab. We finished up a 3 week wave of box squats vs the EliteFTS Strong Bands. Week 1 - worked up to a triple, Week 2 a double, and this week was a heavy single. Due to some cranky elbows in our training […]
Sunday Benching at the S4 Compound
Sunday Benching at the S4 Compound
Great bench day at EliteFTS
Squat Mornings
Squat Mornings
Mixing it up a little bit.
Squat triples vs Strong Bands
Squat triples vs Strong Bands
Squats and DL vs Bands
Bench Pressing
Bench Pressing
Colley Press video, compliments of Nate Harvey
UGSS Day 2
UGSS Day 2
day 2 of the Team Elitefts UGSS
UGSS Day 1
UGSS Day 1
UGSS write up and Video
Heavy Squats and Speed Pulls
Heavy Squats and Speed Pulls
Great training session with the Strength Lab Crew
Tuesday's Bench Workout
Tuesday's Bench Workout
still having some shoulder issues
Squats and Deadlifts.
Squats and Deadlifts.
building the dealdift
Squats 6/5
Squats 6/5
walked out squats for the first time in years
Recovery Week
Recovery Week
Las Vegas for the week!
Max Effort Squats at Elitefts
Max Effort Squats at Elitefts
heavy squats with a lot of band tension
Recovery Day
Recovery Day
Deep tissue massage
Deadlift Triple
Deadlift Triple
DL's and Rack Pulls
Gym PR Squat
Gym PR Squat
600x2 for a gym PR
Speed DL week 3 of 3 vs Heavy Bands (Video)
Speed DL week 3 of 3 vs Heavy Bands (Video)
Speed pulls and a couple heavier reps
Bench Program. Week 7, Day 1
Bench Program. Week 7, Day 1
had to shut it down due to strained pec
5/13/17 Squats at Elitefts (w Video)
5/13/17 Squats at Elitefts (w Video)
The fastest I've ever moved 600 lbs.
Bench Program. Week 6, Day 2.
Bench Program. Week 6, Day 2.
looking forward to finishing this program...
Speed Pulls Week 2 of 3
Speed Pulls Week 2 of 3
some fast reps at 365 + bands
Heavy(ish) single vs pro strong bands
Heavy(ish) single vs pro strong bands
Video of my 465 + strong bands squat from tonight
Bench Program. Week 5, Day 2 (+video)
Bench Program. Week 5, Day 2 (+video)
Hit 325x15 reps pretty easily.
Wednesday's Speed Deadlift
Wednesday's Speed Deadlift
Back to deadlifting and officially signed up for my next meet!
Bench Program: Week 5, Day 1
Bench Program: Week 5, Day 1
another good bench day in the books...
Squat Doubles vs Heavy bands
Squat Doubles vs Heavy bands
415+strong bands x 2 and first time in 300cm knee wraps.
SSB Max Effort at EliteFTS
SSB Max Effort at EliteFTS
545 squat on the safety squat bar at the compound.
Recovery Day
Recovery Day
massage and mobility work
Bench Program: Week 4, Day 1
Bench Program: Week 4, Day 1
Bench. week 4, day 1. 385x5 with video
Speed Squats
Speed Squats
speed squats and sled drags - no fun
Bench Program: Week 3 day 2
Bench Program: Week 3 day 2
week 3 of my bench program completed
Bench Program: Week 3 day 1
Bench Program: Week 3 day 1
Bench Press: week 3 (day 1) of 9
Squat day at The Strength Lab
Squat day at The Strength Lab
another day of squatting
Bench program week 2 day 2
Bench program week 2 day 2
Week 2 of my bench program. It's an 8 week program 2x per week and you max out on the 9th week. I've struggled to really put anything on my bench in the past year or two so I'm giving this a whirl. It's a lot more volume than I'm used to but as long […]
Bench program week 2
Bench program week 2
working on getting to that 450 raw bench
Deadlift doubles vs bands
Deadlift doubles vs bands
another good DL workout in the books
Post meet Elitefts Field Trip
Post meet Elitefts Field Trip
Strength Lab field trip to Elitefts
Strength Lab's "Chalk up or Shut up" Meet
Strength Lab's "Chalk up or Shut up" Meet
6th annual "chalk up or shut up" meet at The Strength Lab
Start of a new Bench Program
Start of a new Bench Program
Day 1 of a 9 week bench program
Squat triples
Squat triples
1st time back under a straight bar post meet....
Tied a 3rm bench at The Compound
Tied a 3rm bench at The Compound
tied a Bench PR hitting 405x3
Speed DL
Speed DL
deficit speed pulls vs bands and other fun hamstring work
Incline Bench
Incline Bench
A nice PR on the incline
Weekend Squats at Elitefts
Weekend Squats at Elitefts
ssb squats at The Compound
SSB Squats and Straight leg deadlifts
SSB Squats and Straight leg deadlifts
just trying to recover from the flu bug that hit my house....
More Incline Pressing
More Incline Pressing
Last week my training crew at The Strength Lab and I worked up to a 3rm on incline bench, this week to a 2 RM. We pretty much never incline barbell bench and I'm decent ad DB incline so I don't know why I suck so bad with a bar, but at least everyone else […]

Items 296 to 354 of 389 total