Rule #6 for staying Sane11/12/2021
Life is not fair. Be prepared yourself for mayhem. Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Bike Commute: 26 mins D.E. Squat: 10x2x60% D.E. Deadlift: 10x1x60% Reverse Hyper: 4x10 Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x10 Weighted Side Bend: 3x10 Bike Commute: 25 mins
Rule #6 for Staying Sane 11/11/2021
Stop avoiding the shit you should confront!!! Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Bike Commute: 25 mins Pull-ups: 8x2 Dips: 8x5 Chin-ups: 8x2 Push-ups: 8x5 Bench Press: -2 Board -5 Rep Max -Beat last weeks number Three way shoulders: 3x20 DB Supine Tricep Extension: 4x10 Shrugs: 4x8x Heavy Bike Commute: 23 […]
Rule #5 for staying sane...11/10/2021
Stop overthinking the fuck out of everything! Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Bike Commute: 25 mins Pull-ups: 8x2 Dips: 8x5 Chin-ups: 8x2 Push-ups: 8x5 Concept II Rowing Ergometer: 5000 meters for time AirDyne: (Arms Only) 10x 10/50 BB Curl: 4x8 super set w/ Tricep Cable Rope Push down: 4x10 DB Hammer Curl: 4x8 […]
Rule #4 for Staying Sane 11/9/2021
Don't obsess about shit you can't change Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Bike Commute: I have a new bike and it was raining and I didn't care! What fun...25 mins Pull-ups: 8x2 Dips: 8x5 Chin-ups: 8x2 Push-ups: 8x5 Low Box Squat w/ a narrow stance: 5 rep max. Beat Last week's numbers DB Lunge: […]
Rule #3 for Staying Sane 11/8/2021
Rule #3- Stop trying to save every fucker. Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Dynamic Bench: 10x3x60%; 1x2x70% 4 Board Bench: 3x3 increasing the weight of each set. BEAT last week's number DB Bench Press: 4x10 increasing the weight of each set. Use more than last week in each of the four sets DB Dead […]
Rule #2 for staying SANE 11/5/2021
Rule 2. Laugh at the silly shit! Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins. Dynamic Squat: 10x2x55% Dynamic Dead Lift: 10x1x55% Rev
Rule #1 to remain Sane 11/4/2021
Rule 1. Avoid debates with Fuckwits. Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Pull-ups: 7x2 Dips: 7x5 Chin-ups: 7x2 Push-ups: 7x5 Concept II Row: 15 mins Bench: 2 boards; five rep max go up in small increments Shoulder Three Way Complex: 3x20 Front Raise/Side Raise/Bent over Rear Delt Raise Shrugs: 4x6x Heavy Bike Commute: 28 […]
Psy-ops Training 11/3/2021
When asked how many push-ups the "Champ" could do, Muhammid Ali answered "6". The reporters were flabbergasted that the World Heavyweight Champion could do only six reps. When pressed, Ali gave them the real answer..."I only start counting the reps when they hurt." When I asked for the AMRAP sets or "As many reps […]
Know when to stop talking 1/2/2021
If you have made your point, shut the fuck up! Today's Training: Run: 5 K I am miserable with this run. The wear and tear on my legs over the years make this a chore. However, I am going to run the ugly out of it! Narrow Stance Low Box Squat: Work up to […]
I saw a great "Life" quote today. 11/1/2021 (can you believe ...
"Your life is made of two dates and a dash. Make the most out of the dash." Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Warm-up. Pull-ups on the fat bar: 7x2 Dips: 7x5 Chin-ups: 7x2 Push-ups: 7x5 D.E. Bench: 8x3x60% Then add 10% and do a four board press for three reps Add another 10% for […]
Stop Benching like You're Wearing a Bench Shirt 10/29/2021
When I teach people how to bench after I show them how to "set up" with all the tightness and visual/verbal cues the next thing on the agenda is the bar path. When we unrack the barbell if you let the bar drift towards your hips you'll feel the tension in the shoulders. Letting it […]
Masculinity isn't Toxic 10/28/2021
Just for fun, I choose one person per day to "pick on" regardless of who they are. Normally I will pick on one of my "training partners" and it starts with the normal "chirping" that made John Gruden resign. No big deal! Yesterday I thought it would be wise to include some of the gals […]
"1000 rep Arm Routine" 10/27/2021
Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins 1000 rep arm routine 5 sets x 20 reps of the following: BB Curl Rope Tri Pushdown DB Curl DB Supine Tri Extension DB Hammer Curl Dips Reverse Grip Curl Tricep Kick Back Single Arm Banded Curl Single Arm Banded Overhead Tri Ext Bike Commute: 39 mins. The trail was […]
Taking Risks 10/26/2021
You are either a risk taker or you are not a risk-taker. No in-between here. If you DON'T take risks, you'll NEVER win big! Just make sure they are CALCULATED RISKS.... Today's Training: Run: 5K Pull-ups: 6x2 Dips: 6x5 Chin-ups: 6x2 Push-ups: 6x5 Floor Press from 3 board height: Work up to a […]
"Ka-POW" That hamstring hasn't sounded like that in YEARS!
Every now and again, you can be doing everything right and something will go haywire just to remind you that you aren't a god with divine strengths. I make sure that I'm hydrated and warm prior to making any lifts. Then as we head into the upper weight categories I make sure we do the […]
Just Say "No" 10/22/2021
You MUST learn the skill of being able to say "No"! You don't need to lie or make excuses. You need not over-explain yourself Simply Decline! Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Pull-ups: 6x2 Dips: 6x5 Chin-ups: 6x2 Push-ups: 6x5 Dynamic Bench: 10x3 w/ chains C/S Row: 4x10 Tricep Push Down: 4x12 DB LR: 4x6x […]
If You Can Safely Take a Shower 10/21/02021
I've more times than not commuted to my gym (no matter where it was) from my house via bicycle or run. It never mattered what the weather is like either. My ONLY issue is when I see it pouring rain or snowing like the "blizzard of '78", leaving the front door is a bit harder. […]
10/20/2021 "As a Man Thinks..."
The Bible (Proverbs 23:7) tells us that as a man "thinketh in his heart, so is he." Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius (121-180 AD) concluded, "We become what we think about. So if you think you're fat, out of shape, and weak, you probably are! It all starts with a change in your thought process! Get […]
Just the Program Today 10/19/2021
No words of wisdom, nor coaching points today... Just the training and only the training. Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Heavy Duty SMR Pull-ups/Chin-Ups: 5x2 Dips/Push-ups: 5x5 Ab Wheel: 2x18 Windshield Wipers: 3x10 Floor Press: Work up to a HEAVY three reps, then take three singles going up a little bit in each […]
How are You Living? 10/18/2021
"If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present." ~ Lao Tzu Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Pull-ups/Chin-ups/Dips: 5x2/5x2/5x4 Ab Wheel: 2x18 Windshield Wipers: 2x18 Good Mornings: Work up to a heavy […]
"Advice from an Old Man" 50 Thunderbolts to Live By 10/16/2021
Some old man wisdom for you... Have a firm handshake Look people in the eye Go ahead and sing in the shower Own a GREAT stereo system If in a fight, hit first and hit 'em hard Keep secrets Never give up on anybody. Miracles can and do happen every day Always accept an outstretched […]
You CAN Train without a Telephone 10/15/2021
I post the daily workouts because I have a few people that follow along with my program and they aren't anywhere near where my gym is at. However, I see a LOT of folks that can't go through a session without taking photographs of THEMSELVES and posting on ALL the networks and they aren't coaches […]
10/14/2021 Using the SSB Yoke Bar
I like to teach using the Yoke bar by telling the squatter to hunch up and create the "pad" with the traps. That way you save your spinous process of the cervical vertebrae. Then, to engage the lats, push the handles up in the front while keeping the elbows tucked in and shoving (here we […]
Hard Lessons 10/13/2021
One of the hardest lessons in life is letting go. Whether it’s guilt, love, anger, loss, or betrayal, change is never easy. We fight to hold on and we fight to let go. Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Concept II Row for time: 5000 meters Tempo Reps: 2-1-3 DB Curl 4x8 Rope Pushdown: 4x10 […]
When teaching the position of the body in a floor press, I like to have folks get under the bar and do a HUGE hip extension. As the participant feels their weight on their traps and back of the head I can get them to understand the idea of "Putting their shoulders into their back […]
10/11/21 Pull Sumo, Double Overhand, No reciprocating grips, Don't ...
I didn't give anyone the choice today which way they were going to Deadlift. I wanted to open everyone's hips up so we pulled sumo only. Secondly, it was a grip strength test. Since the pinky and the thumb connection is the weakest link in the upper body, it is a built-in "safety" technique. NO […]
10/8/2021 Sometimes you have to outlast the suck
Early morning today came way too fast. I know that I had to get my dog out before I went to the gym and the only way I was going to fit in my conditioning AND allow my dog to be alone for the duration of the morning was to get her out and run […]
10/7/21 You don't check ME out...I see if you qualify to workout in...
People wonder why I go through a three workout tryout...??? It's because I can determine after three days whether that person QUALIFIES or not to make my team. I'm at a stage in my coaching career where I don't care if a person likes me or not. They don't come in to "check me out". […]
10/6/2021 When you get tired
When you get tired learn to rest, but never quit! Today's Training: YUP..."Pop Your Heart" Wed is BACK!!! AirDyne: 30 mins. Bike Commute: 26 mins Prowler: 12x120 yards Concept II Row: 5000 meters for time Bike Commute: 27 mins I am so stink'n hungry...hahaha
10/5/21 Pay Attention!
As some are aware, I wake up daily at 2:45 PDT to start my day. Jocko Willets likes to brag about being up at 0400 and that's pretty good, but he's an hour and 45 minutes late for my liking. hahaha...Don't tell him I said that. I get my morning business done and before I […]
Goals and Methods
Be stubborn about your goals but be flexible with your methods. A goal is written in STONE and the Objectives should be written in sand. Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins. Bike Commute: 28 mins. Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x12 Ab Wheel: 3x12 Side Plank Hip Up: 3x12 Dynamic Deadlift: 15x1 GHR: 4x10 hold a […]
Make Masculinity Great Again 901: 10/1/2021
Men see only 16 colors. (if that) Peach for example is a fruit, not a color. Pumpkin is also. We have no fucking idea what mauve is. Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins. 4x25 of the following: BB Curl Rope Push-downs DB Curl DB Supine Tri Ext Hammer Curl Dips Reverse Grip Curl Close Grip […]
9/30/2021 Making Masculinity Great Again: 831
Anything I said six months ago is inadmissible in all arguments. IN FACT...ALL comments become null and void after SEVEN days! I can not stress enough that on a Dynamic Day it isn't about the load that you put on the bar versus how FAST you can move it! It doesn't matter how much […]
Making Masculinity Great Again 09-292021
When someone asks, "what are you thinking about" MEN can actually be thinking of nothing more than what we're doing. This question usually hits me in my right ear as I'm driving somewhere. When I'm driving...I'm thinking about DRIVING. Nothing else!!! Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins. Concept II Row: 2500 meters for time Suspended […]
Just the Training for Today...9/28/2021
Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Suspended Knees to Elbow: 2x12 Ab Wheel: 2x12 Torso Side Flexion: 2x12 Incline DB Fly: 4x10 Flat DB Fly: 4x10 Dynamic Bench: 10x3 Stretcher Push-Ups: 4x25 DB Supine Tricep Extension: 3x12 Cable Rope Pushdown: 3x12 Single Arm Overhead Band Tricep Extension: 100 reps each hand Bike Commute: 29 mins.
I JUST Realized
I just now realized that I haven't posted in a few days. Well...I did all the write-ups and added a few quips but I neglected to hit the "Publish" button. In the famous words of Homer Simpson..."Doh!" I had a new guy come in today to join the team. Nice guy that seems well-conditioned. […]
Making Masculinity Great Again: 9/22/2021 830
If something we said can be interpreted two ways, and one of the ways makes you ladies angry or sad, we meant the OTHER one!!! Coming to the conclusion of our "de-load" week and it's weird to find anyone that isn't looking to push the throttles up again. If all you know is how […]
It's All About The Effort
As many of you know, my son got into Bishops College Prep School in Sherbrook Canada. Without being "THAT Dad", he is an A++ student and is pretty darn good at hockey as well. It made sense for him to pursue academics and athletics in the Big Wide Open Ocean of education instead of being […]
Making Masculinity Great Again: 9/22/2021 829
Come to me with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what MEN do! Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for. Today's Training: Airdyne: 30 mins Concept II Row: 21 mins 5x10 of the following: Blast Strap Row DB Pullover Banded Pull-a-parts Banded Row V-bar Pulldown 3x10 of the following: Side Plank […]
Making Masculinity Great Again Sept 21, 2021 828
Be dominant! We need to be preoccupied with power and dominance to a point that it causes harm to others, such as verbal, physical, and online bullying. Stop kowtowing to little sniveling idiots that deserve to be wedgied. We should have the final word in relationships, even if our word is that 1000 yard stare […]
Making Masculinity Great Again Sept 20, 2021 827
"Yes" and "No" are perfectly acceptable answers to almost EVERY question. Finally did it! This is our first deload week. It took a while but a lot of folks need to recover and have some fun training I think one every four weeks is a bit weak and unnecessary for most, but going as […]
Friday 9/17/2021 Make Masculinity Great Again
Men are not mind readers. If you ladies go about brooding about something we did that bothers you and we ask, "what's wrong?" and you say, "Nothing" or give us a blank stare. We think everything is alright and will go about our day! If something is twisting your panties, TELL US! That way we […]
Making Masculinity GREAT again..Thursday's Addition 9/16
Be stoic! Men must be self-reliant, independent, physically tough, etc. It will make you successful in terms of business, society, and finding a partner. Being vulnerable is cause for a man to be ridiculed. Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Box Squats w/ three count pause on the box: Work up to a 6 rep […]
Bringing Back Masculinity Wed. Addition
If something can't be fixed by sheer force or by swearing at it, it's a piece of shit and not worth fixing anyway. Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins C/S "Y"s: 4x8 C/S "T"s : 4x8 DB Lateral Raise: 4x8 OHP: 4x10 Shrugs: 4x10 Concept II Row: 5000 meters for time. Sean O'Keefe still sitting comfortably […]
Bringing back masculinity
I've been dicking around on social media with sarcasm and truths trying to get a reaction. Come to find out, way too many people look forward to my knuckle-dragging antics and words of wisdom. After some consideration as to the appropriateness of it here on my Coach's Log, I've determined that,'s quite appropriate. So […]
Do These Turkeys Get Any Bigger?
I was shopping for groceries this past weekend when I heard a stereotypical "Karen" looking woman asking the stock person over the frozen turkey section of the store... "Do these turkeys get any bigger?" with her hands on her hip and one on her shopping cart. The fella made my day when he responded straight-faced […]
Working Antagonist Muscle for a Greater Pump
Partnering exercises are always interesting when programming for any training cycle. Most of the time I like to think of it as a four-course meal. You have for Appetizers a decent warm-up. Here I like to do something Cardiovascular getting the heart rate up and blood circulating. Next comes the antre'. This is the main […]
The Stronger you Are The Harder You are To Kidnap
When my buddy, Vincent Dizenzo coined the phrase and t-shirt design "GFH", he was so far ahead of the curve that he became an on-the-spot GENIUS to me. Think about this first...What does GFH mean? For those who are freshmen, it stands for "Get Fucking Huge". Why is getting huge important? Easy...Mass moves mass. […]
"Be strong when you are weak Be brave when you are scared Be humble when you are victorious BE BADASS EVERY DAY!" Today's Training: Bike Commute: 28 mins Dead Stop DB Row: 4x8 3 hole Pin Pull w/ chains: Work up in weight doing three reps Once at 225 for men/ 135 for women […]
Competing with yourself v. others
"If you continuously compete with others, you will become bitter, but if you continuously compete against yourself, you will become better" Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Chin-ups x2; Dips x 4 on the minute for an hour At a few points in time, I got behind as I was coaching at the […]
It's not You; It's me
Some people have asked me if I am still on the TEAM??? Seems that my posts disappear and the message is "Not Found" I am here to say, I'm still on the Team (unless someone isn't telling me something, hahaha) and it's me having a difficult time with the new format for posting. Seems that […]
My Learning Curve is a Fast Ball
There have been many people that follow my Coaching log that has contacted me through email or social media to tell me how my log ISN'T there anymore after I have posted them. For those that wonder if I might have left the TEAM because of their deductive reasoning, I thought it would be better […]
This is a test
Since I'm such a plate head it is awful for me to make changes. I am a tactile learner meaning I have to touch and use something to learn how it works. If this works...then I might have it! Vios Con Dios, H.
Don't Over Complicate Stuff
I have a whiteboard that I write what I want the team to achieve on a daily basis. What I've come to recognize is the MORE detail I write, the more confused the people get. If I write the exercise: sets x reps x approximate weight, then all I get is..."Is that all?" However, if […]
Monday and The Move to Hawaii
This morning my training partners and I were discussing the eventual move to one of the Hawaiian Islands. Each of us has our favorite island and they aren't all the same, however, the undeniable truth is that the South Pacific is beckoning each of us and there is no good time nor is there any […]
You Fat Wide Body
When an old participant from my program comes in for some words of wisdom.Me: "I know what you got while you have been away for the last five years..."Him: "what?"Me: "FAT!"Him: "yea, my doctor told me I'm pre-diabetic and I have xyz health concerns..."Me: "Yea, and you are a fat wide body that is also […]
Nothing But The Training
Some days, I have NOTHING! No key points, no wise remarks, nada...zilch...Nut'n! Today is one of those days!!! Today's Training: AirDyne: 30 mins Bike Commute: 28 mins Prowler: 10x120 yards Dynamic Effort Squat: 10x2x50% I got to set number 7 and had the most gnarly thigh cramp. I thought I pulled something at first, but […]
Man Law
I joked on social media about bringing back "Toxic Masculinity". I'm not sure I'm joking anymore when I started to research the subject and found out that I personally exhibit many of the traits of a "Toxic Male". To which I say..."Hahahaha, so what?" As I see it, there are few people left in the […]