Old Man Conjugate: Survive and Thrive 2022 and Beyond Part 2: Home Gym E...
Options for all budgets.
Goodmornings with the Dr. Squat Strap
Video: Showing you how to build a bigger, stronger Squat, Deadlift and booty!
Old Man Conjugate: My Top 3 Upper Body Movements to Improve Strength and...
The Bandbell Bar is King
Old Man Conjugate: Improvise, Adapt and Overcome
What to do when stuff isn’t going according to the plan.
My 4 Go To Stretches to Improve Your Hip Mobility Fast + Videos
Be more mobile, reduce pain and perform better!
Two Awesome Exercises You Are Not Doing Right Now
Get a bigger squat and deadlift with these right now! Watch the videos!
New Exercise to Build Your Deadlift + Video
I’ve got a New Exercise to Build Your Deadlift today that is a WINNER! And I wish I thought of it. Sadly I didn’t, Mike Bartos of MB Powercenter did and it works, fast. If you are not familiar with Mike or his products, you should be. He creates innovative and extremely well engineered and […]
So You Want to Be a Strongman?-VIDEO LOG
Tips and advice to save you time and frustration. PLUS A FREE TRAINING PROGRAM!
60 Second Quick Fix: Overhead Press
It’ll take longer to read the article than to watch the video inside.
Foot Position the Bench Press: Does it matter and what’s the difference?
Pros and cons; read this to figure out what’s best for you.
Weight Loss Tips from Two Guys Who Lost 100 Pounds Each
Check out this interview with Vincent Dizenzo
Control what you can, don’t worry about the rest.
Tons of good advice for those who worry about things they cannot control.
How to Eliminate Wrist Pain While Building Strong(er) Triceps and a Huge...
Watch the video and see how. It’s under 10 minutes.
Reinjury- What you think and what you say matters.
It’s not a question of if, it’s a question of when and how bad.
My Top 3 Posterior Chain Exercises to Build Your Squat and Deadlift
Get a big, strong arse and hammies, PLUS over 30 minutes of instructional videos on how to do them.
Bye Bye Skinfold Calipers-A Business Lesson in Results and Retention
There is a better way-less creepy too.