WATCH: I am Jordan Shallow
“I’m not the strongest guy in the world, but I might have a run as one of the stronger chiropractors.” elitefts coach and columnist Dr. Jordan Shallow wants to make his mark in chiropractic, education, training, and fitness — and he might be doing just that through his travels and writings.
Editor’s Letter for January
With another year coming to a close, let's take a look back at all that we've accomplished this year. Some exciting things came to fruition and we can't wait to see what this coming year has in store!
WATCH: JM Blakley's Ultimate 6-Rep Triceps Workout
Even though it's 6 reps, you might want to tell the person who wants to use the cable machine they'll have to wait a bit. This exercise puts the burn in slow burn.
The $500 Christmas List Winner
After four days of reading, comparing, rereading, and finally voting, the big winner is...
Vote for the Best 2019 Christmas List
With your vote, a fellow meathead will be just a click away from fulfilling their wildest iron dreams this holiday season...
Choose wisely.
Competition Results: 7 elitefts Athletes, 3 Meets, 1 Weekend
Check out how some of your favorite lifters did this past weekend at Great Lakes Raw, IPA Buckeye Brawl, and APF Raw Power Challenge.
WATCH: I am JM Blakley
“Our human potential is much higher than we recognize.” elitefts coach and columnist JM Blakley might be the namesake of the JM Press, but he hopes his impact in the strength sports world will go far beyond that and the weights he's lifted.
WATCH: How to Implement Strongman into Your Powerlifting Training [White...
If you're interested in doing some strongman movements but are hesitant because you're in the middle of a program, don't be! Brian Alsruhe will show you how to implement those movements into your current program.
Editor's Letter for December
Happy holidays from elitefts! We've stuffed your stockings with more content to get you closer to your strength, hypertrophy, and power goals — performance in bodybuilding, powerlifting, weightlifting, and strongman. All you have to do is rip the wrapping!
WATCH: Atlas Stone Tutorial with Brian Alsruhe
Even if you're not a strongman competitor, the Atlas Stone's benefits have carryover to the Big Three. Besides, it's fun to train something new. So what are you waiting for? Grab an Atlas Stone, heavy med ball, or sandbag so we can get started!
WATCH: Farmer's Walk Tutorial with Brian Alsruhe
Fun fact: the farmer's walk is one of Brian Alsruhe's favorite exercises of all time. It works your grip, back, traps, biceps, core, and calves... what's not to love?
WATCH: John Meadows and The Muscle Doc Train Back and Chest
John Meadows was interested in the things Jordan Shallow discussed in podcasts and IG posts, so he reached out to him with the intention to "steal" some of Jordan's ideas. Well, that didn't go as planned. Don’t waste an opportunity to steal this workout from elitefts. Not that it’s stealing; you have our permission.
WATCH: The Method Behind Brian Alsruhe's Training [Whiteboard Edition]
Brian Alsruhe's background in strongman, martial arts, MMA, and counter-terrorism led to his training system being "messed up" and unique from everyone else's. Despite that, he's found great success with his programming and will be breaking it down in this video.
WATCH: Giant Sets with Brian Alsruhe
Brian Alsruhe's training style is going to be different than what you'd usually see at the elitefts S5 Compound, but that certainly didn't stop him or Team elitefts athletes from exchanging ideas and having a good time.
Editor's Letter for November
Find out who's coming to elitefts for November, read what content we're working on for you, and try to win $500 just in time for the holidays!
Share Your 2019 Christmas List — Win $500
With $50 you could buy a pair of Croc Lock Collars, so many bands, a Shoulder Saver Pad, (2) Dead Wedges, lots of apparel, a Backnobber, Spud Straps, (7) bottles of Wake Up Motherf****r Smelling Salts, (1 1/2) pair of compression pants. Imagine what you could do with $500...
WATCH: Fighter Mentality with Brian Alsruhe
Growing up in the ‘80s, Brian Alsruhe found strength in Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, and He-Man. The one thing these people (and cartoon character) had was muscles; therefore, he’d need muscles to be strong. That brought him to martial arts, forming a strong mindset, and eventually, to strongman.
WATCH: Equipment Feature — elitefts Tri Plyo Cube
With three different heights in one plyobox, the elitefts Tri Plyo Cube is a great tool and one you should definitely have in your home gym.
Power in Motion: A One-of-a-Kind Gym Culture
"We’re the only functional training gym in the Midwest." Power in Motion is truly one of a kind, from its focus on functional training to individualized services for its diverse clientele to its arrangement of specialty equipment.
WATCH: I am Clint Darden
“I don’t need a psychiatrist. Give me a squat rack and a deadlift platform and a bench and a couple of Atlas stones, and that’s my psychiatric chair right there.” Everyone needs a safe haven, and elitefts coach Clint Darden has found his at the House of Biceps in Cyprus.
Editor's Letter for October
If you're after Gobstoppers, Reese cups, Jolly Ranchers, Snickers, or Candy Corn this October, knock on your neighbor's door. If in fact, you're after exercises to strengthen your spinal erectors, a conjugate triphasic program, an injury equation, intramuscular pressure, and alternatives to the Olympic lifts, click here. And of course, you'll find the most popular content from September in here
WATCH: Back Training with Justin Harris
“Dumbbell rows are bodybuilding burpees.” For more wisdom and the full post-Table Talk Podcast workout with Justin Harris, read on. This back workout is complete with pull-overs, pull-downs, deadlifts, and multiple row variations (one by which Justin deems as the best lat exercise there is).
Editor's Letter for September
As we begin to swing into autumn, take a quick fall into the piles of content we have stored away for this month: more Table Talk episodes, exercise variance, conjugate, strength training equipment (for injured rugby players and small budgets), food allergies, internship opportunities, and more!
WATCH: Ed Coan and Dave Tate Discuss Weak Point Training
Ed Coan and Dave Tate explain their rationales and favorite accessory movements and variation lifts for training weak points.
WATCH: Dave Tate's Definitive Guide for Wrapping Wrists
Learn the secret that we've kept under wraps until now: How to properly wrap your wrists for the Big Three: bench, squat, and deadlift.
WATCH: I am Vincent Dizenzo
“To be able to give back is a much bigger legacy than anything you’ll leave on a platform.” elitefts coach Vincent Dizenzo finds his calling in helping others by passing on knowledge, especially when it comes to dieting and weight loss.
WATCH: Doctor Deadlift Teaches The Hook Grip
The doctor is in! Specifically, Doctor Deadlift (whose real name is Cailer Woolam) is here to teach you why you should switch over from your alternating grip to a hook grip and show you how it's done.
Editor's Letter for August
The content calendar for August is packed with special content from Justin Harris, Vincent Dizenzo, JM Blakely, and Jordan Shallow that'll bring you gains in muscle, strength, and knowledge. For a sneak peek at what's to come, read on ahead!
WATCH: Why You Should Check Out Yessica Martinez's Training Log
Doing more gen pop or accessible workouts doesn't make someone any less strong. Just ask elitefts athlete Yessica Martinez. Or, better yet, read her training logs to see how doing yoga or some gen pop exercise could lead to some bigger numbers in the squat.
Editor's Letter for July
While you're enjoying some strawberry pretzel salad leftovers and the oh-so-annoying booms and pops of your neighbors' leftover Fourth of July firecrackers, be sure to enjoy a preview of the upcoming content we have stored for you this month, too.
Happy 4th of July from elitefts!
This Fourth of July weekend, the S5 Compound will be the training grounds for elitefts athlete Meana Albersworth, who's working on getting her lifts up for her upcoming meet. Enjoy the fireworks and hot dog eating contests. May your gains be great!
Xpress Fitness: Your Family-Friendly Neighborhood Gym
Xpress Fitness, located less than 2 miles away from the elitefts S5 Compound, is a product of support from the rural London, Ohio, community at all levels: family, friends, neighbors, and businesses, all built strong from the ground up.
WATCH: Chris Janek — A Lifter With a Lot of Heart
During SSTSS 2019, Chris Janek sat down and briefed us on his childhood, previous jobs, geared and raw lifting, and the effects of having four open-heart surgeries. Now, he's on a heart transplant waiting list and doing as much as he can without overdoing it.
WATCH: Jump Into Your Next Contest
The best part of strongman is that you don't know what to expect — and that's what makes it so fun! Rather than worry about having the "right" equipment, Matt Mills says you should jump in and compete.
Editor's Letter for June
Here's a preview of what we have lined up for you this June! We welcome Dr. Jordan Shallow to Team elitefts as the newest coach and columnist. Also, find out what was the most popular content in May (especially if you've been busy enjoying the summer weather — without a phone in hand).
Be Part of a Groundbreaking Strength Sports Study
elitefts columnist Marilia Coutinho needs help gathering data for her latest scholastic endeavor: a first-of-its-kind scholarly series about the science of lifting gear benefits. No matter your sport or gear use, take a survey on knee sleeves. Remember to share!
Union Fitness Hiring Yoga Instructor
Union Fitness, run by Team elitefts Coach Casey Williams, is hiring a slow flow recovery yoga teacher to work Friday evenings. To see more application information, read on.
elitefts Honors the Fallen on Memorial Day
As we remember the fallen soldiers and those they've left behind, we're going back in time and revisiting the history of Memorial Day.
elitefts Classic: So You Think You Can Bench?
This is a series of videos Dave Tate asked us to republish due to the number of times he sends them out each week on his Instagram AMA and DMs.
Getting A Bigger and Better Weight Room on A Small-School Budget
AJ Mott has 21 years of wrestling under his belt. Luckily, when it came to working on a small school budget, the Farleigh Dickinson strength and conditioning coach didn't have to wrestle with elitefts for the best deals.
Introducing New Team elitefts Coach and Columnist Tony Montgomery
elitefts has "given me my life that I have now." As a coach and columnist, Tony Montgomery will continue to live, learn, and pass on the passion that got him doing what he does now to others. Welcome to the team, Tony.
Editor's Letter for May
Click for a sneak peek of what's to come in the month of May, including the updated Team elitefts roster of new athletes, coaches, and columnists. We'll also recap April's top-5 coaching blogs, training logs, and articles.
WATCH: Reverse Grip Bench Press 101
A lot of people use this bench press due to shoulder issues and its carryover to competition lift — and Janis Finkelman's numbers support that claim.
Introducing New elitefts Athlete Anne Sheehan
The newest Team elitefts athlete Anne Sheehan learned while she was getting sober that she needed someone else's help — and she did it. And that's exactly what her athlete logs will do: help other powerlifters in their journeys.
Take a Survey About Knee Wraps for Science!
elitefts columnist Marilia Coutinho needs your help! Help her gather data on knee wraps for the latest installment in her "How Stuff Works" series about lifting gear.
Alwyn Cosgrove's Rest-Pause Program
This program was based on a study that burned 450% more calories post-workout than a traditional workout. Are you ready to feel the burn?
Union Fitness: Pittsburgh's Community Gym
"We only have our word." For Union Fitness owner Casey Williams, his history with elitefts, staff, integrity, and the imagery of Pittsburgh unions and steel are the things that hold his gym and community together.
Supplemental Material for Table Talk Podcast on Autism
Do you have questions relating to exercise for a child or young adult with autism? For a father raising a child with autism? Click here to ask questions that Dave Tate and Sheena Leedham will address tomorrow at 11 a.m. EST on the Table Talk Podcast.
Editor's Letter for April
Take a look at what we can expect to read from Matt Mills, JP Carroll, Chris Cooper, Mark Dugdale, Swede Burns, Matt Ladewski, and Dave Tate this month. Inside we'll also rewind to March to see the most popular content from your favorite guest writers, columnists, coaches, and athletes.
World Autism Awareness Month Kicks Off April 2nd
April 2nd, or Autism Awareness Day, marks the start of Autism Awareness Month. Instead of donning blue as a symbol of autism awareness, here are a few other things you could do to participate in this month, as well as what elitefts has planned. (Hint: It involves a sale, articles, and a special Table Talk Podcast episode.)
Want to Contribute to an Article? Click here!
elitefts columnist Marilia Coutinho needs some help on her latest scholastic endeavor: a first-of-its-kind article scholarly series about the science of the benefits of lifting gear. Help her gather some data on wrist wraps by taking a survey. Share to spread the word and your experience on wrist wraps.
Use Heavy Prowler Pushes for a Massive Leg Pump Finisher
2019 elitefts Strong(er) Sports Training and Success Summit presenter Joe Bennett describes the Prowler as "one of the most intelligent, brutal, effective, and underutilized tools in bodybuilding." See for yourself what else the Hypertrophy Coach has to say about the elitefts Prowler.
Alwyn Cosgrove's 4-Week Program for Busy Times
We get that training is a top priority for most of our readers, but we also understand that life is messy and complicated. School and/or work can get in the way of training. It's not realistic for training to come first all the time, which is why this realistic program was made.
Omaha Barbell Is More Than Just a Gym
"When we opened this gym, I just didn’t want it to be a gym; I wanted it to build a legacy that would always be remembered in Omaha." Bret Carter, owner of Omaha Barbell Gym, talks about the growth of his gym and how he keeps his diverse gym membership thriving.
Equipment Feature — elitefts Power Bar
In this video, Equipment Sales Director Matt Goodwin shows off the elitefts Power Bar and its specs, focusing on the bar's gnarly knurling. It's amazing how it easily fits into just about any gym — garage, private, or commercial. It’s no wonder it’s a favorite!
Colleges and Universities on the Prowl for Knowledge
True to elitefts’ mission to live, learn, and pass on, the knowledge and education we provide don’t stop in our London, Ohio, office. Here's how Bowling Green State University, Ohio State University, the University of Michigan, and the University of Miami in Florida are taking their training to the next level by pushing the Prowler.
WATCH: SSTSS Presenter Dr. Kinakin on Weightlifting Injuries in Athletes
With all of his credentials, it’s no wonder Dr. Ken Kinakin has been a speaker at elitefts seminars — and he’ll be taking up the role again for the upcoming 2019 Strong(er) Sports Training and Success Summit. Here are the topics he'll be presenting on.
Power in Motion is Coming Soon to Gahanna, Ohio
What sets Power in Motion apart from other Gahanna, Ohio, gyms? Here, members won’t just be a number — they'll all have individualized programs. Luckily for owner Alex Powers, elitefts has equipment that's just as unique as future gym members.
Top 5 for February
Here are the articles, blogs, and logs that were clicked, read, liked, and shared the most for February: Add 100 Pounds to Your Deadlift, Technically, You're Weak, Talon Grip for Squats, The Anti Shrug and Why It's Important, and more! Find out too, a couple of things we're compiling for March.