Harry Selkow


Harry was the strength and conditioning coach of the Arizona Sundogs as well as for many High School football and Youth Hockey programs. He has worked with hundreds of athletes in a multitude of sports over the course of the last 50 years. Harry is currently working at West Coast Elite in Pleasanton, California.

3/23/2022  Don't Let the Bar Simply Sit in your Hands.
3/23/2022 Don't Let the Bar Simply Sit in your Hands.
We teach the setup of the bench by retracting the shoulders and depressing the scapula. Then we put any significant weight on the bar and that goes right out the window with newer people. As a verbal queue, we might say, "Put your shoulder blades into your back pockets", and then the bencher forgets "LEG […]
3/22/2022  Pop Your Heart Tuesday
3/22/2022 Pop Your Heart Tuesday
Today's Training: Bike: Commute: 24 mins Run: Sprints: 10x50 yard x 75% Supermans: 30 reps Prone Scorpions: 3x5 to each side Single Leg Lifts on a foam roller lengthwise: 30 reps no hands on the floor Double Leg Lifts on a foam roller lengthwise: 30 reps WITH hands on the floor Concept II Row: 15x15/45 […]
3/21/2022  Yes, I feel alright!
3/21/2022 Yes, I feel alright!
After a sleepless week and the time change, my body and mind "hit the wall" on Friday. Many people were inquiring as to how I was feeling, and I appreciate everyone's concern. It's nice knowing that many really do care, but I wasn't sick, no illness, no injury, no covid, no STDs, nothing but old […]
3/17/2022  Squats fix Everything
3/17/2022 Squats fix Everything
Today is Thursday and we traditionally do squats perhaps a deadlift mixed in and punch throats. It's one of the BEST days of the week. One of my female participants has a very stressful position in the healthcare profession at one of the busiest hospitals in NorCal. Sleep is always a determining factor for her […]
3/16/2022    My Mind...
3/16/2022 My Mind...
In my gym, I encourage conversations about "touchy" issues. It's been said to avoid conflict never should we talk about Politics or Religion. Hell...we get right to it most days, especially in this climate of change that is happening. A lady today began with her opinion of a political subject and then she stopped as […]
3/15/2022  Pop Your Heart Tuesday?
3/15/2022 Pop Your Heart Tuesday?
What in tarnation trickery is going on HERE? Yea, it's my way of combatting the "Cherry Picker". You know the ones that hate to do the conditioning part of the "Strength AND Conditioning? So I randomly will pick the day and send it out. Today was that day... Today's Training: Run: Speed Play three miles […]
3/13/2022 The Weights Will Always Win
3/13/2022 The Weights Will Always Win
I've read about people "killing" their workout or "Slaying their cardio" and that's cute. However, I've never witnessed anyone actually doing that. Sure they have PR'd in competition, or prepped themselves to a spot on the starting line-up, but the Strength and Conditioning program that I run is designed to kick your ass. I've trained […]
3/11/2022 Super Slow Reps followed by a few quick ones.  Guns be blazin'
3/11/2022 Super Slow Reps followed by a few quick ones. Guns be blazin&...
We want to move the weight through its range of motion as slow as we can without it "jerking" along the path. We want to move the weight in this manner both in the concentric as well as the eccentric phases. Then bury the needle and blast blood into the muscle with SEVEN quick reps. […]
3/10/2022  Fear...
3/10/2022 Fear...
Fear doesn't stop death, but it does stop life! Today's Training: Bike Commute: 26 mins Squat: 10x10x +10 total pounds more than last week RDL: 10x10x +10 total pounds more than last week GHR: 3x10 Side Plank Hip Ups: 3x10 Bike Commute: 30 mins (into the wind with fatigued legs)
3/9/2022  I can see the difference
3/9/2022 I can see the difference
In a short three weeks of this concentrated volume work, I have now witnessed MOST of the people in my program making significant changes in their bodies. It is quite satisfying to watch the growth happen right before your very eyes. Granted, some are morphing more rapidly than others, but yet the "hard gainers" are […]
3/8/2022  Still hammering away with volume
3/8/2022 Still hammering away with volume
During this phase not only are we working on pushing a lot of sarcoplasm into the muscle, but it's also a great way to hone the technique. Each rep needs to be scrutinized and not just "banged" out. Small adjustments are made and the exercises mantra must be repeated: Shoulderblades in the back pocket Pull […]
3/7/2022  I Love Mondays
3/7/2022 I Love Mondays
I think it was about 30 years ago that I changed my thinking about dreading Monday. I was sitting in my living room with a bunch of friends on a Sunday when the bitching started about it being the end of the weekend, and how we had to get back to the grind the next […]
Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Bike Commute: 25 mins Ab Wheel: 4x10 Concept II Row: 10x15/45 Pulldown Abs: 4x10xheavy band AirDyne Sprints: 10x15/45 Cable Tricep Pushdown: 4x12 BB Curl: 4x8 Supine DB Tricep Ext.: 4x12 DB Hammer Curl: 4x8 Dips: 4x12 Concentration Curl: 4x8 Bike Commute: 27 mins
Do You Want to Inspire Someone?  3/3/2022
Do You Want to Inspire Someone? 3/3/2022
If you want to really inspire someone, don't show them what your gifts are, show them THEIRS! While we are in this phase of training it is important to remember to move quickly with minimum rest intervals. If your heart isn't pumping in your ears then you need to pick the pace up... Today's Training: […]
Eight Things to Keep in Mind...3/2/2022 Volume 4.0
Eight Things to Keep in Mind...3/2/2022 Volume 4.0
Everything can and will change 2. You've overcome challenges before 3. It's a learning experience 4. NOT getting what you want can turn out to be a good thing 5. Have some fun. It's really ok to do this... 6. Be good to yourself. It has great healing properties 7. Don't worry about other people's […]
Zip Codes and Phone Numbers 3/1/2022
Zip Codes and Phone Numbers 3/1/2022
I just ran into Best Buy to purchase some batteries. The kid at the counter asked me for my zip code and phone number to which I replied, "90210 and 867-5309". He never questioned or looked up at me once. Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Bike Commute: 26 mins. (riding angry) Bench: 11x11x+10 total pounds […]
2/28/2022   More Volume Training with only TWO Exercises
2/28/2022 More Volume Training with only TWO Exercises
I used to have a training partner many years ago with whom I would switch training notebooks to get our workouts. I would design his and he would design mine. He would give me a list of many things to do at times and I knew it was a bullshit workout. I would give him […]
2/25/2022  Early dismissal and the Brown Dirt Plumber
2/25/2022 Early dismissal and the Brown Dirt Plumber
I had to leave the gym early today to meet a plumber at my house. I have a very difficult time leaving a facility unattended. "Murphy's Law" states that if anything bad is to happen, it will!" Hopefully, I pray, everyone will be fine. As for the plumber? I wait patiently for a person that […]
2/24/2022  Volume Training 3.0  It's like sex...
2/24/2022 Volume Training 3.0 It's like sex...
A small selection of exercises but MAN o MAN...what an exhausting session. (as all have been this past week, only to set next week up) Run: 3.0 mile fartlek run (again) Yes I know, two days in a row is kind of hard on the old joints, BUT...the dog has to go out and it's […]
2/23/2022   Volume Training 2.15
2/23/2022 Volume Training 2.15
Today's Training: Fartlek Run: 3 miles. "Fartlek" is basically translated into "Speed Play" This is where you Jog, then you run, then Sprint, and even slow down and walk to recover. Although a REAL runner would never walk. hahaha For me I sprint as FAR as I can until I bust a lung or pop […]
Volume Training 2.0  "To Write or Not To Write?"  2/22/2022
Volume Training 2.0 "To Write or Not To Write?" 2/22/2022
Throughout the years I've had friends recommend or request that I write a book. I always think that "sure, why not. Seems like a good idea", but then I stop and think, "who the heck would want to read it?" I mean really, write about training? There are VOLUMES of that stuff. Write about nutrition? […]
Volume Training  2/21/2022
Volume Training 2/21/2022
We're about to start a new phase and while this workout LOOKS easy, it's both time-consuming AND lower body draining. Heck, I almost nodded off at the conclusion. It's also important record the starting weight because each week we will lessen the set/rep count and ADD weight. Let's get ready to RUMBLE... Today's Training: AirDyne: […]
I'm not sure you guys are even getting these... Today's Training: D.E. Bench: 10x3 D.E. OHP: 10x3 DB Fly: 100 continuous reps DB Lateral Raise: 4x12 Lat Pulldown: 4x12 Curls: 4x12 Triceps: 4x12
Today's Training: Run: 2 miles warm-up 10x50 yd sprint Sciatica Stretches: 10 mins Bike Commute: 26 mins 4" Pin Press: 2 RM Incline Hammer Press: 100 continuous reps w/ a plate on each side Cable Tricep Pushdown: 4x10xHeavy Supine DB Tricep Extension: 4x10 Bike Commute: 27 mins
Dip, Grip, and Rip...2/14/2022
Dip, Grip, and Rip...2/14/2022
Today's Training: Run: Sprints 5x100 Bike Commute: 33 mins. I was riding into a stiff constant wind Plate Pinch Farmers Walk: 15x80 yard x 45's Deadlift: 4 RM; Double overhand grip; no hook grip or reciprocating grip. No sound when it touches Bike Commute: 22 mins. (yep that wind was at my back now) Needless […]
I kept trying to remember the story of the dog that howled so much but keep forgetting to write it in my weekday Coaching Log.  Therefore a rare weekend appearance.
I kept trying to remember the story of the dog that howled so much but k...
The story is more about MOTIVATION rather than a sad story of a dog, so look deeper than just the surface... There was a young man walking on the sidewalk down a lovely street when he came upon a house with a wide front porch with a double swing, a couch, and a rocking chair […]
Music Selection...2/11/2022
Music Selection...2/11/2022
When I open the gym part of the procedure is to turn on the Spotify/Pandora station. I rarely give two cents worth what is on from the night before, so I usually will press "play" and endure whatever... However, once in a great while I will feel like something that I actually want to hear. […]
I from time to time need to remind myself...2/10/2022
I from time to time need to remind myself...2/10/2022
From time to time I need to remind myself, that being afraid of things going wrong is NOT the way to make things go right. NO FEAR!!! Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Bike Commute: 27 mins Prowler: 10x80 yards Box Jump: 15x2 Good Mornings (for the stretch w/ various stances): 10x5 GHR: 5x10 Reverse Hyper: […]
When I Write Too Much...2/9/2022
When I write too much on the whiteboard about the objectives for the day, I find that I cause more confusion than if I didn't try to explain all the details. Today I wanted everyone to warm up with five minutes of steady-state and easy AirDyne. Then I wanted TEN x 50-second exercise bouts that […]
At Any Given Moment...2/8/2022
At Any Given Moment...2/8/2022
At any given moment you have the power to say "Now it all changes", "This is not how the book ends". It's that instantaneous. You don't just do it, you get it done!!! Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Sciatica Stretches Bike Commute: 28 mins Bench: Pin Press; 4 RM; PRE=8 Face Pulls: 200 x mini […]
It's a Crap Shoot  2/7/2022
It's a Crap Shoot 2/7/2022
Because I have a few "Cherry Pickers" when it comes to the weekly workouts, I changed the pace on them. They hate, I MEAN HATE doing the Conditioning part of the program which I usually reserve the "big one" for Wednesdays, so they skip Wed. Well, let me tell YOU I did it today and […]
Benching and stuff...2/4/2022
Benching and stuff...2/4/2022
Today I introduced the Sling Shot to my groups as a way of overloading our bench. Unless you are used to carrying the bar lower on your chest and keeping the weight over your elbows without them flaring, the SS will tend to throw the bar behind and right into your mouth. The bencher must […]
Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Ab Crunch: 50 reps Sciatica Stretches Bike Commute: 28 mins. Boy o boy was it ever cold. brrrrrr Box Jumps: 15x2 GHR: 5x10 Reverse Hyper: 5x10 Fwd stepping lunge with a twist: 5x10 Foam Roller Spinal Stabilizer: 3x15/3x15 Lat Pulldown: 4x10 Bicep: 4x10 Triceps: 4x10 Bike Commute: 27 mins
Pop Your Heart Wed.   2/2/2022
Pop Your Heart Wed. 2/2/2022
Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Bike Commute: 36 mins (into a pretty stiff wind) Concept II Row: 5000 meters for time. 19:57 is still the time to beat Versi Climber: 8x50 steps OR Treadmill Walk at 3.5 mph with an increase of 1% per min for 16 total minutes. Foam Roll Core Activation: 3x15 Biceps: […]
When I Was Younger...2/1/2022
When I Was Younger...2/1/2022
I can't remember this many warning labels on things as I see today. I suppose we weren't as stupid back then as we are now. Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Bike Commute: 30 mins. BOY was it ever cold this morning C/S Row: 4x10 3-Way Shoulders: 3x20 DB Row: 3x8 Heavy OHP: 6 RM; no […]
Soundless Pin Touch 1/31/2022
By making the pin touch "soundless" the weight has to be controlled eccentrically on today's deadlift. I was really trying to tax everyone's grip today and this was the perfect exercise to accomplish that. Since the eccentric had to be slowed down, the entire length of the lift per rep was extended. As the weight […]
Be careful what you ask for...1/28/2022
A man walks into a restaurant with a full-grown ostrich behind him. The waitress asks for their orders. The man says, “A hamburger, fries, and a coke,” and turns to the ostrich, “What’s yours?” “I’ll have the same,” says the ostrich. A short time later the waitress returns with the order. “That will be $9.40 […]
This made me laugh...1/27/2022
I was perusing a magazine and I saw this ad that made me bust out laughing sending the chocolate milk out of my nose. It read... "Do you want to lose weight but don't want to get caught up in one of those 'eat right and exercise' scams? I lost it right there. bwahahahaha Today's […]
Complete what YOU Start 1/26/2021
I have this personal thing that says's "Never Quit". I loathe quitters. I would tell the teams that I coached "for them to win (and sometimes they will but we won't lose) they're going to need a sniper in the upper row with a Barrett .50 cal to stop us" See, once you quit something […]
Adding a few more things to the Daily program 1/25/2022
I've added a few more "daily" exercises to help with lagging body parts AND Joint health. Adding another set to the bi/tri routine to allow for an increase in weight AND the Indian Club Tomohawk chops. EVERYONE said how good those Indian Clubs felt. I will be adding a few more things as we get […]
Monday...I Freak'n LOVE Mondays 1/24/2022
I'm not sure when I started to love the bajesusbug out of Mondays but MAN do I enjoy them. You get to start a whole new week fresh. You can mess with anyone you want from the beginning, AND...loving Mondays the way I do, pisses so many people off that it's the greatest. Now most […]
Shoulder Press v. Chest Press 1/21/2022
Too often I get into a routine of amassing tremendous focus on the Bench and leaving OHP to act like the little cousin at a family reunion. When in fact, looking at what benefits the other I have noticed that the OHP has great carry over to the bench, but the bench does NOT have […]
Don't Piss Off Old People 1/20/2022
The older I get, the less "Life in Prison" becomes a deterrent. Today's Training: Bike Commute: 28 mins Dynamic Squat: 10x2x50% + a bunch of chains on each side Dynamic Deadlifts: 10x1x 55% Reverse Hypers: 4x10 GHR: 3x10 (Really extend your body in the non contracted position) Suspended Knee Ups: 3x10 Curls of a sort: […]
Pop Your Heart Wed. 1/19/2022
A conditioning workout increases blood flow and acts as a filter system. It brings nutrients like oxygen, protein, and iron to the muscles that you've been training and helps them recover faster. Today's Training: Run: 3 miles. Speed Play Bike Commute: 27 mins Prowler Sprints: 12x120 yards Running Sprints: 12x60 Concept II Row: 2500 meters […]
OVER Grip the Bar 1/18/2022
Teaching ONE thing gives the lifter an 87% chance of remembering it. Today's lesson (as it was last week as well) Grip the bar much tighter than you think is necessary. Why? You may ask?? Put your elbow in a 90-degree bend while wearing a short sleeve shirt. Squeeze a ball, or another person's hand, […]
Announcing that you're Offended? 1/17/2022
is basically telling the world that you can't control your own emotions and that everyone else needs to do it for you. Today's Training: Run: 3 miles Bike Commute: 28 mins Seated Good Mornings: -5 Rep Max -PRE=7 Forward Stepping Lunge: 3x15 each leg GHR: 35 reps Single Arm Suitcase Pick up: 3x5 each arm […]
Do What You Need To Do...not just what you want to do 1/14/2022
I abhor stretching. I think I can find other things to do to occupy my time. I say "I'll stretch later" or "I'll stretch in the shower", but I never seem to fit it in. After all, in the time it takes to stretch, I can run another mile or do some single-leg squat movements. […]
I don't believe in New Year's resolutions. 1/13/2022
I think if you want to change something, change it today and don't wait Today's Training: Run: 3 mile Fartlek Bike Commute: 25 mins. D.E. Squat: 10x2x50% D.E. Deadlift: 10x1x50% Reverse Hyper: 4x10 Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x10 Curls: 3x12 Tricep Extension: 3x12 Bike Commute: 27 mins
Pop Your Heart Wed. 1/12/2022
I've noticed over the past year that MANY strength athletes are now getting themselves in higher condition levels. I've always maintained if you are going to have a "workhorse" body you better have a "workhorse" engine (heart/lungs). Taking off the unusable body weight is only helpful to those aging fragile joints. Lessen the loads, wide […]
The Secret to Success is...1/11/2022
There are many roads to success, but I find "Talent" to be among the greatest. You have to question often what talents you have in order to succeed? For me, one of my GREATEST talents and the one that has helped me most in life is I DO NOT QUIT! If you have only ONE […]
Good Mornings 1/10/2022
We did Seated Good Mornings today. From a coaching point, I teach ONE thing per session for each person to work on. That way they have an 87% chance of remembering it. If I teach TWO things, the percentage of what they remember drops down to 33%! Imagine that? If I teach THREE things, then […]
Two Things I Like...1/7/2022
The two things I like: Sports Prep Work for Sports Today's Training: Run: 3-mile fartlek Man o man I am so into these "speed play" runs these days. Instead of a steady monotoned pounding, the sprinting and then slowing when your lungs fall out seem to make the distance go by much faster. PLUS...I enjoy […]
If It's Not One Thing, It's another. 1/6/2022
I am definitely not a complainer. I in fact have "Rule 67" that states..."No Complaining", so I write about an issue to let those people know that read my stuff that WE ALL suffer from time to time, minor setbacks and NO ONE is above the natural law. (Although I try) For the past three […]
"Pop Your Heart" Wed. 1/5/2022
We are back to setting side a day where I try to bring on a coronary. I like to say, "Condition until your heart pops". It has such a romantic flair when you say it that way! But we are not going to have any wheeze'n sneeze'n heart failures in my program. Remember kids...It's Strength […]
The Reason I am Here...1/4/2022
Just to stir up shit. I love motivating my teams. I get as fired up as they do. The Training: 5K Fartlek run. I'm really enjoying these Bench Press: 2 board; 5 RM 3 way Shoulders:3x20 Supine DB Tricep Ext: 3x10 DB Curl: 3x10 Stability Ball PushUps: 50 reps Side Plank: 3x30 seconds each side […]
Never Underestimate ...1/3/2022
"Never underestimate the power of passion" ~ Eve Sawyer Today's Training: Run: Fartlek 3 miles Narrow Stance Low Box Squat: 2" below with feet arm pit wide. 5 rep max weight GHR: 30 reps 45 degree Back Extension: 3x15 Foward Stepping Lunge: 3x10 Bicep Curl: 3x10 Supine Tricep Extension: 3x10 Front Plank: 3x30 seconds Bike […]
What you Do on NYE will be your Habit for the following Year 12/31/2021
When I was a young boy, my mother would say, "Everything you do on New Year's Eve/Day will become something you will always do for the following year". I don't know if there is any truth to that, but it always made me think of the things I wanted to do throughout the year. I […]
The purpose of Dynamic Effort in my Gym 12/30/2021
Dynamic days are useful to teach technique by hammering home ONE item per training session and speed of the movement is done. The moment folks start adding weight to appease their own egos is the moment the purpose of the session is thrown out the window. Dynamic Effort= Technique and Speed! Today's Training: Run: Fartlek […]

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