Derek Barker

Deadlift Training Overview
Deadlift Training Overview
After 25 years of competitive lifting, I’ve picked up a few things I’d like to pass on in the hopes that it can help you move this most difficult lift upward.
Training Alone, Part 3: Benching Alone
Training Alone, Part 3: Benching Alone
Every now and then, we all read a news report about someone who was accidentally killed by bench pressing alone, a terrible tragedy that can be averted by training sensibly and safely.
Training Alone, Part 2: Squatting Alone
Training Alone, Part 2: Squatting Alone
If you find yourself alone all the time or just occasionally, squatting is a difficult and at times dangerous activity even with the benefit of spotters and training partners.
 Training Alone
Training Alone
The inspiration for this article came to me on New Year’s morning as I sipped my coffee and checked out Dave Tate’s newest “From the Mill” segments, specifically the “Training Alone” video.
 The New Lifter
The New Lifter
Read all you can on the sport. A great place to start is the articles section.
Beginner Deadlift Considerations: Conventional or Sumo?
Beginner Deadlift Considerations: Conventional or Sumo?
The deadlift is the lift that a new powerlifter initially moves the biggest weights with and makes the most immediate progress.
 Your First Meet
Your First Meet
There are a few factors that must be addressed before you decide on a competition. First and foremost, are you physically ready for a competition?

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