Tuesday max effort bench
Missed a weight I could have hit, but came back and hit ten pounds under it very easily. It's all about the eccentric.
Sunday squats/pulls 9 weeks out XPC Finals
I'm battling a sinus/ear infection so today wiped me out but I'm happy with what I did based off of how I was feeling going into training.
Sunday squats and good mornings 10 weeks out XPC Finals
I was feeling whooped going into today's training session so I kept everything relatively light.
Saturday speed bench
Standard speed bench day. I love using the cambered bar for assistance work especially on light days.
Sunday squat/deadlift volume 11 weeks out XPC finals
A lot of volume today. I'm beat to say the least.
Thursday DE squat/deadlift
Squats at 465 against Onyx Average bands and deadlifts against double monster minis.
Friday speed bench
I was allowed back at RMU for a day as a guest!! (sarcasm) I was fortunate enough to meet Zach Reed of Georgia Tech who is a big dude but an even nicer guy.
Monday bench 6 days out
I hit singles up to 405 which is heavier than I have gone in the past, but just trying something new I suppose. It felt great and moved great.
The Importance of the Eccentric
If you want the bar to come back up, you need to take care of how it goes down.
Monday bench 1.5 weeks out
The best 500 has moved in as long as I can remember. Probably the best it's felt in training.
Wednesday squats 2 weeks out
Goal today was triples up to whatever felt good. Starting to move forward again, slowly.
Speed bench
Different twist on speed bench day- going with heavier straight weight and using reverse bands
Wednesday squats 3 weeks out
Starting over on squats- trying to accelerate light weight and get back in the groove
Thursday sq/dl
I feel like a sack of sh*t. 50% feels like it might staple me at any point. I can't stay tight. I'm shaking like a leaf on the eccentric. My IT bands are giving me shooting pains. I have no drive out of the whole. Everything is slow. End rant. I'm just frustrated mainly because […]
Frustrated? Me too...
Casey Williams began powerlifting after a career in Division I football at Bucknell University. His current best raw lifters are an 810 squat, 540 bench, and 738 deadlift for a 2088-pound total in the 242-pound weight class.
Monday light bench and a new plan
"Sometimes it takes bigger balls to walk away from something than it does to go through with something stupid."
Wednesday squats 6 weeks out
Really just a terrible squat not. Lost some confidence in myself and to be honest was just scared of the weight.
Monday assistance work for bench
I included a video of the walking 1/4 dips because I was getting a few questions on those...
Saturday speed bench at the Onnit Academy
I visited Austin Tx and spent the week at Onnit, the supplement company that has sponsored me since I started in powerlifting.
The Wisdom of Insecurity Ch. 9
"It is obvious that the only interesting people are interested people..."
WATCH: Casey Williams' Bench Methods and 12-Week Raw Program
These 6-week max effort and 4-week dynamic effort waves have taken Casey’s raw bench to 540 pounds. Watch as he explains his approach to chasing 600 and how you can use his methods yourself.
EliteFTS interview discussing the bench press
Two videos from EliteFTS -what I do for my bench programming and why