elitefts Staff

Strength, Courage and Cancer
Strength, Courage and Cancer
Dana Shedd is a 13 year-old athlete. She’s just like any other athlete a strength coach may train, except she has cancer.
EliteFTS Spotlight: Brian Carroll
EliteFTS Spotlight: Brian Carroll
Brian Carroll is the newest addition to Team EliteFTS. He is now both a sponsored athlete and member of the Q&A staff.
 Powerhouse and Hard Body
Powerhouse and Hard Body
How long does it take an overweight powerlifter to turn into a chiseled X-men Wolverine? According to Jason Adams, 16 weeks.
Smith’s Got Your Back: Warm-ups for Squat Injury Prevention
Smith’s Got Your Back: Warm-ups for Squat Injury Prevention
Squat injuries happen more frequently without a proper warm-up. Dr. Ryan Smith discusses a few simple movements he uses that can save you from painful complications.
Get a Grip: Know What’s False
Get a Grip: Know What’s False
Dave stormed into the office, slammed down his energy drink and crashed onto his chair, still scrolling through his e-mails on his iPhone.
EFS Pro Short Band Strength
EFS Pro Short Band Strength
Bands were first introduced to Dave Tate close to 10 years ago. After experimenting with accommodating resistance and the use of chains, Dave took his squat from 760 to 855 in 12 months.
Eating Healthy for Thanksgiving
Eating Healthy for Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and some of you may want to continue eating clean this week. Below are some healthy recipes Julia Ladewski and Jason Adams use for Thanksgiving – or for any day of the week.
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Day is finally here. Families greet each other with warm handshakes or welcoming hugs as they gather for hearty Thanksgiving dinners.
EliteFTS Spotlight: Joel Jamieson
EliteFTS Spotlight: Joel Jamieson
My career as a strength and conditioning coach essentially began at the University of Washington when I interned under a great coach named Bill Gillespie back in the late 1990s.
Brian Schwab's Orlando Strength Dec 08
Brian Schwab's Orlando Strength Dec 08
I have to thank Dave Tate and Justin Harris for helping me keep my weight on better this time. I ended up incorporating more sodium into my diet, and even loading with sodium tabs, which did wonders in preventing me from losing my fluids.
Five Questions for The Thinker
Five Questions for The Thinker
1. It must be very exciting to be involved with a winning program at this point in the season. How has this football season been progressing for you, personally?
Elitefts Spotlight: Landon Evans
Elitefts Spotlight: Landon Evans
As many times I’ve been made fun of because of my past, I think it’s imperative to outline so some people can see why I am the way I am.
Spud Speaks: More News From Marc Bartley
Spud Speaks: More News From Marc Bartley
Saturday was great because there was no cardio to do. I was drained from the week, and it took about two hours to get going. I usually do light upper body and then a dynamic speed pull day, but since I couldn’t get it going, I did some reverse bands, thinking that would be easy.
The Steel Yard (Aug 08)
The Steel Yard (Aug 08)
On February 17, 2001, Dave Tate opened up the Q&A section on the EFS server to find the following inquiry:
Spotlight on Nutritionist Shelby Starnes
Spotlight on Nutritionist Shelby Starnes
Shelby Starnes, a brand new addition to Team Elite Fitness Systems, is one of Justin Harris’/Troponin Nutrition’s premier nutritionists.
Elitefts Spotlight: Lacrosse’s Nicky Polanco
Elitefts Spotlight: Lacrosse’s Nicky Polanco
If you don’t know anything about lacrosse – if you’ve never actually seen a game – chances are you’ve bought into the almost universal, yet severely mistaken, notion that it’s a leisure class sport populated by rich preppie-types from elite private schools in the Northeast.
Ten Questions With Matt Rhodes
Ten Questions With Matt Rhodes
I won’t change much. I plan on running a 12-week cycle of higher volume once I’m cleared to go full speed. I want to gain about 40lbs for November. I’ll need the extra volume to gain some muscle and size.
Spud Speaks: News From Marc Bartley
Spud Speaks: News From Marc Bartley
I just wanted to devote a few paragraphs of my log to the sweet hell I’ve been enduring since my decision – or the forced hand because of my injury – to get lean.
The Kroc Files March 08
The Kroc Files March 08
I just always had this desire to be big and strong. I remember at a very early age being impressed with size and strength and having a strong hunger to get that way myself.
Review of Explosive Running by Anatoly Bondarchuk
Review of Explosive Running by Anatoly Bondarchuk
Short, middle, and long-distance runners all need explosiveness.
Brian Schwab's Orlando Strength Jan 08
Brian Schwab's Orlando Strength Jan 08
The Lexen Xtreme 2008 IPA Columbus Pro-Am was both a positive experience and, most likely, the last time I’ll drop to 148 lbs.
Zach Even-Esh: Tales from The Underground
Zach Even-Esh: Tales from The Underground
I am busy as all heck, as always, and I am in the process of getting away from working so much and doing all of this full time.
Performance Training Center Five Questions for Mark McLaughlin
Performance Training Center Five Questions for Mark McLaughlin
Mark McLaughlin has spent several years reading and learning Eastern Bloc training methods as well as other alternative types of training, leaving no stone unturned in the preparation of his athletes.
The Steel Yard With Scott Yard
The Steel Yard With Scott Yard
On February 17, 2001, Dave Tate opened up the Q&A section on the EFS server to find the following inquiry…
The Thinker: An Update From Behind the Iron Curtain
The Thinker: An Update From Behind the Iron Curtain
The Thinker, over the past few years, has in all likelihood answered more Q&A inquiries on this site than anyone else on our staff.

Items 119 to 144 of 144 total
