XPC Finals week 7 Deads
Great day for deadlifts! Ahead of schedule with this pull. We'll see what another six weeks of training brings for the platform.
WATCH: Anterior Pelvic Tilt Compilation Series — Dani Overcash and Casey...
In these six videos, Dani identifies and helps resolve Casey's hip issues while squatting. How can Casey's powerlifting setback help you?
XPC Finals week 7 Squats
My squat technique has to improve, and I think today was a big step toward fixing it.
XPC finals week 8 squats
Decent squat day. Adjusting to heavier weights earlier this training cycle.
Last DL before the meet
I put my suit on because all the cool kids were doing it...and it was just a little easier on my hips.
Why my training has been shit the past two weeks...
I'm proud, I'm tired, I'm ready to get back to smashing weights again....more so just recovering properly.
Sunday squat
Hit the wall today. I need to get back on track with recovery after the past couple weeks of stress at work.
Sunday squat
I was out of town Thursday so I moved my squat to Sunday. I knew it was going to be a heavy one and I'm glad I waited. I was chomping at the bit for this training session.
Tuesday bench
I was planning to go back to floor press but last week felt like garbage on the bench, so I wanted to get back on that horse.
Thursday squats
Casey Williams was exposed to some powerlifting in high school as an off-season for football, but it wasn’t until he finished his football career and degree at Bucknell University that he committed to the sport. Since then he hasn’t looked back. In 2012 at the IPA Nationals he broke the all-time world record drug tested raw squat and total in
Thursday pre Olympia pump
Leg press against light bands1-2-3 plates x103-2-1 x10-15-20(6 total sets)Close stance box sqDuffalo bar against light bands145x10235x10325x10Trap bar deads1-2-3 plates 3x10Bench95x10135x10185x10225x10275x10225x20Trx strapsRowsRear delt-Y's3x10 eachSled 3 plates200 yds total
Annnnddd we're back...
15 days post meet (Nothing more than a plate on either side) Leg press 1x20Deadlift 1x20Front squat 1x20KB swing 1x20Pull ups 2x10Chest supported row 1x20Bench 1x20DB incline 1x20DB Lat raise 1x20Prowler pushes4x25 yards x 2 sets with 5 minutes rest(200 yards total) To say I was sucking wind by the end of this was an […]
IPA Mountain Madness — My First Single-Ply Meet
After three injuries in a half a year, I was pissed. I was depressed. I was dumbfounded. But I found my way back, hitting a PR total for my first single-ply meet.
Where to go from here...
"ANARCHY ANARCHY!!! I don't know what that means but I sure love it." -spawn of Ricky Bobby