12/2/2022 Are You Crazy?
Whenever I'm asked this question, I respond with, "Yes". That's it, no need for further conversation. That should cover it. Today's Training: Cycle: Commute AirDyne: 15 mins Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x10 Ab Wheel: 3x10 45-degree side flex: 3x10 on each side OHP: 4 RM DB Lateral Raise: 4x10 DB Front Raise: 4x10 Shrug: 4x10 […]
12/1/2022 Do The Things You NEED to Do Today...
I have a few "older" people that train in my program. One fella in particular is 79 years old and is a total savage. Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, super smart and wickedly wise and has a sparkling sense of humor. We like to chat when his training is done for the day and we will […]
11/30/2022 WHAT? November 30th ALREADY??
For goodness' sake, it was yesterday that it was July and I was on the beach. Today the temps in the Bay Area was 32 degrees. I looked like the Michelin Man while riding my bike today. Regardless, I still get up and take an outdoor ice-cold shower to start the day. Layer up, and […]
11/29/2022 Work Harder
I'll never be the best-looking person in the room. I'll never be the most intelligent person in the room nor the most educated (there is a difference) or well-versed. I can't compete on those levels. Never have and never will. But, what I can always compete on is the true egalitarian aspect to success, which […]
11/28/2022 There's a Difference Between Quitting and Knowing When...
As everyone knows, I get up early in the morning so I can get stuff done before anyone else arises and bugs me. To wake up, I take an ice-cold shower that I installed this past summer outside. Although I live in California there are some mornings that dip down into the low 30's. So […]
11/23/2022 Sometimes You Just Need To Compete
On most occasions, I like to have people compete only with themselves. I tell them to be better than they were yesterday and don't worry about what the guy on the monolift next to them is doing. However, there are times when it's just downright fun to have the teams go at it! So I […]
11/22/2022 Nothing But the Program Today
Not a thing to add. No wisdom, no jokes, nothing. Just what we did today... Today's Training: Cycle: Commute AirDyne: 15 mins Arms only Dynamic Bench: 10x3 Dynamic OHP: 10x4 DB Fly: 2x50 DB Lateral Raise: 4x10 Push-up: 100 reps in as few sets as possible C/S Rear Delt Raise: 2x50 Shrugs: 4x10 Cycle: Commute […]
11/21/2022 I Was Standing in the Bank...
I was standing in the bank this morning waiting to deposit a few checks. I know I could do it at the automated teller, but if you read my stuff here, you know I'm "Old School". I like to see a person's face. I try to make them smile at the minimum and if I […]
11/18/2022 Progress Happens Over Time
Progress happens over time, NOT overnight. Training for strength, endurance, or body composition is a MARATHON, not a sprint. Work hard, stay consistent, and be patient. Today's Training: Cycle: Commute AirDyne: 10 minutes Arms only C/S Row: 3x10 Lat Pulldown: 3x10 Blast Strap Row: 100 reps in one set DB Supine Tricep Extension: 3x15 BB […]
11/17/2022 I'd Rather Ride My Bike
Finally, I have a reprieve from the car maintenance program that I've been on all week. I really do like riding my bike in the wee hours of the morning to my gym. The only creatures moving with me at this time are various forms of wildlife, and as I get closer to the urban […]
This is my week for fixing cars that I don't drive. Today my Vanborgini (2006 Honda Odyssey) needed to get its sliding door checked because it wouldn't close without a nice hip check. Well, as Murphy's Law dictates, I get it to the "shop" and low and behold, it works every time without needing any […]
It seems as of my life is consumed with car maintenance. Ironically, I don't drive a car. I ride a bike. But such is the life of an old car owner. Anyway, since the car places that do the repairs on my vehicles like to get stuff done early and I work early in the […]
11/14/2022 "Self-discipline"
Self-discipline begins with the mastery of your thoughts. If you don't control what you think about, you can't control what you do. The * means I personally added this to the day. Today's Training: *Cycle: Commute *Prowler: 10x80x +50 lbs Concept II Row: 15 minutes #3 hole pin Pull: 6 RM doing three sets of […]
11/11/2022 The Eleventh Hour...
On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month... when the guns fell silent, we will remember. Thank you all that served! Today's Training: Cycle: Commute Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x12 Ab Wheel: 3x12 Side Flex over the 45 degree back extension: 3x12 5x20 of the following: B.B. Curl Cable Tricep Push-down […]
11/10/2022 247 Years! HBD Devil Dogs
“The next generation of Marines may operate differently and in different places than the Marines who wear the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor today. Yet they will join a long and proud heritage of Marine fighters who have never turned from a threat or an enemy. We will always remain most ready when our Nation is […]
11/9/2022 Pop Your Heart Wed.
Typically Jesse Burdick and I run opposite on our programming. No, not that we differ, on the contrary, we have similar ideas and implement the same thing at the same time of the month. Where we differ is on what DAYS we do things so as not to overlap and get in each other's way. […]
11/8/2022 Do You Have Issues? (and Election Day)
If you have issues, work fucking harder, because NO ONE cares about your issues. Make sure you vote after you train! Today's Training: Concept II Row: 10 mins Ab Wheel: 3x12 Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x12 Ab Crunch: 100 reps Dynamic Bench: 10x3 Dynamic OHP: 10x3 DB Fly: 3x15 DB Lateral Raise: 3x15 Stretcher Push-ups: […]
11/7/2022 A Different Dynamic Day
Prowler: 10x40 yds x 90* I did this yesterday as I knew I was going to have a late night AirDyne: 5 mins Steady; 15x15/45 ** I had everyone else do this today because of the wet surface outside. Box Depth Jumps: 10x2; Depending on strength levels determine the box height to jump ON to. […]
11/4/2022 The Toughness Required to Train With Me...
You have to be ok with getting your ass handed to you and then showing back up the next day. Today's Training: Cycle: Commute Ab Wheel: 4x12 Suspended Knees to Elbow: 4x12 Ab Crunch: 100 reps DB Row: 4x8 V bar Lat Pulldown: 4x8 DB Pullover: 3x12 DB Curl: 4x8 DB Supine Tricep Ext: 4x12 […]
11/3/2022 Every Strong Person...
Every strong person that I know has a story that gave them no choice. So they hardened the fuck up, straightened out their underwear, and proceeded to improve themselves both in mind and body. Today's Training: Today was a great day for training. The gym was jumping and people were STOKED for max efforts. High […]
11/2/2022 "It Doesn't Get Any Easier"
"YOU simply get stronger!" Today's Training: No Cycling. I actually drove a car today because I had to get it SMOG tested. (just another rip off in the state of California in my opinion) AirDyne: 10 mins Single Arm External Shoulder Rotation: 3x10 Rear Delt Destroyer: 1x60-40-20x 35-28-20 Face Pulls: 100 reps DB Lateral Raise: […]
11/1/2022 The Physical Strength of your Body
The physical strength and the condition of your body are directly a result of the strength and condition of your mind! "As a man thinketh..." Today's Training: Cycle: Commute AirDyne: 5 mins steady; 15x15/45 Max Effort Floor Press: 2 RM Incline Hammer Press: 100 continuous reps Incline DB Fly: 4x12 Push-ups: 100 reps Dips: 100 […]
10/31/20222 Where'd everyone go???
What a weird day. I got to the gym in almost record time for my bike ride. NO ONE was on the streets. Yea, I know there isn't anyone on the streets at 4:00 AM, but usually, there's a utility or some police, or early morning delivery vehicles...but today? Nothing! Nada. It was a GHOST […]
10/28/2022 Check Beyond This Headline for Some Real Meat!
YOU always have a choice! Today's Training: Cycle: Commute Concept II Row: 10 mins. Done as a "Giant Set" in order: Pull-ups: 10x2 Push-ups: 10x4 Chin-ups: 10x2 Dips: 10x4 Blast Strap Row: 100 CONTINUOUS reps. Move the feet back as you fatigue. But whatever you do, DON'T STOP! If you do, you start over at […]
10/27/2022 Keep it Simple!
Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. Do your SQUATS and Drink your water. THAT'S IT! Really! Today's Training: Cycle: Commute Dynamic Squat: 10x2 Dynamic Deadlift: 10x1 GHR: 3x12 Reverse Hyper: 3x12 Cycle: Commute Short, Sweet, and to the point.
19/28/2022 Return of the Heart Popper
We had gotten away with a day dedicated to conditioning. Remember folks, it's "Strength AND Conditioning". So, back in it went. There is nothing like the site of a group of people sweating their ever-loving heads off while panting like a hot scene in a porno movie. *Not that I would know anything about that... […]
10/25/2022 Anything Worth Doing
I had a couple of questions regarding the increased amount of sets we were doing today for Dynamic work. Physiologically speaking (big words) the more significant the training age of a person (which is not to be confused with chronological age) the fewer complete sets that can be done because the amount of muscle recruitment […]
10/24/2022 Yes, I Judge People...
I judge people based on how they react when they fail or don't get what they want. Then I treat them accordingly. Today's Training: Prowler: 10x40 yds x +50 lbs (less rest interval) Dynamic Squat: 10x2x50% Dynamic Deadlift: 10x1x60% GHR: 3x12 Reverse Hyper: 3x12 Cycle: Commute
Occasionally I like to put into the program "As Many Reps As Possible" or "AMRAP" instead of a prescribed number of reps to obtain. Two things happen: You have to go BALLS OUT! Because the next guy knows what you did and no matter what, he or she wants to kick your ass to claim […]
10/20/2022 Technology Pisses Me Off
I had to rewrite a couple of rules on the board today after yesterday's gfaws. My gym is a Coaching facility. We don't have mirrors or a lot of glitz and amenities. We have weights! A lot of weight. We have three mono lifts, three reverse hypers, a dozen GHRs, five benches, Two power racks, […]
10/19/2022 If You Really Want to Get Strong and Fit...
If you really want to get strong, and conditioned, you have to give away only ONE thing... You're EXCUSES!!! No one cares about your excuses. No one pities you for your procrastination. No one is going to coddle you for your laziness. It's YOUR ASS MOVE IT! Today's Training: Cycle: Commute Concept II Row: 10 […]
10/18/2022 1N73LL1G3NC3...
1N73LL1GNC3 15 7H3 4B1L17Y 70 4D4P7 70 CH4NG3 ~ Stephen Hawkins Today's Training: Cycle: Commute AirDyne: 5 mins steady then 10x15/45 Concept II Row: 5 mins steady then 10x15/45 Max Effort Floor Press: 4 RM Incline DB Fly: 1x100 reps Pick a weight that 100 continuous reps can happen. If you have to put them […]
10/17/2022 Great Things Never Come From Being Comfortable
Think about it! When you are comfortable you tend NOT to move, to destroy that nice feeling. It's not until you are uncomfortable that things begin to move...to happen. One day there was this old man on a porch with his dog. However, this dog was howling..."aaaawoooooohhhh" "aaaawooooaaahhhh" when this fella passing by heard the […]
10/14/2022 Something to Think About This Weekend...
I am often guilty of writing a post either right here on my Coach's Log or even on Social Media that I need to read and keep reminded of. I was thinking about this one throughout much of the morning and how it would transfer quite well to the entire weekend. So, I'll share it […]
10/13/2022 Raise Your Bodies pH today!
Being a little higher than 7.2 is going to help with recovery and oxygen delivery. You can do it by a number of ways which include but not limited to: Take a sodium bicarbonate supplement, also known as an antacid. Follow an Alkaline Diet Stay Hydrated Manage Underlying Conditions: Diabetes Kidney disease Cancer Liver failure […]
10/12/2022 One of My Favorite Double Talks...
When someone makes a mistake and they utter those famous favorite words when you begin to explain the solution..."I know, I know" I will come back with "To know and not to do, is not to know. Because, IF you really knew you would have done, but you didn't, so in fact, YOU DON'T KNOW". […]
10/11/2022 What I Tell Each of the Athletes That I Train...
Before I turn my athletes over to their respective skill coaches I send them off with an ear full of instructions. The most important one I tell them is to "be that player that other coaches warn their players about!" Now go get 'em! Today's Training: Run: Sprints; 5x200 yds Cycle: Commute AirDyne: 5 mins […]
10/10/2022 At This Stage in My Life...
I'm not sure if it is killing me or if it's making me stronger. I just know that giving up is NOT an option, and if I'm coaching YOU, then it isn't an option for you either!!! Today's Training: Run: Sprints; 10x100 yds Cycle: Commute Prowler: 10x40 yds x 90 lbs Dynamic Squat: 2x2x50%; 2x2x55%; […]
10/7/2022 The 7 "P's" of Success
I had this on the wall in my gym, many years ago... "Prior proper planning prevents piss-poor performance." Write it. Learn it. Be a part of it. Today's Training: Stretch/Foam Roll: 20 mins Cycle: Commute C/S Row: 2 sets to max reps at 135; 1 set of 1 negative rep at 185 Lat Pulldown: 2 […]
10/6/2022 Not All Competition is Good...
Some of us are in competition with the people God sent us to be on our team. Building people up to be better than you, elevates your own game too. Today's Training: Cycle: Commute Prowler: 10x80 yds x +20 Good Mornings: 6 RM GHR: 4x11 Reverse Hyper: 4x11 Fwd Stepping Lunge: 4x11 why 11? Why […]
10/5/2022 That Thing That Causes You FEAR...
That thing that causes you to fear clearly indicates what you should do NEXT! My mom was a great manipulator of the mind. Every Tuesday night she would make those gosh darn canned peas with dinner. I LOATHED the taste of those darn things. To this day, I will not even look at them on […]
10/4/2022 Fix it Day
Nothing like fixing attitude, or poor technique. No, no, no...I'm fixing busted dumbells and trouble shooting other equipment before I have to put it on the "Replace" list. Take care of your stuff and your stuff will take care of you. Today's Training: Run: 16x50 yds Cycle: Commute Push-ups/Dips: 5 reps on the minute for […]
10/3/2022 Addressing Your Needs
Way too often we go to the gym and do what we have always done. Do you know what you get? That's right, You get what you already have. It takes no effort to get jazzed to squat, bench, or deadlift. Heck, even the accessories for those lifts are easy to be motivated to accomplish. […]
9/30/2022 Just the Training Today
Today's Training: Run: Sprints; 5x200 Cycle: Commute; 27 mins Ab Wheel: 5x12 Suspended Knees to Elbow: 5x12 Turkish Sit-up: Like a Turkish Get up without full standing up. Just do the sit-up portion Row: 5000 meters for time AirDyne: Tabata; 10x20-10-20 Cycle: Commute; 33 mins. Traffic was a bitch
9/29/2022 When there aren't a lot of exercises...
Whenever there are only a couple of exercises in the day's workout, you had better plan on a tough one. Today is no exception. Every minute on the minute for 50 minutes you have to perform TWO Pull-ups and Two Chin-ups. That's it! Seems pretty easy at first, but by the halfway mark the hands […]
9/28/2022 Difficult Roads Often Lead to Beautiful Destinations.
One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through, and THIS will become someone else's survival guide. So you can NEVER give up! Today's Training: Prowler: 10x40xwt+50 lbs Dynamic Squat: 10x3x50% Dynamic Deadlift: 10x1x50% GHR: 2x10 Reverse Hyper: 2x10 Fwd. Stepping Lunge: 2x10 Side Flex Abs: 2x10 4-way Neck: […]
9/27/2022 Check Your Equipment
On my commute into the gym this morning, I was pulled over not by ONE Police officer but by TWO cruisers. For what? Apparently, my rear light had gone out making it hard to see me. Mind you, I ride at 4:00 AM and it's dark for sure, but I'm lit up like the Star […]
9/26/2022 Dynamic, Chains and Bands...Oh my.
I've witnessed a lot of people coming out against dynamic work, especially with the use of chains and bands. "The research says..." yadda yadda yadda. Here's my take. A LOT of people have gotten REALLY strong using the Conjugated method. I've used it in my program for the past 20-something years and I will say […]
9/24/2022 Don't Talk Politics or Religion
It has been said if you don't want to "rock the boat" then don't talk about politics or religion. In my gym, especially my program, we don't filter ANYTHING and talk about EVERYTHING between sets. (If I'm not coaching a technical point) I also maintain since this site is actually Dave's business that I would […]
2/23/2022 1000 Rep Arm Day
Like clockwork, we need to blast the arms once a month with a thousand reps. No one and I means not one cotton pick'n person left without a magnificent PUMP! Today was no exception. Veins popping like road maps, muscle density that rivals the folks found on Jupiter, the group walking out looked unbelievable. Put […]
9/22/2022 Training Your Mind Can Cause Brain Damage.
I'm kidding, well maybe not. I've been on a rampage to toughen myself and those around me that will listen to get "Mentally Tough". I stopped seeing adversity as a thing that has to be awful and turned it into a "learning" experience. Change your thoughts you change your habits. Start viewing heavyweight as lightweight, […]
9/21/2022 Do You Want Things in Your Life to Get Easier?
"The more disciplined you become the easier life gets. The higher degree of discipline, the greater your success will be" ~ Vishwas Chavan Today's Training: Prowler: 15x40 yds in the rain. Anyone that has any experience at all pushing the Prowler, understands that wet surfaces don't make it easier. On the contrary...the Prowler HATES wet […]
9/20/2022 It's All in Your Mind
Whatever you hold in your mind will tend to show in your life. If you continue to believe what you've always thought, you will continue to act the way you have. "If you always do (act) what you've always done, you will continue to get what you already have" (The definition of insantity). If you […]
9/19/2022 Do you want it?
You can't expect to succeed if you only put the work in on the days you "feel" like it. Today's Training: *Run: Sprints; 16x50 yds *Cycle: Commute; 25 mins. I inflated my tires. Small bead=Greater speed Prowler: 10x40xHEAVY GHR: 2x30;1x10 Hex Bar Deadlift: 2 RM Reverse Hyper: 4x10 Suspended Knees to Elbow: 70 reps in […]
9/16/2022 Mindset
(noun) "The driving force in the quest for success and achievement. A mindset that combines discipline, strength, confidence, and ambition is a powerful mindset. This can achieve anything it sets its sights on." Today's Training: *Cycle: Commute; 27 mins Concept II Row: 15 mins. DB Row: 3x6x Heavy Lat Pulldown: 3x6x Heavier DB Pullover: 2x30x […]
9/15/2022 Discipline...
Discipline is a noun that means doing what needs to be done even when you don't feel like doing it. If you come to me and tell me you're tired, I'm going to tell you "go get it done, tired!" Today's Training: *Run: Sprints; 5x200 yards w/100-yard interval rest *Cycle: Commute; 28 mins Prowler: 10x80 […]
9/14/2022 Significance...
In my entire coaching career, the best piece of business advice I had ever received is STILL to greet EVERYONE in the gym (regardless of who's program they might be in) and say goodbye to them. Do it by their name, if you can, and if you forget their name, give them a really cool […]
“People with great passion can..."
My friend Linda sent this to me and it resonated within. “People with great passion can make the impossible happen.” ---Linda Pinter. I get to witness on almost a daily basis people do great and beautiful things physically because of their "Passion" to succeed at a goal. I've said, Success is the progressive realization of […]
9/12/2022 The Leading Cause of Injury in Old Men...
The leading cause of injury in old men is them still thinking they are young men. Today's Training: *Run: Sprints; 8x100 yds *Cycle: Commute; 27 mins Prowler: 10x80 yds GHR: 70 reps in as few sets as possible Dynamic Deadlift: 2x1x50%; 2x1x50% + 1 chain; 2x1x50%+2 chains; 2x1x50%+3 chains, 2x1x50%+4 chains Reverse Hyper: 4x12 Walking […]