WATCH: elitefts Fitness Professional Summit — That's It?
Two words forever changed JL's perspective on what it means to grow a business.
WATCH: Equipment Feature with Steve Diel — elitefts Core Blaster
Small, compact, and completely versatile, this is the perfect implement for the home gym.
How Dave Tate and elitefts Used 7,292 Pieces of Content to Outlift the C...
Enjoy this short read written by Jason Thibault from Massive Kontent to gain a better understanding of the ins and outs of our content department.
WATCH: elitefts Fitness Professional Summit — Don't Be A Big Fish i...
The fitness industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. It's the war you want to be in.
WATCH: elitefts Fitness Professional Summit — Owning A Business Is Harde...
It only makes sense to start your own gym, fulfill your passion, and make boatloads of cash in the process, right? Maybe not.
WATCH: Q&A with Coach Kav — The Biggest Mistake Coaches Make Teachin...
Once you've started with a baseline position, adjustments should first be made based on limb length and secondly based on strength history.
Saying Goodbye — Memories of the S4 Compound
As we leave the S4 Compound and christen the S5 Compound, join us in giving a proper farewell to a place we have called home for many years.
WATCH: Q&A with Coach Kav — The Most Common Weaknesses of Aspiring N...
When young athletes who plan to go into an NFL camp or enter the draft visit Coach Kav, there are two main issues he almost always encounters.
WATCH: Q&A with Coach Kav — Execution vs. Beast Mode
When you start patting yourself on the back for basic shit you're supposed to be doing anyway, you're missing the whole point. You're a failure.
WATCH: Pushing the Field Forward at The Spot Athletics
What started in a 2,000-square-foot facility is now two, 20,000-square-foot locations. And JL Holdsworth has his sights set on even more growth.
WATCH: Q&A with Coach Kav — Marketing and Branding in the Fitness In...
Whether you're starting your business or have been around for years, one of the most important parts of your success is understanding and controlling consumer perception of your brand.
WATCH: Strong(er) Business: elitefts Fitness Professional Summit Speaker...
Listen to Dave, in his own words, explain why he chose each presenter for the summit and how he believes their knowledge can help any professional in this industry.
WATCH: Q&A with Coach Kav — The Reason for Motivational Quotes and S...
What's the deal with all of Coach Kav's quotes and slogans? Do they actually make a difference?
WATCH: Blast from the Past — Dave Tate's Presentation at the 2006 S...
There are four components of a weight room atmosphere: coaching, equipment, training, and athletes.
WATCH: Equipment Feature — The Setwear Boa Bar Clamp
The Setwear Boa Bar Clamp is the quick and easy answer to securing plates on barbells spanning a multitude of thicknesses.
WATCH: Blast from the Past — The Number One Biggest Squat Mistake
From the moment you grab the bar until you rack it after the lift, you need to be focusing on this part of your squat.
WATCH: Blast from the Past — The Beginning Stage of a Diet
How many carbohydrates do you need in every meal? Should you consume more on training days than rest days? How many grams of protein are necessary? These actually aren't the questions you should be asking.
WATCH: Blast from the Past — Five Biggest Bench Mistakes
The most common mistakes in the bench press haven't changed much over the years.
WATCH: Blast from the Past — How and Why to Use A GHR
The glute ham raise has been lauded as one of the best exercises for posterior chain development for lifters and athletes of all kinds. Are you using it correctly?
Strong(er) Business: elitefts Fitness Professional Summit
Save the date - Saturday October 21st, 2017
WATCH: Mark Uyeyama SPS Presentation — The Progression of Strength and C...
Becoming more knowledgable as a coach means learning the right things and not wasting your time on the wrong ones. The challenge in today's industry is knowing how to tell the difference.
WATCH: Mark Uyeyama SPS Presentation — Where I've Been
The journey to Head Strength and Conditioning Coach of the San Francisco 49ers has been long and rewarding, with a lot of lessons learned along the way.
Introducing New elitefts Columnist Matt Mills
"I competed in my first powerlifting meet after reading an article on elitefts that gave me the motivation I needed to be better."
Ben Pollack Wins Overall Lightweight Class at CETC US Open Powerlifting ...
It was an impressive performance with Team elitefts (coaches, athletes, and columnists) at this weekend's US Open. Here are the results!
2017 Arnold Classic Australia — Results Release, Scorecards and Photos
Attached are the results release, scorecards and winners photos for the 3rd Annual Arnold Classic Australia.
2017 Arnold Amateur Championships — Results Release, Scorecards and Photos
Attached are the results release, scorecards and overall winner photos for the 11th Annual Arnold Amateur Bodybuilding, Fitness, Figure, Bikini and Physique Championships.
2017 XPC Finals — Team elitefts Results
Man, Kirschen would have looked real bad if he didn't lock out this deadlift.
Introducing New elitefts Coach Nate Harvey
I basically just read his bio as "blah, blah, blah, blah, Multiply 2450." Sounds alright to me! Welcome Nate! — David Kirschen
elitefts Customer Product Reviews — The Seated Calf/Tibia Raise Machine ...
We know you don't want empty praise of our equipment — you want honest, detailed feedback so that you can know what to expect.
Pressing the Pieces Together — Bench Press Benefit for Autism
Register for this APF/AAPF sanctioned bench press-only contest, today! Proceeds benefit the Autism Society.
WATCH: Open UGSS with Mark Dugdale — Presentation Points
Eat your olives. Earn your carbs. Make a priority list. Most of your stuff is garage sale material.
Open UGSS Preview with Mark Dugdale
The weights have been lifted. The muscles are swollen with blood. The seminar can now begin.
Introducing New elitefts Columnist Alex Mullan
Check out his latest article published for today, Toothpicks to Horseshoes — How to Build MASSthetic Triceps.
Introducing New elitefts Athlete Bryan Doberdruk
Bryan is preparing for the XPC 21 Deadlift Salute (deadlift-only meet) on the main stage at the Arnold. From now till March his training log will reflect his deadlift prep.
elitefts Top-20 Articles, Logs, and Products from 2016
We've crunched the numbers and by popular demand, here are the articles, logs, and products you've consumed the most of in 2016.
The elitefts Definitive Guide to Board Pressing
Dave believes the most important and widely used purpose for boards is to increase/correct the mini-max or sticking point.
Introducing New elitefts Columnist Donald Day
We're glad to gain a new perspective from a coach that quite doesn't have it all figured out, yet is eagerly learning from the best.
WATCH: Coach Kav Returns to the S4 Compound
Every topic they discuss leads to one crucial point: We're all here to make this industry a better place. What are you doing to make that happen?
Introducing New elitefts Athlete JP Carroll
As JP shares in his first athlete log, his goal is to entertain, motivate, and educate, helping you become the best version of yourself.
WATCH: Scary Exercises and More Halloween Questions with Dave
There's only one thing you should truly fear this Halloween: not getting stronger.
Introducing New elitefts Coach Ben Pollack
Learn as much as you can from Ben as he moves up in weight and in the powerlifting rankings. Read his first two logs today!
WATCH: What Are Your Halloween Questions for Dave?
Dave covers training and weight gain principles through Freddy Krueger, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Hershey's Bars.
WATCH: The Story Behind the Logo — TRAIN
The TRAIN logo emphasizes what we stand for. It's what we do.
WATCH: Dave's Squat Tips for NBS Lifters
What began as a heavy squat session in the S4 Compound became an impromptu coaching session with Dave. Here are the five things he told these lifters to fix.
WATCH: Off Topic — Should You Periodize Your Conditioning?
In building your aerobic base, is it enough to simply add Prowler pushes, hill sprints, and sled drags to your program? Dave and Jim explain the purpose behind GPP.
WATCH: How Christian Anto Became a Powerlifter
From nursing student and collegiate soccer player to one of the 10 best 181-pound powerlifters in the world.
WATCH: Off Topic with Dave and Jim — Box Squatting
Box squats have been around for years but the debate still hasn't been settled.
Introducing New elitefts Columnist Chris Tutela
Read his newest article, Strong and Energized vs Weak and Depleted: How High School Wrestlers Need to Eat.
WATCH: Off Topic with Dave and Jim — Travel Stories [Extended Version]
It seems like Dave and Jim are never going to run out of stories from their days of travel seminars. In this video we have strip clubs, Benny Podda, alcoholism, and porn.
WATCH: Maliek Derstine Visits elitefts
He holds the all-time world record for powerlifting total in the 181-pound weight class. He is better in that class than anyone else has ever been. When he talks about training, it's probably best for you to listen.
WATCH: Off Topic with Dave Tate and Jim Wendler — Training for All-Aroun...
If you want to build total fitness, you need to know about something Jim Wendler calls The Push-Pull Concept — and it has nothing to do with benching or deadlifting.
WATCH: Off Topic with Dave Tate and Jim Wendler — Near Death Experience
Being able to say no changes everything.
17th Annual Columbus Walk for Wishes
It's a beautiful sight to see hundreds of people walking to make wishes come true! #walkforwishes
WATCH: Dave and Jim Are Back
There's a lot of history shared between these two men. Now they're adding to it.