LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — "Figuring Shit Out" is Lost
If you're new to strength sports, don't be afraid to go into a gym and try to figure shit out. You don't need to hire a coach immediately — in fact, Dave Tate and Hypertrophy Coach Joe Bennett recommend going into the gym with a friend and have some fun.
Even More Stuff From Last Weekend
Even More Stuff From The Stronger Sports Training & Success Summit
A Bunch Of Stuff From Last Weekend
A Bunch Of Stuff From The Stronger Sports Training & Success Summit
Dave Tate welcomes Anne Sheehan to Team Elitefts
Dave finishes day one of the elitefts SSTSS with an emotional message on the topic of "Live, Learn, Pass on".
How to Train When Dieting Hard | Dave Tate | John Meadows | Josh Wade
"This was a fun little talk. We go over how to train when dieting hard. I know you will love this video so make sure you watch the whole thing. I know it a bit long but just put in your earbuds and the time will fly by" - John Meadows
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #8 with Tony Montgomery
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, Dave Tate announces a new member of Team elitefts: Tony Montgomery. They talk about training for the U.S. Marines, running gyms, furthering education, and more.
elitefts Table Talk Podcast #8 - Tony Montgomery Jr
Dave Tate sits down and speaks with Tony about his time in the Marines, his gym, training, travel, and education.
ASK ME ANYTHING - April 29, 2019 - FROM IG @underthebar story. 113 questions answered.
I saved this as my last post for reason. I feel it is the most important.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #7 with the Hypertrophy Coach (Joe Bennett)
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, Dave Tate and Joe Bennett (aka the Hypertrophy Coach) discuss pursuing knowledge, balancing family and work, online coaching, Dave Bautista, and more.
Reverse Grip Bench Press 101
Why you should consider adding the Reverse Grip Bench Press to your program
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip —The Missing Link to Social Skills: Move...
"This is going to debunk everything we know about autism. " Sheena Leedham talks about how she intertwined movement and social skills through the OSU Men's Aspirations program.
elitefts Table Talk Podcast #7 - Joe Bennett
Dave Tate sits down with The Hypertrophy Coach Joe Bennett
The Missing Link to Social Skills: Movement [Autism Awareness]
Excerpt from Autism Awareness Podcast
Autism Awareness Month - It Takes A Village
These are the people your child will learn to know and trust best. They will always care and, god forbid anything ever happens to you, will be the ones to step up.
Playing the "Autism Card" in Public
Excerpt from Podcast #5 with Sheena Leedham - Autism Awareness Month
Under The Bar: They are NOT Angry Birds! The Monster Within Special Educ...
Special education is an unfunded federal mandate. Contrary to popular belief, it is not funded by the feds at 100%. Not even close to a third. Cutbacks and downsizing are hitting education hard, and it’s directly impacting student delivery in the classroom.
ASK ME ANYTHING - April 19, 2019 - FROM IG @underthebar story. 89 questions answered.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Playing the "Autism Card" in...
When a stranger asks the guardian of a child with autism to calm down their kid, should they say, "Sorry, my kid has autism"? Dave Tate and Sheena Leedham share their perspectives on what to do in that situation.
Walking Through The Doors Of WSBB Was Like Walking In To HELL — Here Are...
I can’t begin to count the number of times I left that place wanting to tear the steering wheel of the dashboard.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #6 with Dave Tate (Rant Edition)
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, you might want to grab your headphones because Dave Tate has some choice words on a variety of topics.
My Strongest Bodyweight
Looking back over all the years this was my strongest bodyweight for Powerlifting
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Dave Tate's Strongest Bodyweight
Keep in mind that Dave's bodyweight here was before Westside and was around the time when he tried out bodybuilding for a little bit... 'cause why not?
Powerlifting: Should you compete or not?
I popped out a question on my Instagram asking if it was important for one who trains the powerlifts to compete. Here are close to 100 answers.
ASK ME ANYTHING - April 12, 2019 - FROM IG @underthebar story. 100 questions answered.
The ONLY Video I Took From The Women's Pro Am
I did happen to have my phone in hand as I was walking back in the meet after running out to make a call and got the video in this post.
The Programming Process Behind the Workout [Autism Awareness]
This programming clip is taken from the full ASD Podcast with Sheena Sheena Leedham
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — The Programming Process Behind the Wor...
Training is more than the squat, bench, and deadlift — especially for a child on the autism spectrum. According to Sheena, bring together observation, communication, scheduling, progression, and motivation, and you’ll have a solid start to a program.
Autism Awareness Content To The Max!
Autism Awareness Podcast, ebooks and articles all in one place.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #5 with Sheena Leedham
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, Dave Tate opens up about being a father to a son with Asperger's, and elitefts Managing Editor Sheena Leedham talks about training and educating Blaine and other young adults on the spectrum.
A Difficult Update From Luke Edwards
Since learning this news I have been asked the question “what can I do for you?” a lot. That’s tough to have an answer to but, is in part, why I have been encouraged to share my story.
Yes, he was born “THIS” way.
No, he’s not like Rainman. Autism is a spectrum with the person having their own characteristics which can be significantly different.
Real World Autism Awareness
Don’t be upset when I reply “no”, “nope” or “not today” when you raise your voice or ask me...
ASK ME ANYTHING - April 5, 2019 - FROM IG @underthebar story. 76 questions answered.
Under The Bar: They Are NOT Angry Birds! You Are the Parent
Navigating the seas of parenting a child with autism means weathering storms, passing shipwrecks, and getting stranded on an island. But there are always people willing to help get both parent and child back on board with resources aplenty.
The Worst Injury I've Ever Seen In A Meet
The worst injury I have ever seen in a meet has to be when Marc Bartley's squat.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Jim Wendler's 2-Minute Conjugate ...
Conjugate. You keep using that word. We do not think it means what you think it means. Why is conjugate training so hard to understand? It's not! In fact, because it's so easy to understand, Jim Wendler can explain it in two minutes. Two minutes! It's that simple.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — The Worst Powerlifting Injury Dave Saw...
Dave answers this question barely even a second after hearing it aloud: "Marc Bartley." This one isn't for those with weak constitutions... or stomachs...
Autism Awareness - They are NOT Angry Birds - Free e-Book
My first Autism Awareness Month Blog Post of 2019
Joe Sullivan & JP Carroll Heavy Good Mornings [FULL TRAINING SESSION]
Training from the s5 compound. A little living, a little learning and a little passing on.
Insane Leg Workout at EliteFTS | Ken Jackson & John Meadows
"Today was a leg workout for the books. This is how we did it back in the day at the old EliteFTS gym. IFBB Pro Ken Jackson came down and we crushed legs. This was a hard core balls to the wall leg training" - John Meadows
LISTEN: Table Talk Clip — Dave Tate's Worst Powerlifting Meet
As the title states, Dave Tate talks about his worst meet. It happened not long after he'd joined Westside in the mid-1990s at the Junior Nationals in Aurora, Illinois...
elitefts Thermochromatic Latex Knee Sleeves
We are proud to introduce Elitefts Thermochromatic Latex Knee Sleeves—an entirely new concept in the world of knee sleeves that will revolutionize your squat.
ASK ME ANYTHING - March 29, 2019 - FROM IG @underthebar story. Over 80 questions answered.
elitefts Table Talk Podcast #4 - Dave Tate
Random QA's about business, training, life and wanting to punch my teenage kid in the face.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Is An Exercise Science Degree Worth It?
Dave Tate advises potential college students to bust their asses, get the best grades they can in high school, try to get scholarships and grants to knock the price tag down; Jim Wendler suggests going to a junior college to get basic requirements out of the way; and both of them stress the importance of internships.