How To Pick An Online Trainer or Diet Coach
There are very good online trainers out there who do care about making you better but there are just as many who only care about making enough money so they can continue competing themselves. When I was coming up in the sport we didn't have online training - what we did was called "Doorman" or "Bouncer". For many today's version
Six Bodyweight Exercises That Should Be In Every Training Program
Each of these exercises has a variation that will fit your experience level and needs as a lifter, no matter how advanced you are.
WATCH: Table Talk — Is Geared Powerlifting Dead?
People always want to talk about when geared powerlifting ruled the sport. Now they think raw is in charge. What’s the answer?
You Have Got To Be Kidding Me!
"If you're capable of sending a text message between sets,you probably aren't working working hard enough". This was posted and some people really got pissed about it. Read why...
What Could I Have Done Differently
Looking back, how would I have changed my training based off what I know now?
Is Geared Powerlifting DEAD?
Is Powerlifting really growing? Is geared Powerlifting dead? How much can sleeves ad? Do lifters assume things that may not be true?
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Isometric Method
How to use this method depends on the goal of your training. I've used it differently for powerlifting, bodybuilding, and rehabilitation.
Tracy Ford - A Coach You Should Know
"Ford Sports Performance is a 10,000 square foot state-of-the-art facility with indoor speed field turf. Ford Sports has all of the elite training equipment needed to provide for professional athletes.Located in Bellevue, Washington, this is one of the only sports performance facility of its kind that offers specialized NFL Combine Training in the Pacific Northwest." - FSP
Power Clinic To Host Casey Williams & Yessica Martinez Seminar
Power Clinic To Host Cassey Williams & Yessica Martinez Seminar
5 Reasons Why Everyone Should Use A Powerlifting Program
Why powerlifting is the greatest strength sport, and why everybody should powerlifting program...
WATCH: Table Talk — Prehabilitation and Rehabilitation Techniques
How you choose to prime your body for a training session is up to you, but not all warm up and recovery methods are equal.
Ed Coan Seminars and THAT Federation
At what point does a sport's governing agency have too much power?
PT Prophet Podcast Episode 69 with Dave Tate
Dave Tate – PT Prophet Podcast Episode 69 // Hosted by Hayden Wilson
Dave Tate's 10 Most Popular Blog Posts of 2015
In no specific order my Top 10 Blog posts from 2015. Includes training, humor and business posts.
Mashed Up Meathead - Last Week of Training Sessions
Catching up on my training log. Three days of non-eventful training.
Two More Business Videos Worth Watching
More secrets to working better and making a difference in the quality of peoples lives?
WATCH: Table Talk — Can You Bench Alone Using a Bench Shirt?
Equipped powerlifting isn't easy to do by yourself in a home gym. But if you're going to do it, you need to know how to do it safely.
How I trained as a teen and benched 500
You can always learn from the past if you look back with a critical eye. This is how I trained and what I would have done differently.
Mashed Up Meathead - Lat training with 3 Pro's
Back training session with 3 IFBB Pro's; John Meadows, Ken Jackson and Ron Parlow. This left my back sore (a good sore) for days.
WATCH: Table Talk — Jim Wendler Travel Stories and 7 Quick Questions
The seminar era produced stories about cabs and airports and churches and bomb shelters. This is one of my favorites.
Great Advice From Steven Tomlinson
"Steven Tomlinson is convinced none of us has limits; and passionately convinces with his presentation. As a business educator and coach, performer and playwright, Steven moves people from all walks of life to remove self-imposed barriers, and to become the very best version of who theyre meant to be." - From YouTube Intro.
How To Cock Block A Gym Bro (video)
The Gym Bro is back to piss me off, yet, again. This is how I cock blacked him.
Mashed Up Meathead - The Caddy Shack Leg Training Session
You ever have one of those days where you have NO IDEA why things feel so damn good? Don't let that shit fool you.
Recaps & Resolutions - Stupid or Something to Learn From?
How many more 2015 recaps are we going to have to read until people begin to see...
WATCH: Table Talk — How to Keep Strength While Cutting Weight
Dropping bodyweight doesn't have to mean dropping pounds off your total. If you have reasonable expectations, there are ways to maintain your strength while cutting weight.
Did You See That Post I Made?
Did you see the post I made the other day? If not you need to read this....
Mashed Up Meathead - End of Year Leg Blow Out
Only one way to end the year off right... Death Squats
The Best Training Templates You Will Find & A Better Reason To Use Them
We have resurrected these from the archives for a very good reason, click through to discover why.
elitefts Classic: Falling Forward in the Squat
Novice and advanced lifters make this mistake all the time, in the gym and at meets. To fix this, figure out if the problem is mental, physical, or technical.
20 Most Popular Training Methods of 2015
On Oct 12, 2015 we created the Poll displayed below in an attempt to find the most used training systems. Click through to see the results..
WATCH: Table Talk — The Three Biggest Mistakes Intermediate Lifters Make
If you ever want to reach an elite level in this sport, you have to get the rookie mistakes out of the way. These are the most common problems I see in intermediate lifters.
Could you be getting more out of your accessory training? (video lecture)
This is my entire lecture of accessory and supplemental lifts for strength training. No login, no email request just a straight up hour plus YouTube video. With many taking fine off over the holidays this would be a great time to watch this.
Grateful For The Holidays
During the holidays, we are especially grateful to those who have helped in our success throughout the past year. It’s in the spirit of appreciation that
Elitefts Holiday Phone Wallpapers
Holiday Phone Wallpapers - To see more go to our page Blogs > Wallpapers > Mobile
How to Become Team Elitefts (video)
There are many out there who just want free shit, or the exposure we can provide so they can build their own business. This is understandable but on the other end what can be provided in fair trade to offer the elitefts readers equal or greater value than what will be provided?
WATCH: Table Talk — How Can You Become Part of Team elitefts?
There are a lot of strong lifters in the world. That's not all we're looking for.
Screen Shots From Training Video
Screen Shots from Saturday's Training Video that will be launched later this week.
Mashed Up Meathead - Limping Legs
This really wasn't that bad of a session but it creep up on me about 3/4 of the way though and left me barely able to walk.