WATCH: Welcome to the Pit — Dave Tate Coaches the RDL
One of the most common squat issues is weakness in the hamstrings. This exercise is one of many that can help solve the problem.
WATCH: How to Be a Healthier Competitor
If you think you can push your body to the extremes of its capabilities and not suffer consequences, you're wrong.
WATCH: Blast from the Past — Dave Tate's 2010 Body Transformation Tip
What does it take to completely transform your training, lifestyle, and eating habits after years of the same goal?
WATCH: Welcome to the Pit — Dave Tate Coaches the Squat
During a recent visit to Akron, Ohio Dave spent some time teaching proper squat technique to the owners and members of Welcome to the PIt.
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — Implementing the Upper Body Training Adjustmen...
Putting Dr. Rusin's new plan to the test, this video shows a full session of Dave's revised upper body training days.
WATCH: Welcome to the Pit
No matter your training preference—powerlifting, bodybuilding, Olympic lifting, cardio, boxing, strongman, resistance training, or a style you've created yourself—this Akron, Ohio gym has you covered.
WATCH: Equipment Feature — Spud Inc. Big Ray Strap
Spinal traction may feel great, but it can be difficult to set up and awkward to get into and out of position. This product gives you an easier way to manage pain to stay strong and healthy.
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — Adjustments to Upper Body Training for Phase 3
With two phases of training complete, the upper body training days must now be adjusted to continue Dave's progress. This is the new plan.
WATCH: Victoria Felkar's 2018 elitefts Sports Performance Summit Pr...
When athletes are pushed too far for too long, they become ill, injured, or simply lose interest in training and their sport. The proper approach to athlete development will solve this.
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — Implementing the Lower Body Training Adjustmen...
Dr. Rusin already explained the alterations to Dave's program after the first two phases. Now it's time to see them in action.
WATCH: Equipment Feature — Mike Bartos' Big Top Circus Dumbbell
This product was designed to pay homage to old-time strongmen and make training much easier for strength athletes today. It is easily customizable for your size and weight needs.
WATCH: From Collegiate Defensive Lineman to NFL Fullback — Brian Saunder...
Making it to the NFL isn't easy. It's even harder when you're changing positions from the one that made you so successful in college.
WATCH: Custom Equipment for Destination Dallas
After a visit to the S4 Compound, Greg McCoy and his Gasp affiliates found a piece of equipment for their Plano, Texas facility.
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — Adjustments to Lower Body Training Days for Ph...
Now that Dr. Rusin and Dave checked in and reviewed the previous progress, it's time to make some changes to both the max effort and dynamic effort lower body training days.
WATCH: elitefts Core Values — Strength
What is true in the gym is true in life. Everything is about strength and overcoming adversity.
WATCH: Developing Powerlifters Through the Role and Responsibilities of ...
Maggie Kuhn, owner of CBUS Lifting Co., walks through the importance of meet directors and shares the impact she wants to have on the future generation of powerlifters.
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — The 10-Week Update Discussion
Dr. Rusin returns to the elitefts headquarters to get an update on Dave's progress through two training phases.
WATCH: elitefts Fitness Professional Summit — Transparency and Building ...
Taking on a young athlete that didn't fit was a big mistake, but how DeFranco handled the situation led to an explosion in his business. This is the story of how kicking a kid out of his gym was one of the three best decisions he ever made.
WATCH: elitefts Core Values — Trust
In the world of strength training, you often see trust: between training partners, between lifters and their equipment, and between competitors and judges. But not all trust is created equal.
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — The Dynamic Warm-Up Sequences for Upper Body a...
Dr. Rusin has covered the purpose of the six-phase dynamic warm-up sequence. Now it's time to dig into the specific movements in each sequence and learn proper execution.
WATCH: The New Headquarters of Spud Inc.
The elitefts relationship with Marc Bartley and Spud Inc. stretches far back into his incredible competitive days as a powerlifter. Today, the business relationship is one valued by both parties.
The elitefts Company Story
From 1998 to today, elitefts has had one simple goal: to make average athletes great and great athletes elite. This is how the company has grown along the way to educate and outfit the strongest athletes around the world.
WATCH: Phil Matusz 2018 elitefts Sports Performance Summit Presentation ...
As Associate Director of Strength and Conditioning for The Ohio State University football team, Matusz knows what it's like to be in a high-pressure environment. And that's when your leadership really counts.
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — Programming the Six-Phase Dynamic Warm-Up Sequ...
The goal is to rebuild Dave's foundational movement patterns, and the first step is to begin each training session with one of two 15-minute sequences. Here's the method behind the madness.
WATCH: Equipment Feature — Mike Bartos' Stone of Steel
No longer do you need to go through the daunting, messy process of measuring, mixing, and pouring concrete into molds to make stones. There's now a better way.
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — Observing Dave's Current Training Capabil...
To gain a greater understanding of Dave's current capabilities, Dr. Rusin watches a full training session of six movements.
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — The Three Areas of Focus Discovered During Ini...
With the discovery phase nearly complete, Dr. Rusin has identified three key areas that will be imperative for Dave moving forward — hip stability, posterior chain upper quadrant stability/thoracic spine cage mobility, and program formation.
Strength Union: Building A Unified, Empowered Strength Community
A union operates to give a group of individuals one voice, empowering them to lead in the right direction. This fully-equipped facility aims to provide exactly that for each of its members as they become the strongest versions of themselves.
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — Orthopedic Evaluation
Whereas the previous screen was intended to identify red flags, this assessment will consist of clinically-based testing to produce both a medical diagnosis and a functional movement capacity diagnosis.
WATCH: Coach Shoop's Impact on Dave
Continuing their conversation, Shoop and Dave talk about the past and what brought them back together.
WATCH: Coach Shoop Visits Dave Tate
If you've read Under the Bar you know who Bill Shoop is — he's the high school football coach Dave credits with changing his life forever.
WATCH: Dave Tate Podcast with Ben Pakulski
The psychology of a world-class strength athlete can provide a powerful foundation for success in business, but when mishandled it can also be a disaster in the professional world.
XPC 2018 — JP Carroll Wins Again
JP foresaw two possible outcomes for today’s meet: total 2300 or beat Domenick Minnici to secure another win.
WATCH: Meet Kory Lichtensteiger
The newest elitefts Executive Equipment Specialist started in small town Ohio, made it all the way to the NFL, and is now back to put his knowledge of strength training to work.
WATCH: Equipment Feature — Westside Inverse Curl
This machine enables hamstring training in multiple positions, at any intensity level desired, for both strength and sport athletes.
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — Movement Screening
The initial assessment is complete and it's time for some hands-on evaluation of Dave's movement, using these seven key movements. The compensation patterns and pain indicators observed in this step will be used in the next phase of the process.
WATCH: Fixing Dave Tate — Initial Assessment with Dr. John Rusin
Years of pushing his body to the limit has left Dave with two hip replacements, numerous shoulder surgeries, more injuries than he can recall, constant daily pain, and restricted movement. It's time for a change.
The Impact Show Episode 25 with Guest Mark Watts: A Coaching Journey
Sets, reps, and exercises alone have never made a great strength and conditioning coach. With host Jim Kielbaso, this podcast focuses on the things that truly have an impact on athletes.
WATCH: Equipment Feature — The Iron Neck and 5 Exercises for Athletes to...
Neck training is vital for athletes of contact sports. Without requiring the use of large, expensive pieces of equipment, these five exercises with the Iron Neck will prepare your athletes through many planes of motions.
Heavy Metal Fitness: Tim Ingram's Strength Haven Grows Again
When we first shared his story in 2014, Tim Ingram had just opened his first training facility. Now he's back with another story of growth — and an even bigger gym.
LISTEN: The State of the Training and Coaching Industry with Dave Tate
Direct and to the point, this short podcast led by Andy Rose focuses on only two key questions about the fitness industry.
WATCH: elitefts Fitness Professional Summit — The Four Pillars of Anatom...
Marc Megna's vision for the future of fitness isn't founded on the equipment, the layout design, or even the location of the gym. This is the story of how he opened his facility and built its success.
Elitefts And Westside Barbell Announce Content-Sharing And Product Distr...
Two of the strength world’s leading brands join forces to broaden their reach.
WATCH: elitefts Fitness Professional Summit — Megna's University of...
One football play earned him a full tuition scholarship, but making the NFL wasn't quite so easy.
WATCH: elitefts Fitness Professional Summit — Marc Megna's Path to ...
Megna's accomplishments are many and impressive to all, but his story doesn't start with a silver spoon or generational talent. This is the story of where it all began.
WATCH: elitefts Fitness Professional Summit — Authenticity Is Your Key t...
DeFranco gives advice on authenticity and how staying true to yourself while running your business will bring both you and your clients more success. It worked for Enzo Amore and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
SURVEY: What Does elitefts Do Best?
As we move forward in the New Year, we're asking for your help identifying what it is YOU believe elitefts does best. This survey will only take a few seconds and will automatically enter you for a chance to win a $100 gift card.
WATCH: Mark Lambert — Strength Coach for the Tampa Bay Lightning of the ...
Tampa Bay Lightning takes home the 2020 Stanley Cup! Learn how they train off the ice with strength coach Mark Lambert.
WATCH: The Vision and Growth of Showtime Strength and Performance
Nick Showman built his facility with a purpose and, in the process of growing, has found a niche in softball, welcomed serious lifters, and expanded the services he and his coaches provide.
WATCH: elitefts Fitness Professional Summit — Humanize Your Business
Once people know you, the next step is getting them to like you. If you try to make yourself look perfect to accomplish this goal, you're making a big mistake. You need to be vulnerable.
WATCH: Equipment Feature with Nate Harvey — Rackable Cambered Squat Bar
This bar is a favorite among lifters and athletes of all kinds not only for its use in a competition-style squat but also for the large variety of special exercises you can perform with it.
WATCH: elitefts Fitness Professional Summit — How Triple H Became DeFran...
Beginning to work with Paul Levesque, better known as WWE star Triple H, was a turning point in DeFranco's career that helped lead to less time in the gym and more time helping other coaches and trainers.
Q&A with James Smith: Should I Run After My Workouts?
At 41 years old, returning to the military and going through Basic Training will require intelligent prioritization and accepting that some goals will be set back. In this Q&A exchange, James Smith provides guidance.
Introducing New elitefts Columnist Jason Brown
"elitefts stands for something more than just a site coaches can go to educate themselves or a place where you can purchase great equipment..."
WATCH: elitefts Fitness Professional Summit — DeFranco's Story and ...
Answer two questions about yourself, go do shit, and be prepared for the hard work to not always be gratifying immediately. Then you're on your way.
WATCH: elitefts Fitness Professional Summit — No Chihuahuas
There will be people in life who you have to pick up and carry around because their legs are so short that they can't run fast enough to keep up with you and where you're going. You need to cut these people out. Get rid of them.
WATCH: Equipment Feature with Steve Diel — elitefts 3x3 Rack
The most essential item of any home gym, you can use this rack to do anything you need for competitive powerlifting or general strength training.
WATCH: elitefts Fitness Professional Summit — Action vs. Education, Gym ...
Chris Cooper shares the story behind his mentorship and books, outlines the two most important takeaways from his lecture, and shares several key lessons all gym-owners should know.