WATCH: Rapid Fire Table Talk— MRV, Staying Competitive, and Coffin Dragger
Dave answers your questions from Instagram in 15 seconds or less.
Come Train and Learn with Legend Steve Goggins on September 26th
This training camp with Steve is set up with a limited attendance and a non-formal format. We designed it with this format so you can learn all you can from Steve and so that Steve can help tap into what YOU need to do to become better.
My Most Talked About Table Talk So Far...
I've had more messages and emails about this one than any other we have done so far.
Reminder: Falling Forward - The Squat
Remember that falling forward in the squat is not a unique happening. A lot of lifters do it. And it has been overcome. Presented here are several way to do so.
WATCH: Have You Ever Felt Your Passion Slip Away?
It's not going to be easy to accomplish your goals. When your will to achieve starts to fade, what will you do?
Top 3 Reasons Women Love Powerlifting
According to over 1000 Women Powerlifters - Here are the top three reasons they love the sport.
4 Basic Laws of Strength Training
This is all pretty basic stuff but important to note just how important this all is to not only physical development but injury prevention as you progress.
Are you a Champ or a Chump?
When there is a choice to be made and that choice is one that moves you away from your aim, goal or objective then you are choosing to be a chump - not a champion.
Please Answer These Quick Questions About
Quick survey about our website. Thank you for your help with this.
WATCH: Table Talk—OH CRAP! Edition
I realized this week that I made a huge mistake in my last table talk video...this is for the female lifters I left out.
Sometimes The Truth Hurts
I am sure everyone will agree the day a coach or trainer decides to take payment for their products or services they are no longer a coach, they are now a business owner.
WATCH: My Worst Injury in Powerlifting
Injuries suck, but we all get them. It's part of the game. But there's one injury that kept me out of the gym for months at a time. The doctor told me I'd never bench over 400 pounds again. He was wrong.
Tate's Recommended Business Book List
What I feel are the best business books and how I use and read them.
Mashed Up Meathead Training Week - Aug 9 - 15th
Had I known how this would have worked out I would have backed off 6 months ago.
5 Things You MUST Do When You Go To The Gym
This is my real life - no BS list of things you MUST do.
The Seminar That Changed Training (full version)
This seminar is the real deal, not a staged production. It is exactly what I was teaching years ago.
The Forgotten Power of Training
There are two types of adversity you will experience as a lifter: the stress you can plan for and the stress you can't. How will this effect determine your path in life and in the gym?
The Definitive Guide to the Board Press
We are certain this article and embedded videos will not hit every sports and news outlet online, but at least you will LEARN HOW TO F**CKING BOARD PRESS! We have no idea what caused the recent train wreck, but can offer one solution by reposting an article from six years ago.
Training with drug dealers, porn stars, lawyers, teachers, business owne...
Law #38 from the 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene Think as you like, but behave like others. If you make a show of going against the times, flaunting your unconventional ideas and unorthodox ways, people will think that you only want attention and that you look down upon them. They will […]
Motivational Training Videos That Kick Ass
Dave Tate 'Under The Bar' is the founder and CEO of Inc. He has logged more than 10,000 hours of strength consulting with professional, elite and novice athletes, as well as with professional strength coaches and written more than 500 articles for magazines and prominent websites. He is currently training to better his health.
Table Talks Are Back!
What would I have done differently and how do you know what weight class to lift in?
I'm Back... From Vacation
You can spend you entire life is pursuit of happiness and never live the best life you currently have
WATCH: Passion Trumps Everything
Human potential is a lot higher than we think it is. It has always been higher.
Did I Just Write A Rant?
I "get" you don't "know business" but are you really that dumb to not know the difference between giving and selling?
8 Best Maximal Lifting Techniques for Mega Mass
Bodybuilding training isn’t the only way to build muscle. Here are serious hypertrophy techniques ripped straight from the powerlifting platform.
3 Simple Things That WILL Absolutely Make Your Next Training Session Str...
These three things will make a much bigger difference than you think. Try them next time you are in the gym and see for yourself.
You Asked For It - A Westside Story
Louie asked Matt, John Stafford and Myself to help out. I was already assisting Louie with lectures at the time and figured this would be the same thing. I would be the "demo" guy. This is KINDA how it worked out.
When You Know It's Time To Get Out
Most run and are leaving the teaching up to people who are far less qualified. When you reach this point, think of all those that were there for you. Will you be there for the ones who will come up behind you?
Let Your Program be Your Guide, but be Prepared for Detours
If you're an intermediate or advanced lifter, think about your program as a highway you're driving down. You need to be on the one that'll get you where you want to go.
8-Week Off-Season Figure Training Plan
This program reveals the approach I use for bringing up weak points between shows without neglecting the necessary foundation for all competitors.
12 Tips for the Advanced Lifter
If you've been in the sport for more than a few years, you no longer need programming tips and coaching cues. These higher level lessons will help you reach your prime.
Staying Committed to the Future: The New
The many products and services we offer have been complicated by technology. Now we want to make that up to you.
Build Yourself Up, Don't Tear Others Down
It's always easier to tear others down than it is to build yourself up. It's easier to demand respect than to earn it.
Two Great Marketing Examples
I subscribe hundreds of business and company newsletters. I do so for marketing and other business ideas and inspiration. For the most part most are boring but here are two things that really stood out to me over the past week.
Set Your Objectives High And To Yourself
You can't know where you're going without having a great vision. But consider this: your goals can limit you.
4 Critical Training Tips For Success
It's always the simple things that hold us back. Don't let these four hold YOU back.
Why most of what you read on weak point training is... WEAK!
This video explains why most what you read about weak point training is bullshit.
A Heavy Conversation
This was a reminder to me that adversity doesn't change and will never stop. We are the ones that need to change to burden and carry heavier loads, hold more strain and pick up more than we have before.
How To Use The Reverse Band Press For Recovery & Restoration
How to use the reverse band press to help recovery and restoration. I personally used this same protocol after several shoulder and pec injuries.
Share These Elitefts Meme's
An Iron Will may not make you the best in the world. It will make you better than all those who quit.
Does Training Intelligence Matter & Do You Have It?
These debates will make you question yourself, grow, see where you can become better, see where you are wrong and become a better coach.
2 HUGE Beliefs That Are Killing Your Training
They will not coddle you, tell you how awesome you are or take a IG video of your lift.
Happy Fathers Day
The more we grow, the more things change and in many aspects the more they stay the same. As a father I wonder will my children be inspired and find their passion because of me, or will they find their passion despite of me. Am I really doing the best for them?
Two Dynamic Bench Cycles That Will Blow Your Bench Up
Are you looking for something new to take you bench up a notch? Here are two.
Washed Up Meathead Leg Day
Leg day training and no missed reps on the bench press while one guy smashed someone's face in the ground.
How To Get The Smell Of Dog Crap Off Yourself
The school bell rang, marking the end of another day. I grabbed my jacket and lunch pail and found my usual spot in the back of the line. Released from our daily educational grind, I exited the back door with the rest of the kids never expecting what was about to happen.