Live Q&A with Julia Ladewski and Yessica Martinez
Top questions (picked by Julia & Yessica) will receive Strongher™ apparel.
Release of “Adjusting A Meal Plan Made Simple”
Meadows' strategy and adjustments all included in limited edition eBook.
Everyone's an Athlete
Referred to as a hybrid gym, Brian Saunders opens 11athletics to offer the best equipment and environment for any strength enthusiast. to Syndicate Original Content on
Partnership brings quality information to a broader audience.
What's For Lunch?
With diverse goals and backgrounds, the members of team elitefts share what's in their lunch pail.
Video Interviews from XPC Finals
Get inside the heads of Team elitefts and see the behind-the-scenes from the XPC Finals in Columbus.
Yoke Bar Head Cam
The Dave-Cam returns. The closest thing to being inside Dave's head is being on top of it. Dave is banging out some heavy yoke bar box squats and grunting all the way.
Your Questions Answered, Part 8
In this episode, Dave shares his view on teenagers involved with powerlifting and weight training.