Another Training Weekend From 2012
There really isn't that much to say. The weekends have basically been the same for over a decade. The names always change, some of the lifts change, some equipment gets added and upgraded -> but the effort stays the same.
No Other Exercise Builds Confidence Like The Squat
Squatting is the same as life and we all need spotters.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #30 — How Dave Tate Trained His Clients
If you train gen pop, how do you get into your clients' heads? What exercises do you choose? Dave Tate answers these questions based on his experiences from training gen pop.
A Nasty Set Of Hack Squats
20 Second Rest-Pause Set With elitefts Monster Mondo Hack Squat Machine The goal here is for the entire set to be less than 20 reps but to hit failure 4x throughout the set. As you see here, Ken Jackson gets six reps on the first round, four on the second, three on the third, and five on the last.
I SPY From A 1998 Photo
A picture from 1998 from Westside Barbell. I spy THREE things in this picture that have been marked as “new” by several "GURUs" over the past several years.
The Scariest Thing in Lifting?
What’s the thing to Be Ware of Halloween 2019? The Calorie Deficit! Gainz gone bad! You can’t let your Omen be The Fly landing on all your low fat carb sources that sent you into a Cannibal Holocaust.
Time Flies
This video was a great reminder of all this. If you have your own business, money has to matter, but it doesn’t have to be the main driver for why you work as hard as you do.
ASK ME ANYTHING - Oct 4, 2019
ASK ME ANYTHING - Oct 4th, 2019 - FROM IG @underthebar story. 79 more questions answered.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — A Message to High School Coaches
Ideally, the kids should be learning from the coaches' example. So what does that say about coaches who are calling kids lazy?
Are Training & Business The Same?
The best lifters never imitate all the practices of other lifters. They take what they feel they can use and disregard the rest. Very few do this in business because it takes risk and realism, two things missing in most business owners.
Looking For A New Way To Blast Your Hamstrings?
This is a great way to do the GHR when you are not strong enough or what to dig deeper in a fatigued state.
The Last Set - Leg Press & The Mystery Man
This is another "last set" video but take special notice of the 4:40 time stamp. The best part of this is the filming never stopped.
Here you go. Pictures from my real life.
I’ve always said to take care of and build solid relationships with those who will be closest to your casket when you pass.
The day Jim Wendler Made Me Take a 60 Pound PR
This was my second or third shirt session of this training cycle, and I did 640 for an easy 5 pound 1-Board Shirt PR. Jim convinced me into taking a ride with 700.
WATCH: Business and Branding From the Mill
In 2009, Dave took on the treadmill, the mortal enemy of powerlifters, as he answered questions about business and branding. This feat is not for the weak of heart or constitution, so abandon hope, all ye who enter here...
ASK ME ANYTHING - Sept 28, 2019
ASK ME ANYTHING - Sept 28th, 2019 - FROM IG @underthebar story. 61 more questions answered.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Chuck Vogelpohl Made Dave Quit After 4...
There are two kinds of athletes: the ones that love to win and the ones that hate to lose. The athletes who hate losing are the ones you should be afraid of. Dave Tate learned that the hard way when challenging Chuck Vogelpohl at Westside.
elitefts Table Talk Podcast #29 - Dave Tate's Simple Conjugate Trai...
This one covers the items I left out of the first - and - answers more questions.
Before s1 There Was My Garage Gym
When we moved into our second house it had a garage (the first one didn’t) and wasn’t a block away from the hood. It was, however, 30 minutes away from Westside Barbell Club and it changed the nature of my extra workouts.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #29 — A Simple and Effective Template for Con...
Dave's going to go over more simple conjugate method and answer more questions, so be sure to have your questions ready and are tuned in to listen closely.
Team elitefts IG AMA Week Schedule Of Sept 23
Looking for a great QA? We have you covered. Here is our Instagram AMA schedule for the week
ASK ME ANYTHING - Sept 20, 2019
ASK ME ANYTHING - Sept 20th, 2019 - FROM IG @underthebar story. 66 more questions answered.
elitefts Table Talk Podcast #28 - Dave Tate's Simple Conjugate Trai...
Breaking down the Conjugate System and simple as I can.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Going All In
What does it mean to go all in? Is there a point where you've gone too far down the rabbit hole of all in? Clint Darden and Dave Tate attempt to answer these questions with their different perspectives.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #28 — A Simple and Effective Template for Con...
It’s back to the drawing board for Dave Tate — specifically the drawing board for explaining how to set up a conjugate method training program.
Stripping The Rack Press
The key here is to press into and up the rack - Stripping The Rack. These are great for overhead presses, hack squats, bench presses, close grip benches (all from different angles).
The Biggest Pitfalls of Powerlifting
Think about all of the things you would never miss a training session for, and then think of all of the things you missed with your family due to those sessions. Those memories you missed out on are only a fraction of the pitfalls you'll face in powerlifting.
Mountain Dog Back Training - This One Gets Messy
Another brutal session from 2015. Training Location @elitefts s4. This one didn't end so well.
Dave Tate On Human Potential
Excerpt from a seminar I did almost 10 years ago and it all stands true today.
Squat Basics Most Don't Think About
In 2016 elitefts Team Member Christian Anto brought a small group of lifters he was working - training with to elitefts and asked me to take a look at their squats. This is how it went.
Another Mountain Dog Leg Day - This Was A Brutal One!
This is when things started to get hard... and just progressed harder from here. This was a hellish session. This training session began with...
This Weeks Instagram AMA Schedual
Looking for the next Q and A or AMA? Look no more. Here are the Instagram AMA schedule from #teamelitefts
ASK ME ANYTHING - Sept 13, 2019
ASK ME ANYTHING - Sept 13, 2019 - FROM IG @underthebar story. 75 more questions answered.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — How Dave Tate and Justin Harris Met
Dave Tate and Justin Harris reflect on how they first met and a handful of the adventures they shared during Dave's post-powerlifting retirement diet.
Is Isolation Work Necessary?
Movement is all in vogue these days, but let’s not forget the importance of muscle awareness.
Garbage Thinking Rotts Your Life
If ANYONE said to them what they say to themselves they would NEVER PUT UP WITH IT! Yet, when they do it to themselves, it’s OK.
elitefts Underground Strength Session from 2008
Video: Watch around the 3:10 mark when Chuck does the back attack. That's 5 plates and a ton of band tension.
18 Years Ago Today
I don’t believe I’ve ever written what I was doing when the Towers came down eighteen years ago.
Dave Tate Helping Ashley Petro Dial In Her Squat
As you will see everyone needs to be coached a little differently.
Shout Out To T-Nation
He told me he didn’t care if I voice recorded it, wrote it on a napkin, or just called him on the phone. He would help get me get it out.
ASK ME ANYTHING - Sept 6, 2019
ASK ME ANYTHING - August 24th, 2019 - FROM IG @underthebar story. Close to 100 more questions answered.
elitefts Table Talk Podcast #27 - Dave Tate Advises Intern Zach Thayer
Business, Some Training, Education and Life
Throwback to s4 Compound
We had to get out of s3 because the propane heat bill was no joke. Between the rent, heat and the grass cutting, it was very poor research on my part and we had to make a change.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Joe Sullivan on Adductor Health
Joe Sullivan says the movements he uses to keep his adductors health are "the bomb." Want to find out what those explosive movements are? Read on to find out.
Dave Tate's Favorite Powerlifting Memory
This is the one thing I always look back on and miss the most. There is no other way to replicate it.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #27 with Videographer Intern Zach Thayer
On this Table Talk Podcast episode, elitefts Videographer Intern Zach Thayer grills Dave Tate with a series of questions on a variety of topics.