Casey Williams after finishing his college football career at Bucknell University, he dove into powerlifting in 2010. He won the 242 class at RUM 7 and 8 in 2014/2015.His best lifts to date are an 810 squat, 540 bench, and 738 deadlift with a 2088 total at 242 raw with wraps. He also hit a 2300lb total in his only single ply meet going 850-650-800. In 2020, he opened Victory Float Lounge in Pittsburgh, PA and continues to Live, Learn, Pass On through coaching strength athletes online.
Box squat, briefs, Duffalo bar 385x2x9 sets against average bands (160#) 495x1, 605x1, 605x1, 655x1 I plan on working up to a heavy single as often as possible as part of my Dynamic effort day. And my other squat day, I guess my "raw" squat day, I will be working on some CAT style squats. […]