Today our Powerlifitng Squad came through in their groups and did a fluff and puff workout. Most are close to weight so just hit some light movements and stretched. Am getting pumped and pissed at the same time for this meet. Pumped I get to see the crew go and have some fun and show […]
Today our Powerlifitng squad hit their openers or last warm up on squats. Everyone looked fresh and crisp. They hit some accessory work after depending on what each athlete needed. Tomorrow they hit their last warm up or opener for the bench press. Everyone is on track to do well in Nashville. As far as […]
Today was a light fluff and puff upper body workout. Basically just getting some blood flow and the soreness out from the last few training session. Really am considering refunding one of our lifters from a year or so ago. Really get annoyed when I see this person as it correlates a certain group that […]
Today I had a group of 19 in my class 9-10am. They hit a great lower body day session. Our powerlifting squad hit their heaviest deadlift of the training cycle. We had most again do the best they have done in training. A, looking forward to everyone's meet. I hit some safety bar box squats, […]
Today we had our lifters hit their heaviest bench of the training cycle. Most did well and hit PR's I'm trying to emphasize that failing on reps week after week is senseless. I as their coach need to be more stern and have some of them go a little lighter and get the assigned reps. […]
Today our powerlifitng squad hit their heaviest squat of the training cycle. I had class 6-645am then spotted and handled 4 of our lifters. Kristin/kody/Dan all had great PR's meet or gym. I came back for another group after 815-915am then had another crew in 11-1230pm. Allison hit a PR, Hunter had an off day […]
Today our powerlifters hit some reps on upper body. We took it lighter than normal as Thursday/Friday/Monday are all heavy training sessions. We had a great showing yesterday as well as a good showing today. You can tell everyone is getting fired up for the meet. I had class early then headed up to U […]
Today our lifters that are doing the meet July 16th hit speed deads with 70% on the bar. After that some rev-hypers and other lower body movements were performed. The other group whose meet is August or later hit cambered bar good mornings, light squats, and some other lower body movements. It was great to […]
Got to U of Illinois last night and spent a lot of time catching up with Joey and his family. We woke up Friday at 430am and got ready to get to the facility. He had groups broke into (2) defense 6-815am and offense 815-1030am. Was awesome getting back in the atmosphere. I had a […]
Today our Powerlifitng squad hit deadlifts off a 2' mat. This was the main focus of our lower body based workout. After this they followed up with a lot of FUN lower body based movements. Everyone did well from what I saw. Next thurs we have the heaviest squat of this cycle leading up to […]
Today our powerlifting squad hit some upper body rep work. They hit our warm up/mobility work then went to DB bench press for reps, rolling triceps, single arm rows, chest supported shrugs, and a hell of lot leg raises. Everyone said they were pumped up to the brim. As for myself I hit some rice […]
Today our powerlifting squad hit heavy squats for triples. Thus was full meet set up, knee wraps, commands etc. Kritisn hit 405x3 with no wraps as she couldn't wrap herself. Everyone else had good days. Some hit 2reps instead of the prescribed triples. Had to talk to some of them to stay with the rep […]
Today our lifters hit heavy bench using the football bar for 4 reps. We followed up with a lot of upper back movements and some heavy presses. We are moving in he right direction. Had to talk with one of the lifters today as they weren't sure if they are ready for the meet. You […]
Today our powerlifting squad hit our mobility movements then the main lift was deficit deads X 4. Was good to watch some of the lifters this morn. I normally don't get to watch the early group as I'm rushed to get kiddos off the the sitter. Kody hit a crapload as did Kristin. Aaron is […]
Today our squad hit some speed bench against bands for 8x3. After that we did a bunch or reps upper body based to get some blood flow. We are going fairly heavy fri upper body. Most are sore as hell from yesterday's lift. I hit some light rice digs, curls and abs. All is going […]
Today our powerlifting squad hit our normal warm up then front squats 5x4 was our main lift. We followed them up with some straight weight deads at %75 for a bunch of singles. Everyone is doing well. Next week we start our three week wave prepping us for the meet July 16th. We have 9 […]
Just got the news Andrew did great at his meet. Would of liked to have gone but after missing my wife and I 1yr anniversary last year (in hospital) didn't think she would be cool with going to a powerlifitng meet. Andrew went 8/9 and totaled 1506lbs. This was a 106lb improvement from last meet. […]
Today our Powerlifting squad finished the week up with heavy bench press using the football bar. After that they hit pull-ups, DB decline, ab roller (for crazy reps), then some biceps on their own. Andrew is set for the weekend meet. His total should be good as he follows the plan and listens (coach able). […]
Today our lifter hit some deficit deadlifts for reps. After that they did some movements to compliment the lower body based training session. If anyone in the STL area is wanting to lift with a great group of powerlifters look us up. I did some belt squats today. The weight went up some from last […]
Today our powerlifting squad hit speed bench against bands 10x3. After that thy hit rolling triceps, single arm row, chest supported rows, and leg raises. We are hitting this week again next week with diff reps/sets. Andrew is off this week and/or light as his meet is this weekend. As far as for myself I […]
Today we started our next couple weeks. The squad hit front squats for heavy 8's. We had some impressive lifting today was good to see everyone getting after it. After that the crew hit some more lower body movements to compliment the training session. Andrew has a meet this coming up Sunday. His training cycle […]
Today our lifters hit some upper body movements. They hit heavy three boards for doubles. After that they hit some heavy back and a lot of push-ups at the end to finish them off. I hit some quick rack pulls due to time restrictions. The weights are coming up as is my body weight. I […]
Today our Powerlifitng Squad hit some heavy rack pulls for doubles. The heighth was patella tendon level. After that they did some heavy squat machine reps and lower body movements to compliment the session. We have been adding some mobility/stretching into our template and it looks as if it is payin off. As far as […]
Today our lifters hit a lot of upper body for reps. Today was high reps and low weight due to most being sore from yesterday. Andrew has a meet coming up and wrapped his deadlifts up today for an easy 535lb pull. That was 15 more than his last meet. Looking for a […]
Today we had a great group of clients in for a Memorial Day training session 9-10am. After that our Powerlifting Squad came in and hit heavy box squat for doubles. Aaron hit 500+ and Kyle hit around the same. Kristin stole the show at around 400 X 2. Cody and Hunter also set some Pr's. […]
Today our powerlifting squad hit an upper body based day. Heavy bench off 1bd was the main lift. We hit reps of 4. Andrew is just a few weeks away from his meet and had heavy triples on squats and hit a.big pr. All groups were big and had a great atmosphere. Def the direction […]
Today our powerlifting squad went for a heavy X 4 on the rack pull at a certain heighth. We have some hitting some sick numbers. Kristin hit 500 for a couple sets. A couple others said they pulled a shitton as well. They followed up with some rev hypers and accessory work to finish up […]
Today our lifter hit high rep upper body based day. Everyone looked swole when they were finished making me jealous as fuck. Am very happy on the direction the team is going and who is here. We have lifters travel petty far just to train with us. I messed around with some light ab work […]
Today our powerlifting squad hit safety bar box squat at a heavy percentage X 4 reps. After that they hit some tough lower body assistance work to compliment the day. Everyone is showing up and hitting it hard. We are only on week 2 so right now it's slow and steady gains. I did some […]
We had a successful day yesterday at the facility. We started off setting up for the bbque around 8-845am. I had a class 9-10am. We hit a lot of sprinting and ab movements for the hour. After class the professional smoker was set up and we served throughout the day over 275plates. We had a […]
Today our lifter hit a heavy upper body session to finish the week off. The went a heavy percentage to a one board ROM. Afterwards they hit some tough accessory work to compliment the workout. Was a great first week were everyone was on the same page. We are having our first annual bbque tomorrow […]
Today our powerlifting squad hit it hard. We focused on rack pulls at a certain height. Our early group did great. Cody and hunter are improving by the day. Kristin is crazy strong hitting almost what she did at her last meet for 8reps! Our 1115am group had Kyle, Aaron, Ryan and a new female […]
Our lifter were off today and def needed some rest we hammers them the last couple days a lot were complaint in soreness and being tired. After last week with testing most of my clients/teams/organizations we started this week off on main lifts reps of 8. 4's will follow next week then doubles the third […]
Today our powerlifitng squad hit some rep work upper body. The sets reps were all around 12-20. We have a lot of college athletes starting to come home for summer. It is great to get these athletes back to push our local athletes/lifters/clients. Everyone benefits from hard working athletes. I hit some rice digs, machine […]
Great day today!!! Got three groups now rolling back at it setting up for a meet soon. We have a 6am, 1115am and a 6pm group rolling. Today was week one. We hammered the lower body with higher reps between 8-12. Narrow stance squats was the main exercise with some tough secondary movements. I hit […]
Today almost every lifter was off aside from my lawyer/powerlifters Ryan. He couldn't come in sat due to traveling for work. We tested him out. Ryan hasn't had any heavy weight in his hands or done a meet in a year. His weight is around 180. He hit a 355squat, 275lb bench and a 465 […]
Today our squad took it easy for the most part. They hit some light sled work just for some extra conditioning and to break a sweat. We had a couple of them test out as they aren't able to make it sat for our mock meet. Really looking forward to seeing everyone sat and how […]
TODAY our powerlifting squad hit some light speed deads against bands, light squats, rev-hypers, lunges, and the ab machine. This will almost wrap up the week except some sled work on Thursday. Testing all the lifters with us three coaches watching and judging Saturday will give us a great idea of what needs to worked […]
Today our Powerlifting Squad hit some light bench press,mcheat supported rows, bb standing shoulder press, swimmers rows and band pressdowns. The main lift was done lift and all accessories were done a little heavier. We are having a in house meet style lift sat to see where everyone is at and who is doing he […]
Today is our sat morn conditioning class. We warmed up for about 10 min. We followed by leg swings and mobility work. After that we paired up for some resistance sprints using the heavy bands and tied in some sprints. We hit some mid-section work for 10min or so then ran the group either 2/3 […]
Today our powerlifters hit some speed squats against bands using the safety squat bat. After that was BB shrugs, leg curls, then heavy abs on one of the machines. The safety squat bar for most is a lot tougher than a normal bar. Always trying to make stuff tougher so when it's time to roll […]
Today our powerlifting squad hit and upper body lift. They did speed bench against bands, single arm rows, rolling tricep ext and bb curls with pauses. We are slowly getting to where we need to be. We test out one week from this sat to see where everyone is at and what needs to be […]
Today our lifters hit some speed deads against bands. We used around 60% of our best deadlift. After that followed revhypers, split lunges, and heavy abs. The lunges are done in a suspended strap which makes it tough. For my self I hit some abs on the machine, curls, and rice digs. Nothing major.
Today our powerlifitng squad hit an upper body based session. Pin presses (bar settled 1 inch or less off chest) 5x5. After that they hit chest supported rows, BB standing press, swimmers row then band pressdowns. We have lot of lifters doing well. We will test everyone may 14th and set a scheudle of […]
Today is one of our longest running classes our sat morn 9-10am conditioning class. This class is strictly running, agilities, cardio, conditioning, ab work, sprints etc. There is no lifting on the weekends as all my clients, teams, groups hit the weight hard throughout the week. Today we warmed up through our dynamic warm up. […]
Today we had our powerlifitng squad hit safety bar box squats against bands. 10x3 was on the agenda. After that they performed shrugs heavy, leg curls then heavy abs. Sleds at the end was optional if time allowed. I hit my wimpy ass workout of bb shoulder presses then inclement DB bench press. Making sure […]
Today our squad hit bench press against bands. They performed 10x3. After that they hit some rep work with single arm rows, rolling tricep extensions, BB curls with pauses then called it a day. I hit some light cable curls, and calves. Kinda boring but does the trick. Just trying to wake my muscles back […]
Today our lifters hit deads off the floor against bands. After that they hit rev-hypers, split lunges, then heavy ab work. Great to hear from some of the crew that they are doing more weight than they did at the last meet for reps. Look forward to seeing everyone back on the platform soon. My […]
Today our Powerlifting Squad started their final three week block before we test them out to see where everyone is at. We are looking at some of the team hitting a meet in July and some in November. Today they hit Floor Press as their main movement up to a heavy set of 3. The […]
I will be posting here for now as I have put me doing any competitions on hold till after the heart transplant. I coach a lot of athletes daily. I will try to include some non-powerlifitng groups as well. I operate and own a training facility outside of Saint Louis MO in a town called […]
THURSDAY and Athlete Goals
Goal for now: continue lifting light and coaching my team. Check out my elitefts coaching log.
Today our lifters performed rack pulls, deficit deads, and a knarley superset at the end of the workout. All sets/reps were set at 10x4. Everyone is setting Pr's in the offseason which is impressive. Anyway you set a pr even at a pound is a accomplishment. I did some rice digs, abs on the ab […]
Today our powerlifters did a nasty upper body session with the program set st 10x4. This is the last week of these movements then next week we throw in some diff stuff in preparation to test everyone in 4 weeks from now. I did a few movements. All felt good. Can see me working back […]
Today our powerlifters finished up the week with some more reps/sets/rest period of the same as last Friday. Everyone is responding well to what we are throwing at them. I snuck in some stuff today. Went pretty well. It will be an uphill battle getting to where I want to be but I am ready […]
Today our Powerlifting squad hit some upper body movements. All were done at 10x6. From what I hear it is the next best thing next to sliced bread. Great to see all following the plan and getting better as a team. I started throwing in some exercises here and there daily. Today I hit some […]
Today our powerlifitng squad hit a tough lower body based session. Deadlifts, rack pulls, and a knarley superset at the end was on the menu. Great to see the team all working hard together towards their next meet. We are shooting on sending half the team to a meet in July and the other half […]
Today our powerlifitng squad hit all 10x6 with short rest consisting of, BB incline, DB low rows, dips/push-ups/plate curls. Really am trying to stress to stay within the plan and bust your butt on what we have prescribed. Quick story=my freshman year of football in college we hit a 2hr workout, 1hr lift, 1hr run. […]
Today our squad worked on high bar squats with an opposite stance they normally use/test with. This program is easy to follow but brutal. High reps with little rest. Our superset after the main lifts consisted of Cossack squats with weight/sled push/plate twists. Good times! I did very little last couple days more of an […]
Today our powerlifitng crew hit heavy DB decline, heavy rope face pulls, and a superset of curl machine/tricep kick backs/band pull aparts. All were 10x8 with little rest between sets. I am submitting an articl on the direction I want our powerlifitng team to go. Learned a lot this last year on how/what won't work. […]