Just Because It's Heavy
All I needed to know about life, I learned in the gym.
Just because it's heavy.
Dave Tate and Ed Coan Coach the Squat at Omaha Barbell
Dave Tate and Ed Coan Coach the Squat at Omaha Barbell
Where Trials Never End
I almost saw the weight room as the cause of keeping me from dealing with the things I avoided and, in some ways, this may have been true. What I was to learn, however, was that the gym was not an escape from things, but actually, an entrance into the world of reality as I knew it.
Why Mastermind Groups Are Stupid
The best lifters never imitate all the practices of other lifters. They take what they feel they can use and disregard the rest. Very few do this in business because it takes risk and realism, two things missing in most business owners.
What's the difference between a lift off and a handout?
I needed to know about life, I learned in the gym. The difference between a lift off and a handout.
Learn to Train X — 20 Years in the Making
With this year marking the 20th anniversary of elitefts, Tate acknowledges the significance of the timing of the LTTX seminar for his team, reflecting back on the success of the company in a market where this is not necessarily the norm.
WATCH: Road Trip Rants — Max Effort Work, Bands and Chains, Jump Trainin...
Dave Tate and Nate Harvey compare exercises for strength sport and team sport athletes, discuss training with bands and chains, examine the value of jump training, and debate the importance of personal records vs. podium finishes in the sport of powerlifting.
WATCH: Max Effort and Dynamic Effort Programming
In this instructional video, Dave discusses the benefits of dynamic effort and max effort training and breaks down the specifics of his programming during his work with Dr. Rusin.
WATCH: Question & Answer Session with Dave Tate
Dave sits down to answer key questions that he received over the course of the Fixing Date Tate Series. Dave discusses everything from his biggest takeaways, to lessons learned, overall project goals, lifestyle changes, and the importance of effectively auto-regulating your own training program.
WATCH: Table Talk — Best Ways to Improve Technique Without a Coach
There are times when new lifters have the determination to improve, but they don’t have a coach in their corner to help them stay focused and make the necessary adjustments to their technique.
What Inspired You To Get Into Powerlifting/Meeting Arnold
What Inspired You To Get Into Powerlifting?
Top 3 Supplemental Lifts to Increase Your Box Squat
Top 3 Supplemental Lifts to Increase Your Box Squat
5 Reasons Why Powerlifting Is The Worlds Greatest Sport
Have you ever considered doing a meet? Read this and see what you could be missing.
The Good Life, Right?!
No job or person should ever be made to be less than another - We don't have that right!
Thank You
I wanted to drop a quick post to say thank you to everyone who has supported elitefts.com.
Three Quick Powerlifting Strength Tips
If you fix your technical flaws, take the sport a bit more seriously, and raise your standards, I guarantee that you will surprise yourself with what you're capable of doing.
Fixing Dave Tate - Max Effort/Dynamic Effort Programming
The max effort and dynamic effort training I use.
Road Trip Rants: Howe, Indiana
Here I go again on my own...
Goin' down the only road I've ever known
Howe Military Academy Announces New Strength & Fitness Center
HMA’s President, COL Tate, commented, “the Strength and Fitness Center fills a significant void in the Academy’s wholisitic approach to Cadet development. Along with rigorous academic and leader development programs, Cadets will have the opportunity to advance their physical readiness and wellness utilizing state-of-the-art-equipment. The entire campus community is excited about the facility”.
10 Deadlift Tips You Need To Know
Based on the thousands of lifters I have seen, one or more of these tips will be game changers for you.
Best Caliber Athletes
‘’Westside only gets the best caliber athletes to work with,” is something we've heard over the years. What does this mean?
WATCH: Table Talk with Dave Tate — How To Find Your Perfect Weight Class
You may be between weight classes or on the far end of the spectrum. Find out if your future should include Big Macs and candy bars or chicken and rice.
WATCH: Table Talk — What Have You Learned Post-Powerlifting?
With the muscle-building knowledge he has gained since retiring from the sport of powerlifting, what would Dave change about his years training for the platform? We rewind to Dave's first Table Talk from 2015.
Why Is It So Hard To Teach A Walk Out?
I’ll never understand what is so hard about teaching a walk out.
Hey Bro...
It never ceases to amaze me how so many others devalue the perception of other coaches who are really good at what they do.
Why I Selected MonoLift Over A Power Rack
As we keep updating our 2018 @elitefts Strength Equipment line, I had to decide what to replace in the gym. One decision was either a double rack or another monolift.
WATCH: Training After Westside
What type of training comes after years of lifting in the world's strongest gym, with the sole goal of moving as much weight as possible?
Beyond The Platfom Podcast 49 - Dave Tate
In Episode 49 we talk to Dave Tate owner of Elitefts. Elitefts is what got me into strength athletics and to pursue my career as a coach so having this opportunity to talk to Dave was truly amazing.
Best Ways To Improve Technique/Progress Without a Coach
Best Ways To Improve Technique/Progress Without a Coach
How To Become & Stay Relevant
Remember, all of those who were SO relevant several years ago?! Remember all the AWSOME PROGRAMS that were the BEST ever created?
My Two Most Shared Articles
I put these into one long article to make it easier to share when I am asked questions in DM's, Private Messages and Emails.
That Time I Asked Buddy Morris About My Bum Knee
My knee is pissed off at me again so I went back and rewatched all this, GREAT STUFF here.
Things That Make Me Hit My Head Againt The Wall - Method Muppets
More things that make me want to beat my head against a wall.
If I decided that I wanted to be a golf coach, would you hire me?
If I decided that I wanted to be a golf coach, would you hire me?
WATCH: Table Talk with Dan Green — Injuries and Trying to Stay at the To...
Has Dan Green's peak in powerlifting come and gone?
Westside ONLY Works For Geared Lifters! Right?
I know WSBB much better than most because I was there, lived it, learned it, coached it, and allowed it to become my identity.
Real World Coaching - Building The Back For Squats
Specific upper back and tolerance training for this lifter.
Real World Coaching - Chest Up
Teaching Jess to come out of the squat with her chest and traps in a better position.
Real World Coaching - The Pitt
As an aftermarket service we provide gyms and schools that outfit with elitefts PR Rated Equipment, we may stop out and to help coach, shoot a VIP interview, Profile your gym, Sponsor your meet or event, and help with aftermarket training and business support.