How Can I Get Stronger?
Whether you're healthy or coming back from injury, try incorporating these things to increase force production and longevity.
Motor Patterning and PRI — Finding Solutions to Hip Shift and Dysfunctio...
Using a number of methods, here’s a look at what I did to correct a host of problems hindering my performance and health.
Women and Imposter Syndrome
The more I reflect, I realize how much I have permitted this fear to dictate to the extent to which I engage in certain opportunities or cultivate a niche for myself as an educated, strong ass woman who wants to get you healthy.
Assessing Your Dysfunction — Finding Why
Still searching for your quick fix? You won’t find it anytime soon.
RUM9 Meet Report: Finding My Identity on the Platform
RUM9 is the first meet I stepped onto the platform as an individual with a secure sense of identity as both a PT and athlete. Feelsy meet recap incoming.
Dominance in Movement: Finding the Dimmer Switch
How many of you feel “broken” or immobile when you’re not under a bar? How are you accommodating?
Rehab and Training: Forward-Thinking Prevention, Retrospective-Thinking ...
You’re always going to be in one of the three phases of training. Your goal is to find a way to stay in Phase One as long as possible while avoiding Phase Three at all costs.
Correcting Asymmetries: Unilateral Work Versus Integration
What may today seem like a nagging injury you can muster through, may turn a would-be long-term powerlifting career into a short-lived experience on the platform.
5thSet: Swede’s Jedi Mind Trick
You can expect a good program to make you stronger. What I didn’t expect was a program to overhaul my neural network and solve every training problem I encountered.
My First Trip to elitefts and Talking with Dave Tate
My mentor and I traveled to London, Ohio and saw first-hand that some people truly never stop learning.
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