Post Turkey Day PumpFest
Training on the road and finding hidden gym gems loaded with EliteFTS gear.
Benching Like I'm Supposed To
With 2 weeks of the academy left to go, I'm back to benching like I should be.
W9D1 - Academy Training - Squat/DL
Powerlifting 101, Lesson 1 - avoid movements that aggravate pre-existing injuries.
W8D3 - Bench - Academy Training
Heavy tempo benching continues to make me feel like less of a man, week after week.
W7D3 - Back Accessory - Academy Training
Pull-ups are on the upswing, and I've got a new favorite back exercise.
W6D4?! - Four Days a Week Never Felt So Good!
Every workout counts when you're feeling gym deprived, no matter how small it is.
W6D1 - Academy Training - Squat / DL
More of the same - "waistband" deadlifts and cambered bar convulsions.
W5D3 - Academy Training - Shoulder/Arm Accessory
Squeezed in an awesome pump up session between class.
W5D2 - Academy Training - Bench
It appears that I'm holding onto my strength better than my mind is making me believe I am
W5D1 - Academy Training - Squat / DL
Lower body workouts are continuing to go well despite the weight loss.
W4D3 - Academy Training - Bench
I'm beginning to settle into the daily routine of the academy, and seeing how I can fit more workouts in. The future looks bright.
W4D1 and D2 - Squat/DL and Back Accessory
Even though I'm getting paid to do it, withering away at the academy sorta sucks!
W3D2 - Academy Training - Bench
September 18 - Bench 5 Second Eccentric Bench Press Worked up to 380 8x2. I gotta admit, the last few sets were really freakin' humbling. Heavy tempo work ain't no joke! Incline DB Bench 100's x 12 115's x 12 125's x 10 130's x 8 - went off the prescribed rep range a little, […]
W3D1 and D2 - Academy Training - Squat/DL and Back Accessory
I've never been so excited to be able to train an extra day in a week. Fittin' it in when I can.
W2D2 - Academy Training - Squat/DL
Drinking the kettlebell Kool Aid as the fire academy begins to take its toll.
W2D1 - Academy Training - Bench
September 8th - Bench Normally would squat on this day, but we had a particularly brutal day of PT on the Friday prior to this session that really smoked my legs. I figured that since I'm only training twice a week, flipping around which order I hit things in shouldn't be that big of a […]
W1D1 - Academy Training - Squat/DL
Training is not the #1 priority in my life for the first time in as long as I can remember. Time to be a big boy.
Bi's for the Guys
There's nothing like an arm only day for a bodybuilder in denial to get away from his powerlifting roots.
Post Meet Pumpin' and Life As a Recruit
Right after the meet, I jumped into the biggest challenge I've ever taken in my life - becoming a professional firefighter. Here's how my training will adjust.
Week 11 - Deload Gone Wrong, but What Would Chuck V Do?
I'm going to make WWCVD a powerlifting mantra. Inspired by the man, the myth, the legend himself.
Week 10 Day 4 - Last Workout Before the Meet!
Last workout before next week's pre meet deload begins. The excitement's really building for game day.
Week 10 Day 2 - Heavy Bench
Fairly routine bench session for being 2 weeks out. Feeling ready to rock for a big bench.
Week 9 - Prepping for Life - The Fluff Stuff
7/28 - Accessory Day Pullups 6 sets of bodyweight only x AMRAP on the EliteFTS monkey chin bar, alternating grip on every set Seated DB Arnold Front Raises 4x12 - Not sure what the proper term for this exercise is, just calling them this because I got these from Arnold's exercise book I bought as […]
Week 9 - Prepping for Life - The Heavy Stuff
2 big PR's 2 weeks out from the meet. There's no better time to be SFW!
The Easiest "Hard" Decision Ever
Unfortunately, competing at Boss of Bosses is off the table. But the next 25 years of my life are looking pretty awesome.
What's that Fistful of Pills For?
A quick piece on some of the less glamorous supplements I take for general health.
Week 7 - BOB3 Prep
In a sport where there's always something to work on, sometimes...there is nothing to work on other than just continuing to work. Strength conundrums!
Week 6 - BOB3 Prep
A solid training session on my weakest lift, the deadlift, boosted confidence for the rest of the week's training.
End of Week 5 - BOB3 Prep
7/1 was my accessory day in its usual format - Lat pulldown variation, front raises, side raises, 3 different rear delt exercises, biceps/triceps, and GHR's. On this day, I am big on variety and enjoy selecting exercises by feel. 7/3 - "Speed" Bench Day In past programs under coach Mike's direction, we have utilized this […]