Casey Williams

Casey Williams after finishing his college football career at Bucknell University, he dove into powerlifting in 2010. He won the 242 class at RUM 7 and 8 in 2014/2015.His best lifts to date are an 810 squat, 540 bench, and 738 deadlift with a 2088 total at 242 raw with wraps. He also hit a 2300lb total in his only single ply meet going 850-650-800. In 2020, he opened Victory Float Lounge in Pittsburgh, PA and continues to Live, Learn, Pass On through coaching strength athletes online.

Friday lower rehab, upper bodybuilding
Friday lower rehab, upper bodybuilding
Getting better with my rehab techniques, and the pump comes naturally of course.
Thursday squats and deads
Thursday squats and deads
First time squatting in awhile (everything has been front squats).
Tuesday bench
Tuesday bench
First time back on the bench in awhile- as a change up from floor presses.
Sunday squats/deads
Sunday squats/deads
Slowly upping the intensity with moderate volume.
Friday- catch up day
Friday- catch up day
The goal was lower rehab and upper bodybuilding. A pump was in the cards.
Thursday squats/deads
Thursday squats/deads
Squats, cardio deads, and assistance work to be done tomorrow as active recovery.
Monday DL
Monday DL
Deadlifting at The Spot with THE JL Holdsworth.
Floor press and extra lower rehab day
Atlanta/Augusta trip
Atlanta/Augusta trip
Yessie competed and I seminar-ed, well we seminar-ed.
Thursday squats and deads
Thursday squats and deads
Some good some bad. It's hard to tell/feel if I'm getting better right now. I'm just trying to trust the process.
Tuesday floor press
Tuesday floor press
If I could squat my bench right now (maybe I could but I won't just yet) I'd be happy.
The Happiness Advantage
The Happiness Advantage
Principle #4 Falling Up: Capitalizing on the Downs to Build Upward Momentum
Monday assistance work
Monday assistance work
Glutes and Hams 'til the cows come home
Sunday squats and deads
Sunday squats and deads
I was supposed to deadlift. So I squatted, then deadlifted. There is a madness to my method.
Friday Incline bench
Friday Incline bench
I couldn't raise my right arm over shoulder height for 24 hours
Thursday squats
Thursday squats
Second week of front squats, not as good as I was hoping.
Tuesday Floor press
Tuesday Floor press
Felt gooooddddd...actually felt lighter than my front squat haha
Sunday lower
Sunday lower
Attempted DL's and some frustration.
3/17/16 Thursday
3/17/16 Thursday
First squat day
3/15/16 Tuesday
3/15/16 Tuesday
Back in Pittsburgh at Umberger Performance...
3/14/16 First training day
3/14/16 First training day
From Miami at the Battle Axe...
Miami trip: Monday
Our extra day!
Miami trip: Saturday/Sunday
Shooting and a minor miscommunication in travel plans.
Miami trip: Thursday/Friday
I went to Miami with Yessie for a wedding, and I got drunk, but not at the wedding.
Arnold weekend: Sunday
The convention center and Yessie got to meet Arnold...
Arnold weekend: Saturday
Arnold weekend: Saturday
XPC finals and whiskey
Arnold weekend: Friday
Arnold weekend: Friday
Better late than never....sorry for the delay in posting
"How is not training going?"
"How is not training going?"
I've gotten this question a lot, so here's the deal..
Dinner dates...
Seminar at Elite Custom Fitness
Seminar at Elite Custom Fitness
Deadlift PR's with the Italian Stallion
This past week's breakfast...
The Happiness Advantage
The Happiness Advantage
Principle #3: Training Your Brain to Capitalize on Possibility
Rehab update
Rehab update
How to pull yourself out of a funk...
The Happiness Advantage
The Happiness Advantage
Principle #2: The Fulcrum and the Lever; Changing Your Performance by Changing Your Mindset
The Happiness Advantage
The Happiness Advantage
Principle #1:How Happiness Gives Your Brain the Competitive Advantage
Client Spotlight: Vanessa
Client Spotlight: Vanessa
Vanessa improving her squat technique and power in just a couple months.
Which wolf are you feeding?
Which wolf are you feeding?
No, officer, I have not been drinking.
My Sunday without training
My Sunday without training
Yessie cleans my house and my dogs live lavishly.
Training update
Training update
Or how not training is going...
XPC Finals update
XPC Finals update
Dave Tate loves messing with people, but he gives great advice too.
Saturday UGSS
Saturday UGSS
Doubled 500 on the bench for the first time
Thursday recovery
Thursday recovery
Still up in the air about the XPC finals
Tuesday Bench
Tuesday Bench
So I'll treat this week of training as if I were still going to compete at the Arnold in five weeks. I will reassess the situation next week and go from there.
Sunday squats
Sunday squats
Another bad squat day and a glute/hamstring tweak. Sensing a trend here?
Friday speed  bench
Friday speed bench
Likely the last speed bench day before the Arnold and bodybuilding assistance
Thursday lower assistance
Thursday lower assistance
Technique work on the squat and some good mornings with DL and squat stances.
Tuesday Floor Press
Tuesday Floor Press
I had a light bench week planned but I felt good so I worked up to a moderate weight and hit some doubles.
Sunday deads 6 weeks out XPC Finals
Sunday deads 6 weeks out XPC Finals
I've felt better, I've felt worse. Decent DL day...
Friday lower recovery and speed bench
Friday lower recovery and speed bench
I'm not recovering well. So today was focused on feeling good.
Thursday light squats 7 weeks out
Thursday light squats 7 weeks out
Working on technique tonight with some success.
Monday Squats
Monday Squats
Felt Ok warming up and then had no speed on anything after my first rep on each set.
Sunday Heavy Bench
Sunday Heavy Bench
Today is usually my squat day, but I wasn't feeling great after squatting Thursday so I chose to give myself another day's rest. Fortunately my bench felt great.
Friday lower recovery and speed bench
Friday lower recovery and speed bench
I think my recovery has been lacking a bit so I took a few minutes today to get ready for Sunday.
Thursday pause squats
Thursday pause squats
Pause squats to work on speed out of the hole.
Tuesday -Max Effort Bench
Tuesday -Max Effort Bench
Old habits die hard.
Saturday IPA Morgantown Meet Write Up
Saturday IPA Morgantown Meet Write Up
PR's on PR's on PR's on donuts
Sumo deads 8 weeks out XPC Finals
Sumo deads 8 weeks out XPC Finals
Sumo deads with a stiff power bar...not on purpose.
Feel Good Friday
Feel Good Friday
Yesterday's dynamic effort lower killed me. And that's the last thing you want out of a dynamic effort day.
Thursday Dynamic lower
Thursday Dynamic lower
Probably should have just hit assistance work today. I'm not feeling so hot the day after.

Items 473 to 531 of 740 total