Harry Selkow


Harry was the strength and conditioning coach of the Arizona Sundogs as well as for many High School football and Youth Hockey programs. He has worked with hundreds of athletes in a multitude of sports over the course of the last 50 years. Harry is currently working at West Coast Elite in Pleasanton, California.

Three Types of Learners
Three Types of Learners
all else fails, bully the bastard
It's Throat Punch Thursday and it's Squat Day and...
It's Throat Punch Thursday and it's Squat Day and...
and...It's April Fools Day. Doesn't get any better than this.
I took a day off
I took a day off
Rare, but it does happen
When your computer asks “Are you sure?”...
When your computer asks “Are you sure?”...
it’s because it still remembers all of the other bad decisions you’ve made.
Honesty saves...
Honesty saves...
Everyone's time
Share this if you sang the number...
The purpose of my existence
The purpose of my existence
no bailing out of that ackward moment
One More Rep by Vincent Dizenzo and Me
One More Rep by Vincent Dizenzo and Me
Dr. Mann came up with that title
Being Intimidated by Strong People
Being Intimidated by Strong People
is a weakness you must overcome.
It's called Behavior Modification
It's called Behavior Modification
Pavlov had this trick with a bell and dog spit
Benching and ECCENTRIC Training
Benching and ECCENTRIC Training
why so negative? Because it tears the heck out of the muscle.
Rule #67
Rule #67
I have 100 rules...Look 'em up if you want, they're right here...
Pop Your Heart
Pop Your Heart
Try not to cough up a lung
Every Rep Matters
Every Rep Matters
pay attention to the detail
Aggression, Being Mean...
Aggression, Being Mean...
and also being nice
Don't be Afraid of Growing Older
Don't be Afraid of Growing Older
you can't avoid it ...
Bench Like Everyone is Watching
Bench Like Everyone is Watching
and know Vinny D is out there somewhere judging.
Pop Your Heart
Pop Your Heart
on a Tuesday?
When do you start to focus?
When do you start to focus?
The moment your hands touch the bar
nothing but the Training Session
nothing but the Training Session
no fancy sayings, no coaching tips, I've got nothing but the workout!
When sore?
When sore?
Deadlift away
Eccentric Accessory work
Eccentric Accessory work
and Pop your heart in the process.
Rewards you with results
Most people go insane
Most people go insane
trying to understand my mind
then what?
Intro to Deadlifting via the Pin Pull
Intro to Deadlifting via the Pin Pull
CJ Murphy and Matt Rhodes' philosophies were ringing loud and clear in my gym this morning
Pop Your Heart Wed
Pop Your Heart Wed
Remember, it's called Strength AND Conditioning for a reason
Announce Less
Announce Less
Do more
How I Learned to Mind My Own Business
How I Learned to Mind My Own Business
quite an easy lesson too
One More Rep
One More Rep
You want to be in my shape when you get to my age? Hold my beer...
Driving through the Max Effort Squat
Driving through the Max Effort Squat
now is not the time to revert back to bad old habits
Be GOAL Driven
Be GOAL Driven
Why student-athletes shine in the workplace; teamwork, communication, and leaders.
You Need to Speak to My Attorney
You Need to Speak to My Attorney
just so happens she's my wife
Making Excuses
Making Excuses
yields Zero improvements
step by step it all comes together
You will never learn from people if you always tap dance around the truth.
You will never learn from people if you always tap dance around the truth.
You don't have to remember what story you told when you tell the truth
Bench with grip
Bench with grip
and leg drive
Purpose of Dynamic Day
Purpose of Dynamic Day
Time to swallow the ego
Do you Want a Better Bench?
Do you Want a Better Bench?
Grip the shit out of the bar!!!
The Educated and the Almost Educated
The Educated and the Almost Educated
The genius listens more!!!
Callous your Mind
Callous your Mind
or "Harden the fuck yup"
This is Big, NO...this is HUGE!
This is Big, NO...this is HUGE!
If you want to enhance your athletic experience...
15 minute Rule (and Ten Years is Better)
15 minute Rule (and Ten Years is Better)
or How to Lose Friends and Alienate People
Steal'n Souls
Steal'n Souls
Just beat the crap out of the competition.
Stop Being so Weak
Stop Being so Weak
Seven days without me makes one weak
Be the hardest guy in the room to kill
Be the hardest guy in the room to kill
I plan on wearing out instead of rusting out.
Grow a Pair
Grow a Pair
and it doesn't matter if your male or female
You Can't Stand in the Same River Twice
You Can't Stand in the Same River Twice
The SSB Yoke Bar is a MUST have for any gym
Only you can master your mind
Only you can master your mind
So tell yourself the truth
Gung Ho!
Gung Ho!
can be gone and done.
is not all that bad!
"You can run with the Big Dogs or..."
"You can run with the Big Dogs or..."
you can keep your puppy dog ass on the porch"
What ruins Men...
What ruins Men...
and women, I suppose.
"How are you?"
"How are you?"
Make a Weakness a Strength
Make a Weakness a Strength
and you get stronger.

Items 945 to 1003 of 2633 total