WATCH: The Biggest Mistakes of the Strongman Axle Clean and Press
In weightlifting, the bar has the power and your body will move around it. In strongman, your body has the power and the bar will move around it.
WATCH: Sumo Deadlift Technique for CrossFit Competitors and Weightlifters
Clint walks through simple adjustments to help an experienced weightlifter and current CrossFit competitor overhaul his deadlift.
Perform For Those That REALLY CARE!
Every single time I take on a new endeavor in life, I become addicted to whatever gear that I MUST HAVE to be awesome at that endeavor. I've done everything from Martial Arts, Bodybuilding, Power Building, Strongman, Powerlifting, Weightlifting, Kayaking, Snorkeling, and now...GUITAR! I went out and got lucky buying a used guitar that was […]
WATCH: My Biggest Mistake in Strongman
Being in this sport for long means making mistakes, but for Clint, there's one that he considers worse than all others.
WATCH: Painless Hook Grip Technique
Despite all of the positive aspects of using a hook grip, there's one significant deterrent: pain. What if you could avoid it?
Strongman Slam, Press, and Hank Jr!
While I'm working on an article about what makes up THE PERFECT WARM-UP, I figured that I'd give you just a little taste! As the cold 80 degree winter weather blows in here in Cyprus, warm ups have become more and more important. In all honesty, it was 50 F inside my gym with the […]
WATCH: I'm Sick! Should I Train?
After missing Strongman Sunday, Clint had a serious question to answer: when would it be safe to train again?