Casey Williams

Casey Williams after finishing his college football career at Bucknell University, he dove into powerlifting in 2010. He won the 242 class at RUM 7 and 8 in 2014/2015.His best lifts to date are an 810 squat, 540 bench, and 738 deadlift with a 2088 total at 242 raw with wraps. He also hit a 2300lb total in his only single ply meet going 850-650-800. In 2020, he opened Victory Float Lounge in Pittsburgh, PA and continues to Live, Learn, Pass On through coaching strength athletes online.

RPR Clinic
RPR Clinic
I took JL's RPR level 1 clinic and here's what you need to know...
Week 13 speed squats and deads
Week 13 speed squats and deads
Focus on squats- speed, Focus on deads- volume and getting my hips stronger, again...
Week 13 Bench
Week 13 Bench
Feeling my way through some accommodating resistance
Week 13 Squats
Week 13 Squats
RPR fixed me, watch for follow up article...
Week 12 Bench
Week 12 Bench
lessons (re)learned
Week 11 Bench
Week 11 Bench
moving forward...
Week 11 Squats
Week 11 Squats
Clusterf**k of a training session
Health Update, Meet Plans
Health Update, Meet Plans
one step forward, two back, etc.
Week 10 Squats
Week 10 Squats
first week of zerchers went well
Week 9 speed bench
Week 9 speed bench
Bro'd out on a Friday
Week 9 deadlift
Week 9 deadlift
Great day! I feel like a man again
Week 9 bench
Week 9 bench
week 1 (of 3) floor press bruh
Week 9 squats
Week 9 squats
Just a shit training day and a shit attitude to go with it.
Week 8 deadlift
Week 8 deadlift
Distracted training
Week 8 bench
Week 8 bench
Finished the last week of this bench cycle
Week 8 Squat
Week 8 Squat
Squats turned into deadlifts
Week 7 Bench
Week 7 Bench
One week left of volume
Week 7 Squats
Week 7 Squats
Working through it
Week 6 speed squats
Week 6 speed squats
Long day and slow speed work
Week 6 Bench
Week 6 Bench
Bench is doing what it does
Week 6 squat
Week 6 squat
Status quo in the squat
Week 5 Training
Week 5 Training
Getting the ball rolling now...
Week 4 Training
Week 4 Training
Getting my footing again...
What 30 feels like...
What 30 feels like...
I had an incredible week thanks to Yessie and our family and friends.
Training: Week 3
Training: Week 3
I turned 30 and I feel like shit!
Union Fitness does a PL meet!
Union Fitness does a PL meet!
And we're proud as hell of them!
Training week 2
Training week 2
Limited training still...
Training: Week 1
Training: Week 1
Preparation for the US Open
“Burying the needle”
“Burying the needle”
"The mind that perceives the limitation, IS the limitation."
NY trip and a surprise
We're engaged!
Training update
Training update
New challenges
First UC flare up
First UC flare up
Jocko- "Discipline is Freedom."
Limited Training
Limited Training
I got two training days in this week, unfortunately.
Training update
Training update
Travel, wedding, squats, goodbye S4
Ramblings about success and money
Saturday squats
Saturday squats
First training day in 5 days...
Training catch up
Training catch up
I'm exhausted...
Deadlift PR
Deadlift PR
Finally tested my conventional pull and hit a 15# PR!
Monday bench 25 reps at 415
Monday bench 25 reps at 415
415x5x5 video included, plus my awesome bench set up...
Fat bar bench, Deficit DL, Bow bar squats
Wednesday DL
Wednesday DL
Solid DL day, GM's blow
Ego Is the Enemy
Ego Is the Enemy
Let me introduce you to a young gentleman from my gym. Like a lot of inexperienced lifters, he didn't understand what it really means to keep your nose to the grindstone. easy easy
Battling ulcerative colitis, follow Casey's journey of gaining back his body weight and making lifestyle changes (diet, stress, medicinal) to resume his platform position for May’s US Open. For the sake of your relationship, watch Coupled in Strength, where he and Yessica Martinez share their relationship woes and wows to transform your atrophied love to swole love.
I don't know if anyone realizes this besides me, but I like to use the above image when I bitch and moan...
Wednesday Pulls
Wednesday Pulls
Beginning of some volumes on deals as well...F deficit pulls
Monday bench
Monday bench
Beginning of some raw bench volume before getting back in the shirt
Meet Report: UPA Summer Showdown 2017 at Old School Iron
Meet Report: UPA Summer Showdown 2017 at Old School Iron
At the beginning of this year I lost 60 pounds in less than eight weeks. I couldn’t stand longer than a few minutes because I was so tired. I couldn’t go up or down stairs without losing my breath. It was humbling, to say the least.
OSI Meet Write Up
OSI Meet Write Up
Finished the meet and stayed healthy...for the most part.
Friday pre-meet
Friday pre-meet
Ready to rolllll
Wrapping up training
Wrapping up training
Back to the platform in seven short days...
Squat/DL openers
Squat/DL openers
716 squat and deadlift opener
I was gassed today...
Heavy squats
Heavy squats
Making strides in the squat...
Speed pulls
Speed pulls
And some conventional block pulls

Items 237 to 295 of 740 total