Charles Gardner

10 Tips to Grow Your Business
10 Tips to Grow Your Business
20+ years in the fitness industry, I’ve learned a few lessons—here’s 10 that should help YOU.
My Top Five Posterior Chain Exercises and Why You Need To Do Them
My Top Five Posterior Chain Exercises and Why You Need To Do Them
These exercises will provide you with a great deal of return on investment. They will not only make you stronger but also healthier and more stable in the squat, bench press, and deadlift.
Unconventional Uses of The Strongman Yoke
Unconventional Uses of The Strongman Yoke
The yoke is most commonly used for the traditional carry and the Zercher carry. Using it to build the bench and shoulder press is not a common practice — but it’s effective.
Troubleshooting the GHR: Are You Performing Them Correctly?
Troubleshooting the GHR: Are You Performing Them Correctly?
The glute-hamstring raise is one of the best exercises for lower body development. Don’t ruin it by making any of these three common mistakes.
How to Use the Dynamic Effort Method to Increase Your Overhead Press
How to Use the Dynamic Effort Method to Increase Your Overhead Press
If your shoulders are giving you problems, but you still want to work on your overhead press, you need to give this a try.
The Grind
The Grind
It’s something lifters often forget to do. Do you?
Safety Squat Bar Glute Bridge
Safety Squat Bar Glute Bridge
A new exercise for the lockout portion of the deadlift and the squat.
Training Guys and Girls: Is There a Difference?
Training Guys and Girls: Is There a Difference?
I noticed that the guys responded well, yet I couldn’t figure out why the girls weren’t getting it and didn’t want to try.
Top Five Most Hated Prowler Exercises
Top Five Most Hated Prowler Exercises
The Prowler is one of the best conditioning tools around.
Troubleshooting the Unrack on the Bench Press
Troubleshooting the Unrack on the Bench Press
Unracking the bar without losing your positioning is key.
How to Use the Sled for Virtually Everything
How to Use the Sled for Virtually Everything
How many of you in the “elitefts™ family” have a sled, Prowler®, or homemade version of one of these?
Rolling Pins: They Aren't Just for Rolling Dough, Part 2
Rolling Pins: They Aren't Just for Rolling Dough, Part 2
If you read the first article in this series (if not, you need to) and are using the rolling pin or elitefts™ stick to roll the areas of the upper body that the foam roller or PVC pipe can’t address, you’re going to love this one.
Rolling Pins: Not Just for Bread Dough
Rolling Pins: Not Just for Bread Dough
In this article, I will show you how to increase the range of motion further in your upper body to get the most out of all your upper body movements like the bench, row, shoulder press, and chin-up.
Blood Rayne: Training with Sickle Cell Anemia
Blood Rayne: Training with Sickle Cell Anemia
How many times have you woken up in the morning with aches and pains after a heavy bench or squat session?
Band Stomps for Healthier Hips
Band Stomps for Healthier Hips
Band stomps hit the deep muscles that cross the hip joint in the front—the psoas major and the lliacus.
Sledgehammer Conditioning for Athletes and Weekend Warriors
Sledgehammer Conditioning for Athletes and Weekend Warriors
The tool of demolition workers and superheroes.
Manual Labor and Strength and Conditioning: Is There a Connection?
Manual Labor and Strength and Conditioning: Is There a Connection?
This article is a bit of a ‘shout out’ to my dad for making me do hard manual labor when I was a kid.
Introducing the Shoulder Tornado: The Best Shoulder Warm Up You Aren't Doing
Introducing the Shoulder Tornado: The Best Shoulder Warm Up You Aren...
In this article, I’ll introduce you to a brand new shoulder warm-up drill that we use before any upper body movements.
The Dumbing Down of Fitness: “Globo Gym” Style
The Dumbing Down of Fitness: “Globo Gym” Style
I’ve had plenty of time to think about my experiences in the corporate fitness world over the last year, simply because that’s where I cut my teeth and then subsequently got them knocked out.
My Insights on Training and Coaching: A Business Perspective
My Insights on Training and Coaching: A Business Perspective
This is just a small list of things that I’ve learned and observed over my ten years of training.
Combat Fitness Training for Military Officer Candidates
Combat Fitness Training for Military Officer Candidates
This article is written for the men and women of the United States armed forces.
Tire Flipping 101
Tire Flipping 101
In this article, I’ll share with you a routine that has helped my clients, both men and women, get better at tire flipping.
Life Lessons from the 'Prowler’
Life Lessons from the 'Prowler’
How many of you out there have used the Prowler?

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