Thursday/Friday Light work
Thursday SSB box squats- 135Conv deadlift stance 3x10Squat stance 3x10Leg press 2 plates each sideLeft leg x 10, right x 10, both x 103x through no restChest supported row- 1 plate2x30Sled 200 yard, plate + quarterKB swings2x101 mile on the bike in 4-5 min, moderate pace Friday Deep tissue massage DB bench 50# 3x10 Rear […]
Sunday last heavy squat for IPA Morgantown
Huge squat day. Feeling really confident under heavy weights.
Sunday deads
Today was supposed to be a light day, but I felt great. So I worked up to 705 then hit one big set of block pulls.
Sunday deads
This was the first training session in as long as I can remember that I just trained. I didn't hold back. I didn't do anything stupid. I was just in tune with what my body was telling me.
WATCH: Set Yourself Up For A Bigger Bench
Sometimes a visual is the one thing an audible coaching cue lacks. Give these tips a try.
Sunday speed/technique lower
I hadn't trained in 10 days because of a stomach ulcer so I took it relatively easy- although speed squats didn't feel so great. Shaking the rust off...
The Happiness Advantage
Principle #7 Social Investment: Why Social Support is Your Single Greatest Asset
Set Yourself Up for a Bigger Bench
A 7 minute video, give or take, on how I teach my clients to set up for bigger benches.
Sunday Deathlifts
Worked up a little heavier than I anticipated but it was a good day, although I might need some grip work.
Meet plans, Life plans, Retirement plans
In an era where we are unclear which bathroom is safe, I am going powerlifting-fluid or neutral or whatever the PC term is. Geared lifters competing raw, raw lifters competing equipped.
Thursday squats at the compound
I had Dave watch a few of my squats after checking my single ply gear to make sure it fit right.
The Happiness Advantage
Principle #6 The 20 Second Rule: How to turn bad habits into good ones by minimizing barriers to change
Friday speed bench
I'm liking the spoto press against bands for my speed work right now. The rest was bodybuilding style and I was cooked afterward.
Squats and active recovery
Seems like I'm a lot more comfortable in briefs for the time being- possibly because of the compression in the quad.
The Happiness Advantage
Principle #5: The Zorro Circle- How Limiting Your Focus to Small, Manageable Goals Can Expand Your Sphere of Power
Friday/Saturday at the compound
Training at the compound, and Dave telling me to quit being a p***y.
Wednesday bench
Had to move training days around this week, today was just a bread and butter bench day. Nothing fancy.
Sunday sq/dl
Training felt fine, but my stomach wasn't feeling it all morning. I ended the training session with a nice puke in the creek behind the gym.
Thursday squats
Heaviest squats in months, actually felt great but still looked sloppy as far as my hips go.