Casey Williams

Casey Williams after finishing his college football career at Bucknell University, he dove into powerlifting in 2010. He won the 242 class at RUM 7 and 8 in 2014/2015.His best lifts to date are an 810 squat, 540 bench, and 738 deadlift with a 2088 total at 242 raw with wraps. He also hit a 2300lb total in his only single ply meet going 850-650-800. In 2020, he opened Victory Float Lounge in Pittsburgh, PA and continues to Live, Learn, Pass On through coaching strength athletes online.

Saturday speed pulls
Saturday speed pulls
Speed pulls with Matt Smith giving me some coaching and me being my dumb self.
Bench technique at the Compound
Bench technique at the Compound
Getting tight BEFORE taking the bar out. Breathing into my chest as much as my belly. Meeting the bar on the eccentric.
Wednesday speed squats
Wednesday speed squats
Really light speed day
The Wisdom of Insecurity Ch. 8
The Wisdom of Insecurity Ch. 8
"There is no formula for generating the authentic warmth of love."
Monday bench max 5
Monday bench max 5
Worked up to 455, was looking for 5 but 3 was all she wrote today. Spotter helped me on #4.
Sunday deads
Sunday deads
Deficit deads up to 655x3 to beat last training cycle
WATCH: Training Chest at elitefts Compound with Dave Tate
WATCH: Training Chest at elitefts Compound with Dave Tate
I'm still learning how to train like a bodybuilder in my current cycle. Here's the full workout and everything Dave taught me this week.
Friday speed bench
Friday speed bench
Went from mini bands to light bands for the next four week wave
Wednesday squats 10 weeks out
Wednesday squats 10 weeks out
Squats up to 600 for 4 sets of 3-4 reps.
The Wisdom of Insecurity Ch. 7
The Wisdom of Insecurity Ch. 7
"The more the fly struggles to get out of the honey, the faster he is stuck."
Sunday rehab
Sunday rehab
My low back feels like hell. This made it feel less like hell.
Saturday Deadlifts 10 weeks out
Saturday Deadlifts 10 weeks out
Deficit Deads at the compound and helping Steve with his seminar
Friday bench
Friday bench
Dave told me my arms are too small for a 540 he told me how I'm going to bench 600.
Wednesday  squats 11 weeks out
Wednesday squats 11 weeks out
560x5x5 on squats tonight. Headed in the right direction.
Monday bench 11 weeks out
Monday bench 11 weeks out
Worked up to 385+170# of tension (555) for a single. Missed 405 after that.
Online coaching and programming
Online coaching and programming
Ladies and gentlemen, can I please have your attention. I've just been handed an urgent and horrifying news story." -Ron Burgundy
Sunday deads 11 weeks out
Sunday deads 11 weeks out
Deficit DL up to 505x5x3 sets
Friday speed bench
Friday speed bench
Week 3 of a 4 week wave. Starting at double red minis and adding a chain every week.
The Wisdom of Insecurity Ch. 6
The Wisdom of Insecurity Ch. 6
"A menu is very useful, but it is no substitute for the dinner."
Wednesday squats and pulls 12 weeks out
Wednesday squats and pulls 12 weeks out
First time squatting five plates in about 8 weeks. Felt heavy but I'm ahead of schedule and they moved pretty well.
Monday bench against red minis 12 weeks out
Monday bench against red minis 12 weeks out
405-425 against double red minis for 5 sets of 2-3. A little bit all over the place but I'm trying something 'new.'
Sunday SQ/DL 12 weeks out
Sunday SQ/DL 12 weeks out
Squat and Deadlift volume around 400x5x5 for both
The Wisdom of Insecurity Ch. 5
The Wisdom of Insecurity Ch. 5
Facing Insecurities
Friday speed bench
Friday speed bench
Standard speed bench day
Wednesday SQ/DL 12 weeks out
Wednesday SQ/DL 12 weeks out
Deep tissue massage, some light volume on squats and deads, and on the right track to getting back to 100%.
Monday floor press (12 weeks out)
Monday floor press (12 weeks out)
I went ham on the volume today because it felt good, and probably because I was inconsistent.
The Wisdom of Insecurity Ch. 4
The Wisdom of Insecurity Ch. 4
"The Wisdom of the Body"
Sunday squat and dead- 12 weeks out
Sunday squat and dead- 12 weeks out
First day back to squatting and deadlifting. Light light light
Friday speed bench
Friday speed bench
Typical speed bench day, light on the assistance work to rest up for the beginning of December meet prep.
The Wisdom of Insecurity Ch. 3
The Wisdom of Insecurity Ch. 3
"[The Lesson of] the Great Stream"
Plan moving forward
Plan moving forward
Looking at the rest of 2015, into 2016, I have a few goals that I have set for myself.
Wednesday rehab week 4
Wednesday rehab week 4
Last day of sled pulls as my main lower movement. That makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
Bodybuilding week 4
Bodybuilding week 4
Today is my last bodybuilding day. Sunday I can start squatting and deadlifting again, and Monday will be back to conjugate max effort work.
The Wisdom of Insecurity Ch. 2
The Wisdom of Insecurity Ch. 2
Pain and Time, Instinct vs Anxiety
Sunday rehab week 4
Sunday rehab week 4
Easy day of sled pulls, tough day of grip work
Friday extra training day
Friday extra training day
Worked around the RMU men's basketball team as they did their bench test.
Personal Note
Personal Note
"The Wisdom of Insecurity" by Alan Watts
Wednesday Week 3 rehab
Wednesday Week 3 rehab
More sled work and quad pumps
Bodybuilding week 3
Bodybuilding week 3
*Video- some sh*t talking and then one set of bench, but possibly entertaining to watch
Sunday rehab week 3
Sunday rehab week 3
Getting better at pulling the sled, still suck at grip work
Friday extra bodybuilding day
Friday extra bodybuilding day
Reps, pumps, and bathroom pics with a terrible "lat spread" as I've been informed...
Wednesday PRP injection
Wednesday PRP injection
PRP injection, hyperbaric chamber, and coaching the squat.
Monday Week 2 bodybuilding upper
Monday Week 2 bodybuilding upper
I still dislike the slow tempo and high reps but I got da pump
Sunday Week 2 rehab
Sunday Week 2 rehab
Sled pulls and back work...and Ed Coan said 'you're doing it wrong.'
Friday extra workout
Friday extra workout
heavy sled pulls for an extra workout
Wednesday Week 1 of Rehab
Wednesday Week 1 of Rehab
Week 1 Day 2 rehab- 'heavier' sled pulls
Week 1 of bodybuilding bench day
Week 1 of bodybuilding bench day
Bodybuilding upper day- incline bench 225x15x5 sets
Sunday week 1 of rehab
Sunday week 1 of rehab
Week 1 of rehab- sled pulls, grip work, and core work
Friday speed bench
Friday speed bench
Typical speed bench today. Switched back to the Swiss press bar and threw in a push up variation against a band.
New meet, new plan
New meet, new plan
RPS meet in December in Columbus and the Arnold in March about 8 weeks later...after about a month of rehab
Wednesday squats and a pull out
Wednesday squats and a pull out
It's a marathon, not a sprint...
Monday bench -doubles at 90%
Monday bench -doubles at 90%
Well the frustrations set in from my hamstring and a bad bench day. So I threw a shoe...
Sunday Deadlifts 4 weeks out
Sunday Deadlifts 4 weeks out
A bad deadlift day and scrambling to regroup...
Friday speed bench
Friday speed bench
Speed bench 185 plus double red minis plus 3 chains per side and 100 rep sets of whatever I felt like doing.
Wednesday squat rehab 4 weeks out
Wednesday squat rehab 4 weeks out
Worked up to about 90% with reverse light bands in an attempt to feel some heavy weight and keep my hamstring recovery on the right path.
Fat bar floor press 5 weeks out
Fat bar floor press 5 weeks out
Floor press up to 445x3 and 475x5 with the slingshot against 60# of chains
Sunday squat/deadlift rehab
Sunday squat/deadlift rehab
Rehabbing my hamstring- squats and deads both up to 3 plates today.
Friday speed bench
Friday speed bench
Typical speed bench training day. Lightening up on the assistance work 5 weeks out.

Items 591 to 649 of 740 total