Chase Karnes

Chase Karnes is a national and international level competitive strongman who competes in the lightweight 220 and 231-pound weight classes. He has two second place finishes at the North America’s Strongest Man National Championship in the 200-pound weight class. Chase also has a third Place finish at the invitation only Strongman Champions League England u90kg. Chase has been working with clients in the private sector for over ten years through Argonauts Fitness and holds a Bachelors of Science Degree from Murray State University. He also holds his NSCA-CPT and CSCS credentials. While he thinks these credentials are important, he takes just as much pride in his 16 years of under-the-bar experience combined with over a decade of coaching experience.

Event Day - Strongman Cardio (w/VIDEO)
Event Day - Strongman Cardio (w/VIDEO)
I'm currently in the early stages of preparing for 2016 USS Strongman Nationals which will be held on June 11th, 2016. My training focus is to continue to get stronger overall, continue adding some size and start working in strongman events again. I'm working with teammate Mike Mastell on my programming. I almost always train alone […]
Lower Body - Front Squats & Deadlifts
Lower Body - Front Squats & Deadlifts
This session actually was pretty tough though as I was still getting over my sickness.
Log Cleans & Hypertrophy Work
Log Cleans & Hypertrophy Work
Nothing too fancy, just some putting in some work.
Event Day - Farmers, Medley & Stones
Event Day - Farmers, Medley & Stones
The medley was all I needed to know my conditioning is currently lacking...
Hypertrophy Day - Back, Biceps & Triceps
Hypertrophy Day - Back, Biceps & Triceps
One big difference in my training now versus over the past few years is more "bodybuilding work".
Lower Body Day - Deadlifts, Front Squats & More
Lower Body Day - Deadlifts, Front Squats & More
The weight felt like it should and moved nicely.
Deadlifts, Front Squats & More Lower Body
Deadlifts, Front Squats & More Lower Body
I'm not going to lie. This session kicked my ass.
Upper Body - Hypertrophy Day & Update on the Shoulder
Upper Body - Hypertrophy Day & Update on the Shoulder
We've pulled out all pressing for the time being.
Hypertrophy Day - Back, Biceps & Triceps
Hypertrophy Day - Back, Biceps & Triceps
My shoulder is still bugging me unfortunately, so any pressing is out at the moment.
Event Day - Farmers & Yoke Walk
Event Day - Farmers & Yoke Walk
First full event day since last summer.
Upper Body - Hypertrophy Work
Upper Body - Hypertrophy Work
Just chasing that pump, bro.
Deadlifts and Front Squats
Deadlifts and Front Squats
First time pulling since "Hope", it felt heavier than expected.
First Session Back - Upper Body
First Session Back - Upper Body
This was my first session back in the gym after "Hope for the Holidays" strongman competition.
USS Hope for the Holiday's Write-Up - Log National Record and Deadlift PR
USS Hope for the Holiday's Write-Up - Log National Record and Deadl...
I ended up going up and doing what I planned to do. Set the log national record and pull a deadlift PR. Even though neither lift was as heavy as I had hoped, all in all I had a good time and it was for a good cause.
2 Weeks Out - Banded Deadlifts, SSB Good Mornings, Snatch Grip RDLs
2 Weeks Out - Banded Deadlifts, SSB Good Mornings, Snatch Grip RDLs
Regardless, I plan to set a National record next weekend.
2 Weeks Out - Log Clean & Press, Strict Log, Seated Axle Press & More
2 Weeks Out - Log Clean & Press, Strict Log, Seated Axle Press &...
I'm currently training for USS "Hope for the Holidays" strongman competition that'll be in St. Louis on December 19th. I'll be competing in the max log clean & press and max deadlift events. I'm also still focusing on adding some size, but strength is my main emphasis. I'm working with teammate Mike Mastell on my programming. […]
2 Weeks Out - Deadlifts, Reverse Band Deadlifts, Front Squats & More
2 Weeks Out - Deadlifts, Reverse Band Deadlifts, Front Squats & More
This was my last heavy pulling day and it felt great.
3 Weeks Out - Paused Deadlifts, SSB Good Mornings & DB RDLs
3 Weeks Out - Paused Deadlifts, SSB Good Mornings & DB RDLs
A lot of work on that posterior chain.
3 Weeks Out - Log Clean & Press, Strict Log & DB Shoulder Press
3 Weeks Out - Log Clean & Press, Strict Log & DB Shoulder Press
Things are coming together like I planned.
3 Weeks Out - Deadlifts, Front Squats & Leg Press
3 Weeks Out - Deadlifts, Front Squats & Leg Press
I'm looking to hit a nice deadlift PR come December 19th.
4 Weeks Out - Back, Biceps & Triceps (Hypertrophy Day)
4 Weeks Out - Back, Biceps & Triceps (Hypertrophy Day)
I'm really enjoying having my hypertrophy day as it's own day.
4 Weeks Out - Speed Deadlifts, DB Overhead Press, DB RDLs & Abs
4 Weeks Out - Speed Deadlifts, DB Overhead Press, DB RDLs & Abs
I felt good overall and I'm liking how things are coming together.
4 Weeks Out - Log Clean & Press, Strict Log, Standing Pin Presses & GHRs
4 Weeks Out - Log Clean & Press, Strict Log, Standing Pin Presses &a...
This tells me my press is strong at the moment.
4 Weeks Out - Front Squats, Deadlifts, Pin Presses & Abs
4 Weeks Out - Front Squats, Deadlifts, Pin Presses & Abs
And then to top things off I strained my pec on my top set of pin presses.
5 Weeks Out - Back, Biceps & Triceps (Hypertrophy Day)
5 Weeks Out - Back, Biceps & Triceps (Hypertrophy Day)
I love the incline concentration curls.
5 Weeks Out - Front Squats, Deadlifts & Pin Presses
5 Weeks Out - Front Squats, Deadlifts & Pin Presses
Front squats felt great on this day, but deadlifts felt like crap.
5 Weeks Out - Log Clean & Press, Strict Log, Floor Press & More
5 Weeks Out - Log Clean & Press, Strict Log, Floor Press & More
If things keep progressing like they are I should be good for a Log Clean & Press PR in December.
6 Weeks Out - Paused Front Squats, Seated Axle Press & a Hunting Story?
6 Weeks Out - Paused Front Squats, Seated Axle Press & a Hunting Story?
...and about that time both of hamstring cramped and they cramped hard.
6 Weeks Out - Back, Biceps & Triceps (Hypertrophy Day)
6 Weeks Out - Back, Biceps & Triceps (Hypertrophy Day)
The rear delt destroyer was pretty brutal.
6 Weeks Out - Log Clean & Press, Strict Log, Floor Press & More
6 Weeks Out - Log Clean & Press, Strict Log, Floor Press & More
My technique is slowly, but surely, coming back.
7 Weeks Out - Speed Deadlifts, Incline DB's, DB RDLs
7 Weeks Out - Speed Deadlifts, Incline DB's, DB RDLs
These felt great and in the past these had a huge impact in helping me build my deadlift
7 Weeks Out - Back, Shoulders, Biceps & Triceps (Hypertrophy day)
7 Weeks Out - Back, Shoulders, Biceps & Triceps (Hypertrophy day)
I think my body is just telling me that I'm almost 31 years old.
7 Weeks Out - Log Clean & Press,  Log Strict Press, Floor Press & More
7 Weeks Out - Log Clean & Press, Log Strict Press, Floor Press &...
The log felt much better this week than the previous two weeks.
7 Weeks Out - Front Squats, Deadlifts, Pin Presses & Abs
7 Weeks Out - Front Squats, Deadlifts, Pin Presses & Abs
I need to hit an Epsom salt bath or two this week.
8 Weeks Out - Deadlifts Again?, Log Z-Press, Snatch Grip RDLs
8 Weeks Out - Deadlifts Again?, Log Z-Press, Snatch Grip RDLs
I was beat up from deadlifts on Wednesday.
8 Weeks Out - Strict Axle, Deadlifts, SB Floor Press & More
8 Weeks Out - Strict Axle, Deadlifts, SB Floor Press & More
I'm feeling really good starting my second week of this strength phase.
8 Weeks Out - Front Squat, Log Press, Pin Presses & More
8 Weeks Out - Front Squat, Log Press, Pin Presses & More
Nothing like misloading the bar by 70 pounds too much.
9 Weeks Out - Paused Front Squats, Seated Axle Press & SSB Good Mornings
9 Weeks Out - Paused Front Squats, Seated Axle Press & SSB Good Morn...
I'm pretty happy with how things are going so far.
9 Weeks Out - Back, Biceps & Triceps (Hypertrophy Day)
9 Weeks Out - Back, Biceps & Triceps (Hypertrophy Day)
Still chasing that pump on occasion.
9 Weeks Out - Strict Log, 18 in. Deads & More
9 Weeks Out - Strict Log, 18 in. Deads & More
It feels good to move some heavy-ish weights again.
9 Weeks Out - Front Squat, Log Press & More
9 Weeks Out - Front Squat, Log Press & More
I surprised myself by hitting a rep PR on front squats.
Deload Week
Deload Week
After finishing up a 12 week hypertrophy phase I needed a deload week before ramping things up again.
Week 12, Day 4 - Biceps & Triceps
Week 12, Day 4 - Biceps & Triceps
This was the final session of my 12 week hypertrophy phase.
Week 12, Day 3 - Back & Biceps
Week 12, Day 3 - Back & Biceps
It didn't feel heavy in my hands, but my back was screaming.
Week 12, Day 2 - Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Week 12, Day 2 - Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
The dumbbell 6-ways is probably a new favorite accessory exercise of mine.
Week 12, Day 1 - The Final Week - Leg Day
Week 12, Day 1 - The Final Week - Leg Day
Note: 3 second paused front squats for sets of 12 aren't fun.
Week 11, Day 4 - Arm Day
Week 11, Day 4 - Arm Day
Just chasing that pump like a bro.
 Week 11, Day 3 - Back & Biceps w/Deadlifts + Training isn't always fun?
Week 11, Day 3 - Back & Biceps w/Deadlifts + Training isn't al...
That doesn't mean it's always sunshine and rainbows though.
Week 11, Day 2 - Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Week 11, Day 2 - Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
First time doing the Bradford Press.
Week 11, Day 1 - Leg Day
Week 11, Day 1 - Leg Day
This session sucked.
Week 10, Day 4 - Arm Day
Week 10, Day 4 - Arm Day
Great session and my arms were pumped like crazy.
Week 10, Day 3 - Back, Biceps
Week 10, Day 3 - Back, Biceps
These deadlifts felt really good.
Week 10, Day 2 - Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Week 10, Day 2 - Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Putting in the work and volume.

Items 178 to 236 of 381 total