The New Hardcore
Hardcore is engaging in an activity that you love and you don't care what anyone else thinks. If you're hardcore, you'll never question why a guy wants to do something.
ASK ME ANYTHING - Aug 30, 2019
ASK ME ANYTHING - August 24th, 2019 - FROM IG @underthebar story. 91 more questions answered.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Justin Harris Talks Hormones and Janae...
In this snippet from a Table Talk Podcast episode, Dave Tate and Justin Harris discuss Janae Kroc's return to the bodybuilding circuit and how hormones may (or may not) affect her return to the sport.
1998 Seminar Throwback
It's hard to believe it's been almost 25 years ago that I began doing seminars about the Conjugate Method. I first started doing them out of the old Westside Barbell Club with a misspelled flip chart. This was one of many things Louie helped me get a start with that I will be forever grateful. He'd stop in, listen, help
elitefts Table Talk Podcast #26 - Nate Harvey
I sat down with Nate and discussed training for athletes. We also touched on some training aspects for the Powerlifter.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #26 with Nate Harvey
Dave Tate and Nate Harvey, die-hard supporters of the conjugate method, sit down on this Table Talk Podcast episode.
What You "Can Do" Should Always Be More Than What You Can't
Since 2004, I have been in a constant and persistent pursuit of those who can help me with my issues and when I find someone better I move on. This has allowed my to add more items to my “can do” list then the items that get pulled off as well as creating a trusted sounding board.
The Day Chuck Vogelpohl Made Dave Tap Out After 45 Sets
There are those who love to win and will do everything they can to do so. There are others who can't stand to lose and will do everything they can to avoid it.
elitefts Table Talk Podcast #25 - Casey Williams
I sat down with Casey Williams and discussed training, business and life.
THE Amazing Forearm Jack Program
You need to understand that information like this is what people pay hundreds…no thousands for. Countless hours of research and testing have gone into this “new age” program and you are getting it for free!
Throwback to s3 Compound
After a couple more years, we had to expand the warehouse into the weightroom next door. s2 then became where we printed apparel, and the s3 location was already rented to someone else. The weightroom had to move.
The Future of Multiply Powerlifting
NOTE: If you're not interested in multi-ply Powerlifting, don't waste your time watching this video
ASK ME ANYTHING - Aug 24, 2019
ASK ME ANYTHING - August 24th, 2019 - FROM IG @underthebar story. 57 more questions answered.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #25 with Casey Williams
Dave Tate's bringing yet another amazing athlete to the table... Talk Podcast! (See what we did there?) This time, it's elitefts athlete Casey Williams.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Justin Harris Explains Carb Cycling
Carb cycling: A fancy phrase for rotating calories. Nutritionist Justin Harris breaks down why you should be carb cycling and why it works in simple terms.
Standing Ab Variations
Looking to train your torso to be strong? Start using more standing movements like these...
The Definitive Guide To Bloated Sex
The more bloated you get, the bigger your lifts get, but other areas of your life can take a hit. Like the bedroom. It doesn't have to be another thing that gets pushed to the side on your road to greatness. Those without this issue - this will help answer the question... "How do you think he does it"?
What PR Rated Means
Professional Rated indicates that elitefts branded strength equipment with the “PR” designation has passed specialized testing—which assesses the item for Load Capacity, Stabilization, Repeated Use, and Fit and Finish.
ASK ME ANYTHING - Aug 16, 2019
ASK ME ANYTHING - August 16st, 2019 - FROM IG @underthebar story. Over 100 more questions answered.
LISTEN: Table Talk Clip — Are Cheat Meals Worth It?
It’s better to have one cheat meal a week than to go off of the program and eat on a day that you’ve burned off a lot of calories and now have taken in more calories than lost. Don’t turn a fat-burning day into a fat-gaining day.
What Was My Biggest Competetion Weight?
I’m asked this about once a week. The answer is 308 on the scale and 312 on the platform. I never had to drop to 308. I had to grow into it every meet.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #24 with Clint Darden
Clint Darden is taking some time to travel out of Cyprus and to the U.S., where he's finally made his way to the elitefts S5 Compound as a Table Talk Podcast guest.
Throwback To The s1 Compound
Broken desks, folding tables, falling ceilings, flooded pumps, break in's, we've seen it all. This was the first place the business moved when it moved out of the house and why I drove back and forth twice a day.
Advanced Max Effort Method Concepts
The real point of this post is to show Conjugate is VERY simple while at the same time can be extremely complex. It all depends on the person and situation but in the majority of all cases, its simple.
ASK ME ANYTHING - Aug 10, 2019
ASK ME ANYTHING - August 1st, 2019 - FROM IG @underthebar story. 89 more questions answered.
Justin Harris Back Training At Elitefts
While out for the elitefts Table Talk Podcast Justin decided to hit this back training session.
Everything You Need to Know About The Max Effort Method
As with anything in training, the answer always is “it depends.” With the max effort method, I can do one of these things for two hours just on advanced principles that deal with the max effort method, or I can do one very that's simple. I choose simple.
elitefts Table Talk Podcast #23 - Joe Sullivan & Janis Finkelman
Full Podcast - This is a long one, we set a PR for length. Enjoy as much was discussed.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — John Meadows' Favorite Physique i...
It was in the year of 1993 and he weighed somewhere between 218 to 220 pounds. Who does that narrow it down to?
All I Needed To Know About Life, I learned In The Gym - Leadership
In general, most people do not want to be managed but do want to be led. I’ve been around enough “leaders” to know I have much to learn, but also something to offer.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #23 with Joe Sullivan and Janis Finkelman
Joe and Janis are returning for another episode of Table Talk Podcast with host Dave Tate. Expect all sorts of thoughts, questions, and answers for all things powerlifting-related.
Looking To Build Your Upper Back?
Looking to build your upper-back? Stay tighter on the bench? Stop from rounding on the deadlift? Sick of falling over out of the bottom of the squat?
This might be something to look into.
Ed Coan and Dave Tate Discuss Training Weak Points
Excerpt about weak point training from a Q and A I did with Ed Coan at Omaha Barbell Club
Staying on Track
Here is a SWIS Video Clip with Dave Tate discussing how he focuses for the long term in business versus going after trends and having to rebrand all the time...brilliant ...1 minutes 22 seconds long.
ASK ME ANYTHING - Aug 1, 2019
ASK ME ANYTHING - August 1st, 2019 - FROM IG @underthebar story. 77 more questions answered.
For those who missed my Table Talk podcast with Justin Harris, here are some of the pictures of me when I was working with him.
Coach Cuthbert Strength Chat Podcast With Dave Tate
For this weeks Strength Chat, it was an absolutely epic episode. In this episode I had the opportunity to chat with a powerlifter who competed at the elite level across mutiple weight classes and the Co-Founder of EliteFTS, Dave Tate.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Cailer Woolam Bombed Out of His 1st Meet
Even Doctor Deadlift has bombed out, and for him, it was at his first meet as a 15-year-old in high school. Cailer Woolam was ready to quit, but he kept on pushing, and look at him now: one of the youngest people to make the deadlift world record.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #22 with Justin Harris
Dave Tate sits down with bodybuilding contest prep guru Justin Harris, who helped bring Dave down to single-digit body fat levels — a feat few people thought possible.
elitefts Table Talk Podcast #22 - Justin Harris
Great catching up with Justin. Where has he been? What was he up to? What is he doing now? All this and more...
Ed Coan and Dave Tate Discuss Training Frequency
What is the optimal number of times per week a lifter should train?
Table Talk #21 - Back To The Roots With The QA Format
You asked, I answered. While the guests are great I will always come back to the original QA format as much as I can because I know it helps at least one person.
Lifting Some Of This And Some Of That
Joe Sullivan elitefts Coach and Athlete in the final push for 2019 Boss of Bosses
Would You Hire Yourself
The takeaway is, regardless of the position, you always need to be building your skills or you will be demoted, replaced or go out of business.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #21 with Dave Tate
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, Dave Tate is hosting solo once more and has plenty to say about a variety of subjects, such as JM Blakley not knowing how to use the Internet and things he's learned in his training career, and more.
ASK ME ANYTHING - July 26, 2019
ASK ME ANYTHING - July 26th, 2019 - FROM IG @underthebar story. 78 more questions answered.
"We want our members training with the BEST equipment which is why we keep both our gyms fully loaded with @elitefts! Our loyalty & respect to that company made the decision easy to put a mural of @underthebar up for some added motivation!"
Where Are They Now?
They were serious, hardcore and Powerlifting IS Life. If you have been around more than a decade think of how often we see this cycle.