Chris Tutela

Chris Tutela is a Strength and Conditioning Specialist in Clark, New Jersey. He is the owner and operator of Tutela Training Systems, where he works primarily with college and high school athletes, as well as with the general population. Chris has been working with athletes since 2006, including two seasons as the head strength and conditioning coach for a high school football program in New Jersey in 2013 and 2014. He has also worked with a nationally ranked high school basketball program in New Jersey. Tutela Training Systems, has a reputation for drastically developing, strength, performance and total body transformation for athletes and clients of varying experience levels and goals.

5 Lessons on Happiness, Fulfillment, and Living a Badass Life 
5 Lessons on Happiness, Fulfillment, and Living a Badass Life 
Life’s a trip. Through loss comes glory. Can you relate? If in a tough spot, read this!
The Fat Loss Blueprint
The Fat Loss Blueprint
This is your six-step blueprint for creating the lean, strong, powerful, and healthy physique within you.
Callus Your Mind
Callus Your Mind
Training was my way out.
Do the Legacy Work to Make Your Mark
Do the Legacy Work to Make Your Mark
Your time on this planet is limited. To make your mark, I challenge you to do the work and get ahold of your emotions.
Get Jacked Arms Without Wrecking Your Joints
Get Jacked Arms Without Wrecking Your Joints
Big arms and achy joints don’t go well together. With achy joints, you’ll soon be struggling to grip a pencil, let alone a dumbbell. Say goodbye to ego hump sets.
The Gateway to Optimal Health
The Gateway to Optimal Health
Here’s a hint: It’s a three-letter word that begins with the letter g.
Carb Cycling to Get Shredded
Carb Cycling to Get Shredded
Most people are satisfied with the results they see from simply adjusting food quality alone. Others want to see more drastic results, so a specific macro breakdown is necessary IF they are ready and can handle these adjustments as well as the work that goes into tracking it.
Understanding Energy Systems for Freak Conditioning
Understanding Energy Systems for Freak Conditioning
When it comes to conditioning, we need to consider how fast our systems can produce ATP, how long we can produce it for, and how efficiently your body can utilize the ATP being produced. To do that, here’s what we need to do.
Make Your COVID-19 Training Better
Make Your COVID-19 Training Better
Let’s go over the different categories of at-home training that you can begin adding to your routine right now: Bodyweight Training, Make Light Weights Feel Heavy, and Get Create and Go Outside.
Conditioning 101
Conditioning 101
With everyone constantly pushing the envelope with tons of volume and intensity for extended periods, I felt that it was important to shed some light on this topic to slow down the burnout and chronic fatigue we’re seeing these days.
High Road, Low Road
High Road, Low Road
We are all faced with choices every day in life. When it comes to training, we choose whether we are going to put the time in at the gym, eat the right foods, and get the sleep we need to reach our goals.
365 Days
365 Days
It’s time to man up. It’s time to put on your hard hat and go to work.
The 7 Pillars of Leadership
The 7 Pillars of Leadership
It took time and a whole lot of failures for me to learn these core principles of leading others. But they are what helped me grow my business to over 160 members and a team of four others working alongside me… which brings me to these 7 lessons of leadership.
66 Lessons for Freedom, Happiness, and Physical Excellence
66 Lessons for Freedom, Happiness, and Physical Excellence
I recently wrote down things I’ve learned that helped me change my life, and I hope this list of those lessons helps you break through whatever you feel is holding you back and achieve optimal health, wellness, strength, success, freedom, and happiness.
LISTEN: The Iron Life Podcast #16 with Bedros Keuilian
LISTEN: The Iron Life Podcast #16 with Bedros Keuilian
I first met Bedros Keuilian when our mutual friend Jay Ferruggia introduced us. From there, I worked with him on his online coaching program, which eventually led me to working with him in his elite coaching program for the last three years… and now, he’s a guest on my podcast.
6 Business Lessons No One Talks About
6 Business Lessons No One Talks About
You’ve heard a lot of business advice from everyone. But what about the things you haven’t heard?
Popular Diets, Simplified
Popular Diets, Simplified
Not sure if you should be going vegan or keto? What is the difference between vegan and vegetarians? Learn the basics of popular diets and nutrition and how to make them work best for you.
These Four Walls
These Four Walls
Recording a podcast episode with my mentor (and cousin) John Alvino made me reflect on the pivotal role training has played in my life. Quite frankly, without it, I don’t know where I’d be. Inside these four walls, training has been my therapy, my drug, and my anchor.
LISTEN: The Iron Life Podcast #7 with Joe DeFranco
LISTEN: The Iron Life Podcast #7 with Joe DeFranco
In The Iron Life Podcast #7, Chris Tutela talks with world-renowned strength and conditioning coach Joe DeFranco about success, programming, things trainers should never do, and more.
The Lost Art of Training Hard
The Lost Art of Training Hard
I’m not suggesting that you destroy yourself. What I am saying is that a lot of new trainers are coming out of school with information about corrective exercises but zero practical experience of knowing how to push people in the gym.
Make Light Weight Heavy with Controlled Eccentrics and Concentrics
Make Light Weight Heavy with Controlled Eccentrics and Concentrics
You don’t have to train in pain. How? Drop the heavy weights and work in some lighter options while focusing on using the best technique you can.
Motivation is Bullshit
Motivation is Bullshit
Motivation is good to get the ball rolling, but as soon as the terrain shifts to uphill, the motivation dies, and your ball comes to a screeching halt. Instead, you’ll need to develop enough discipline to move forward on a daily basis.
Your Strength and Conditioning Blueprint for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Your Strength and Conditioning Blueprint for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
While training myself and others, I’ve started to notice areas where most BJJ guys and gals are lacking when it comes to their strength training: fundamental movement patterns, mobility, stability, core and upper back work, and recovery. Here’s how to improve.
Two Crucial Components Your Training is Missing
Two Crucial Components Your Training is Missing
Most intermediates that have come to me without ever working with a qualified coach before are lacking a few qualities in their technique, especially on big lifts. Lacking these qualities can potentially lead to injury at one point or another. These two qualities are tension and torque.
Rise Out of the Ashes
Rise Out of the Ashes
If I can go through hell and back and find success and happiness, so can you. Rise up out of the ashes like a phoenix.
You Can't Be Broken
You Can't Be Broken
The world can be a motherfucker but remember this…
Avoid the Traps
Avoid the Traps
Society has set these standards, and as a result, many people are overworked, underpaid, in debt, divorced, and unhappy. I call them traps.
7 Steps to Running a Successful Group Training Program
7 Steps to Running a Successful Group Training Program
How the hell do I design an effective and appropriate program for all of these different types of people who are training in the same session?
Actionable Steps to Defeat Your Doubt
Actionable Steps to Defeat Your Doubt
There are many cases where medications are overprescribed and are used only to treat the surface of a deeper issue rather than resolving the underlying cause. So, what should we do to address these common issues that persist amongst our society?
Minimizing Pain for the Active Meathead
Minimizing Pain for the Active Meathead
Still want to play softball, play basketball, practice martial arts, hike, bike, and swim? Although these things are extremely fun and I highly recommend them for mostly everyone, they can certainly take their toll on your body, especially when combined with hard training.
Skinny and Weak? Here Are the Top 5 Things You’re Doing Wrong
Skinny and Weak? Here Are the Top 5 Things You’re Doing Wrong
I’ve made a career out of helping genetically average dudes pack on lean muscle and strength, and combat the dreaded “skinny fat” look. After working with so many guys who face similar frustrations, I was able to narrow down this list down to five mistakes.
What Is Strength?
What Is Strength?
Mental strength and physical strength are two necessary components for a healthy, happy life of abundance, but you have to get uncomfortable to start building them.
You Are in Hell
You Are in Hell
But the heaven you’re searching for isn’t far away.
Mindset: The Difference Between Success and Failure
Mindset: The Difference Between Success and Failure
People who succeed in this world have an iron will and a never-say-die mentality. Do you?
Finding True Happiness
Finding True Happiness
I feel that, along with some financial security and fulfillment, you also need these six variables to achieve true happiness.
Unilateral Training in the High School Weight Room — The Missing Link
Unilateral Training in the High School Weight Room — The Missing Link
It is our job to be more efficient in our programming, and here is why unilateral work plays such a huge roll in that.
Strong, Shredded, and the Ability to Perform Pain-Free
Strong, Shredded, and the Ability to Perform Pain-Free
Want to be lean, muscular, strong, and conditioned, with the ability to move without pain? There are many variables, but these guidelines apply to everyone.
Fueled by Why
Fueled by Why
This is 2018. You already have everything you need to make this your year. Don’t waste it.
Rules for the Hard Gainer, Part Two — Six New Steps to Packing on Mass
Rules for the Hard Gainer, Part Two — Six New Steps to Packing on Mass
If you’ve mastered and are continuing to follow the eight rules from part one of this series, I want to show you exactly how you can create an even better program that will pack mass on any true hard gainer out there.
Coaching Essentials for Program Development
Coaching Essentials for Program Development
How do you determine if your program is too easy, too hard, or just right? Here are some things to look for to see if your coach is the real deal or full of shit.
You Are Dying
You Are Dying
You’re on this planet for a reason. You have a purpose. Don’t let it die inside you so that you can live a safe life.
The Rebirth of our Society — It's Time
The Rebirth of our Society — It's Time
We need to get our mojo back. It starts with our children. We can’t go through life simply coasting through the motions, never pushing ourselves, and setting a poor example.
Prepare for Battle: The Fighter’s Guide to Fight Preparation
Prepare for Battle: The Fighter’s Guide to Fight Preparation
To be elite in combat sports these days you need to be more well-rounded in your strength and conditioning than ever. You’ll need absolute strength, relative strength, strength endurance, special strength, speed, power, and conditioning.
Check Your Ego at the Door and Maximize Your Gains
Check Your Ego at the Door and Maximize Your Gains
I’m going to share four key components to packing on more muscle and getting stronger by actually backing off the weight.
Adversity Is A Blessing
Adversity Is A Blessing
We need to understand and accept the pain that life brings. If you try to pretend that the pain caused by adversity isn’t real, you may become a weak, entitled pussy.
Create a Culture that Breeds Results
Create a Culture that Breeds Results
I don’t care if you have the best athletes and the best equipment in the world — a shitty gym atmosphere can DESTROY their results.
Start from the Ground Up: Building High School Athletes Instead of Destroying Them
Start from the Ground Up: Building High School Athletes Instead of Destr...
Do you want bulletproof athletes who stay in the game instead of in the rehab room? Here are six issues to address to build stronger, more durable athletes.
6 Lessons to Become a Better Strength Coach
6 Lessons to Become a Better Strength Coach
If you’re going to be successful in this industry, there are a few things you need to know from the very start.
A Smarter Approach to Enhancing Athletic Performance
A Smarter Approach to Enhancing Athletic Performance
When I started to apply this 8-phase setup with my high school and college athletes, not only did their technique, mobility, and flexibility improve, but they also looked and felt stronger.
Defy Your Demons
Defy Your Demons
There is no better time than this moment, right now. The perfection you seek is within you.
The 10 Fat Loss Commandments
The 10 Fat Loss Commandments
These guidelines can be used by anyone looking to melt off body fat.
Bodyweight Training for Athletes
Bodyweight Training for Athletes
This is a vital component that builds stability, mobility, strength, muscle, body control, and even power. Don’t neglect it!
Training for Police Officers: The Necessities Every Cop Needs in their Program
Training for Police Officers: The Necessities Every Cop Needs in their P...
For most people who step into a gym, your training isn’t a matter of life and death. For police officers, it is.
Becoming You
Becoming You
Your time, your life, and the way it is meant to be lived.
Strong and Energized vs Weak and Depleted: How High School Wrestlers Need to Eat
Strong and Energized vs Weak and Depleted: How High School Wrestlers Nee...
In wrestling, as in every weight class sport, proper nutrition can save you from enduring grueling last-week weight cuts. This off-season plan reduces the need for the old-school dangerous approach.
In-Season Training for Football — Don't Lose Off-Season Gains
In-Season Training for Football — Don't Lose Off-Season Gains
Your off-season was a huge success. Your athletes gained strength, size, and speed. Here’s the challenge: maintain.
8 Rules for The Hard Gainer
8 Rules for The Hard Gainer
You’re sick of spinning your wheels. Trust me, I get it. I’ve been there. Here’s how to stop being timid and weak.
How You Do Anything Is How You'll Do Everything
How You Do Anything Is How You'll Do Everything
I want to share some of the key principles to success that I have learned over the last few years. Start here and you’ll be well on your way to achieving your goals.
Physical Preparation Guidelines Every Firefighter Should Follow
Physical Preparation Guidelines Every Firefighter Should Follow
Your job is your playing field and you need to prepare your body for game situations through proper training, nutrition and hydration, along with preventative maintenance and recovery.

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