Emma Jarman

Never Let Go
Never Let Go
Grip sport events to help powerlifters quit dropping their deadlifts.
Poll: Have You Ever Struggled with Disordered Eating Habits?
Poll: Have You Ever Struggled with Disordered Eating Habits?
Told mostly in their own words, this is the story of 110 women (mainly strength athletes).
Ladies, So You Want to Bench 315?
Ladies, So You Want to Bench 315?
I never missed 315. I went for it when it was time and when my training had prepared me for it. I attempted the weight when it was the next logical step in the progression of my coach’s orders. It wasn’t a YOLO, it was what came next.
Becoming of a Female Powerlifter
Becoming of a Female Powerlifter
I’ve recovered from the trauma of competitive bodybuilding, the trauma of being a young girl, a teenage girl, a 20-something girl, I think, as well as I ever will. And now, I eat the extra hotdog and I haven’t run a mile in years. I am a powerlifter.

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