Ask Better Questions
You can't predict the future but you can set objectives for it. You certainly have a choice on what you can do right now today and how you're going to embrace that and how you're going to frame it.
PSA: Read this if you really are serious about training & competing
Has your dedication to training has ever created issues within your own life. Has it impaired work performance, relationships, and at times turned your life upside down?
Angry Letter From A PISSED OFF Gym Owner
I have received several emails from gym owners since posting Do your gym ethics suck? It seems there were many things I forgot or didn't know about. Below is a letter from one that asked me to post it as a guest blog.
WATCH: How to Rehabilitate A Recurring Hamstring Injury
If you misidentify the cause of the injury, not only will you fail to solve the problem, but you may actually make it worse.
FML - Why I Was Late To Work
Moving in the morning sucks ass! Right now it's even worse. Silo's, Sandwiches, Building, Dog, Calories, PR and the Rust Belt.
4 Dave Tate Video Clips From SWIS 2016
4 video clips - less than one minute each - from my presentation at the SWIS 2016 Symposium.
Old School Training Video One Leg Squats
Another clip from the discontinued WSBB Training Tapes. I was asked to demonstrate, so that's what I did - two reps.
10 Quick No B.S. Tips and Insights
I found a few articles from days gone by with different tips and ideas. Here are some that I still live and stand by, ones I always have.
Old School Training Good Morning Squats
This really isn't old School as it's from the early 90's, but it's Old School based on today.
Coming Soon - Mark Dugdale UGSS Event
Mark wants to know what YOU would like him to speak about in his Special Presentation! Please take a few seconds to let us know....
Old School Training Video - Good Mornings
This is a clip from one of the original WSBB training videos (they have been reproduced twice since this) that I used to use in my seminars.
WATCH: Motivational Rant at UGSS
You will meet people who change your life forever. I've found most of mine within the four steel walls we call a gym.
Your Choice: Do You Prevail or Get Derailed?
We all get fired up from time to time. I damned sure know I do. It’s just a matter of remembering where we’re going and understanding whether this behavior will help us get there or not.
Thanksgiving Message From Dave Tate
Dreams I'll Never See. Thanksgiving Letter from Dave Tate, Founder Inc.
What Are You Thankful For?
I asked the team this question but it didn’t stop there — that would be too easy.
Sponsored Media Ads Drive Me Insane!
INSANE advertising all over the damn page. Then you have to click "NEXT PAGE" after every paragraph and wait for the page to cache all the ads, again and again. Sometimes it will refresh itself if you don't read fast enough.
The Real Truth About Weak Point Training
I would say this article articulates how I feel about weak point training better than any other I've ever written. Over a decade old, I still believe it all to be true today.
To All Veterans
I'm sure many of you have seen the Veterans Day promotional e-mail we sent earlier, or you have already seen it on the site. Like many of you, I just saw the e-mail blast, as well as hundreds of other promotional e-mails today. I feel compelled to add something that has been bothering me for years.
3 Tips To Deal With The Gap
You ever have those times where you have no idea what you are training for? You will and here is how to deal with them.
Does Your Frame of Reference Suck?
By the time this gets posted Donald Trump may or may not be President of the United States. There is no doubt over the past year he has said some dumb shit. Even his most avid supports would agree. There is one thing he said that I'd like to bring attention to.
Here We Go Again - Better Than Black Friday
Last year we started our "Better Than Black Friday" promotions as a way to make it easier for you to pick up the best products at our best prices. This year these promotions are back and scheduled throughout the month on select products or categories.
WATCH: Auto-Regulation vs Percentage-Based Programming for the Off-Season
You can be certain that every great lifter you admire has mastered auto-regulation. If you want to be great, you'll need to do the same.
Don't You Think This PR SH*T Done Got Out Of Hand
Enough with all the stupid PR's already. Can we please get back to training?
5 Upper Body Exercises You Should Use
Here are 5 movements for you to give a shot- pulled from our Exercise Index.
WATCH: Table Talk — Lessons from Training with John Meadows
What happens when an expert in powerlifting and an expert in bodybuilding train together for five years?
WATCH: Table Talk — Should Elite Totals Be Updated?
Does being an elite powerlifter mean something different today than it did 10, 15, or 20 years ago?
WARNING ADULT LANGUAGE | Dave Tate On The Coach Kav Show
An example of why you should try to help and provide advice in whatever capacity you can.
WATCH: Table Talk — Bench Press Bar Path
Should you press in a straight line or in an arc, finishing with the bar over your face?
WATCH: Table Talk — The Widowmaker Squat Challenge
A high-rep squat set is a MFer challenge, there's no doubt about it.
Why Didn't Anyone Tell Me About SAMCRO?
Tig is completely out of his mind and reminds me of a couple people I've trained with over the years.
SH*T, Suck, Good, Great Programs
To go from shit to suck is a big step because that means you've got to commit to something- which most people haven't done or are not able to do. They're not really able to go all in.
WATCH: Table Talk — The Current State of the Fitness Industry
What do you think of the fitness community today and all the shitty gurus on social media?
WATCH: Table Talk — Can You Use Competition Lifts for Max Effort Work?
If you feel you need more work on the competition movements, can you use them as max effort work instead of doing specialty exercises?
The Best TRAINing Advice For Beginners
This is when you realize you are not competing against others but with the weights and your win/loss record isn't based on how many trophies you get but how many PRs you get after being knocked back.
Who Are Women Powerlifters?
Women are the fastest growing segment in the sport of Powerlifting with a three-year growth rate of close to 400%. You ever wonder who they are and how they were introduced to the sport?
Jim Wendler and Dave Tate - Off Topic PlayList
This is the full playlist of the Table Talk discussions Jim and I had.
Everybody Accumulates Damage
Thoughts, ideas, stories, training, and ramblings of a washed up meathead that won't let go of the dreams he'll never see. Husband, Father, Son, Brother, and Founder of Inc. — Dave blogs about ways to Live, Learn and Pass On. Apply what he has to say to training, business, and life.
Goggins Force Tearing Up The Platform
I have seen Steve personally invested in each lifter and their accomplishments. Check these out to see a few.
When Should You Do Your First Powerlifting Meet?
My stand by answer for this used to be, as soon as you can. I used to advise people to enter the next meet that was close to where they lived. My reasons for this were to gain experience, learn how to navigate a meet, network with other lifters and set benchmarks for you own lifts. In short, establish
Open Letter About Online Coaching
I view this like a giant tree full of many roots and branches. This part is only one root of the tree. I will write about this topic more in the future but wanted to get this one piece out while it was on my mind and I had time.
Westside Squat Training From The late 90's
As I read through this article, written more than 17 years ago I was amazed at how much of this I still agree with today. While many things have changed the basic concepts (to me) are still the same.
Shanne Hamman Squat Routine
Matt Dimel, Hoss the Boss, Bombing out in the Deadlift and the squat routine from one of the best.
Image: Hoss the Boss
What I Learned From Multiple Pec Tears.
This is my story, my history and what I did. This is in no way Medical or Physical Therapy advice.
Building Triceps Strength
Are your triceps holding back your pressing movements? Read this and see what to do about it.
Are You Up To Standard?
I don't think people really realize the context of what this really means and what standards of training really mean. I do think that it's one thing that gets taken for granted or isn't really even thought about, and I'll note a couple examples to demonstrate what I mean.