WATCH: DIY Sissy Squats
Want to mix up your home gym training session with the equipment you already own? Grab your rack, a pair of elitefts Pro Light Bands, and a pipe, and we'll get you all set up in no time to do some sissy squats.
Dave Tate Squats AND PUKES!
I had a lot of special moments at EliteFTS, as usual, but watching Dave train is always one that gets me deep down inside. It isn't that Dave is some Strength God or that he lifts some insanely amount of weight but it just might be that I look at Dave and think that this […]
WATCH: SS Yoke Bar Setup How-To
If you have the elitefts SS Yoke Bar, stop what you are doing right this instant. Why? Because you're setting it up all wrong! Watch and learn to see how it's REALLY done...