10.28.2024. Yuma Sets and Clusters
I noticed that I have two different rep/set/speed sets and they need to be defined The Yuma Set is named after the movie 3:10 Out of Yuma. It consists of three super slow reps, with a focus on posture and body position. Followed immediately with 10 reps to pump new blood into the muscle. The […]
10.26.2024. Don't Try This At Home...
I've been going through a few personal "health" issues (no, I'm not going to die)that I've had to address over the last month and change. First I had to have a type of Ganglion Cyst removed from the top of my foot. This required surgery and I had to be put out for them to […]
As a reminder, a target group of people and I are experimenting with an idea I had just before I left for vacation. Doing a "3-10" set means doing three super slow reps emphasizing postures and technique of accessory and supplemental type exercises immediately followed by 10 reps to "pump" blood into the same muscle. […]
10.17.2024. Off The Grid
It's that time again!!! I'll be off the grid for about a week or so. I'm heading to a tropical island that has my name written on it. "I've got my ass in the water, toes in the sand..." So Aloha, bitches. Today's Training: Cycle I changed things up a bit because our bodies have […]
10.16.2024 Ambition and Disciplined Work Ethic
Without ambition, no one starts anything. Without being disciplined and having a great work ethic one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to you. You MUST EARN IT! Ambition serves as the driving force behind initiating action and accomplishing goals. However, it is diligent effort and perseverance that ultimately lead to success. Rewards […]
10/15/2024 Silence Can't Be Misquoted
Sometimes the best response is to say nothing at all. Today's Training: Cycle Warm-up: "V" Bar Low Cable Row: 4x15 Lat Pulldown: 4x15 Standing Single Arm Cable Row: 4x15. Cable Tricep Pushdown: 4x12 BB Curl: 4x10 Dips: 4x12 Hammer Curl: 4x10
10.14.2024 Sharks vs. Minnows
I'm not sure what was in the air today but the normal attendance in my gym was almost as if it were Christmas Day. I didn't know that Columbus Day meant to take it off. AND...AND!!!! Those that were in the gym were the walking Zombies. I even had one of my tougher lifters pull […]
10.12.2024 Extra Saturday Work
Why? Because I like to train. Should I? Probably not, but hey, it works for me and that's good enough for me to wrap my head around. On any given Saturday (or a rare Sunday but not both) I'll invite a small group of my lifters to come in early and get a Max Effort […]
10.11.2024 She Said She "Missed Me"
Normally speaking that would be a good thing. However, she was reloading... Have a GREAT Friday! ahahahahaha Today's Training: Cycle Warm-up: Lat Pulldown: 4x12 Wide Bar Low Cable Row: 4x12 Pullover: 4x12 Cable Tricep Pushdown: 4x12 Cable Preacher Curl: 4x12 BB Skull Crusher: 4x12 Reverse Grip BB Curl: 4x12 Overhead Tricep Extension: 4x12 Cycle
10.10.2024. Don't Quit!!!
This one hit home a bit differently today... Don't Quit by Edgar Allen Guest When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,when the road you're trudging seems all uphill,when the funds are low and the debts are high,and you want to smile but you have to sigh,when care is pressing you down a bit - […]
10.9.2024 Nothing but the Training...
Today's Training: Warm-up: GHR: 5x10. I didn't think I'd be able to do these with a rehab boot on. Guess what? NO ISSUE whatsoever. Dynamic Squat: 10x2 Deadlift: 10x1
10.8.2024 Don't Blame Clowns for Acting Like a Clown...
Ask yourself why you keep going to the circus. Today's Training: Warm-up: Low Cable Row w/ wide bar: 4x8x heavy Lat Pulldown w/ wide bar: 4x8x heavy Cable Pullover: 4x8 Duo-semmetrical/ Poly-contractile single arm cable row: 4x8 Skull Crusher: 4x15 Close Grip Bench: 4x15 Cable Pushdown: 4x15 DB Hammer Curl: 4x15 EZ Curl Bar Curls: […]
10.7.2024 I know that I am intelligent...
"I know that I am intelligent because I know that I know nothing." – Socrates Today's Training: Warm-up: DB External/Internal Shoulder Rotation: 3x10 Face Pulls: 4x10 DB Lateral Raise: 4x10 Cable Front Raise: 4x10 Thumbs UP Lateral Raise: 4x10 Steep Incline Cable Fly/ Chest Press: 4x10/4x10 Max Effort 3 RM Bench 4-way Neck: 1x15
10.4.2024. Lazy people fact #2347827309018287.
You were too lazy to read that number, so I won't tell you that I also squatted today and neither will you. Today's Training: Lat Pulldown: 4x15 C/S Row: 4x15 Articulating Pulldown: 4x15 Supinated Grip Low Cable Row: 4x15 Cable Tricep Pushdown: 4x12 Barbell Curl: 4x10 Skull Crusher: 4x12 DB Hammer Curl: 4x10
10.2.2024 Rule Your Mind
or it will rule YOU. Today's Training: Cycle Warm-up: GHR: 5x10 vs. mini band Dynamic Squat: 10x2 Dynamic Deadlift: 10x1 Cycle
10.1.2024. There Are No Secrets...READ for 15 minutes a day.
Hey look, I am by no means a fast reader. I do read, albeit, slowly for 15 minutes a day from a positive mental attitude book. By doing so, I consume roughly a book per month, which has been an average 10-12 books per year. Considering the last book I read while attending undergraduate school […]
9.30.2024 Dynamic Bench "Clusters"
What the heck is a Dynamic Bench Cluster? That's a good question. I had been thinking about it and decided today would be a good day to experiment. It's good that I have some great training partners who will do what I do without too many questions. Here's how you perform a "Cluster" set. Once […]
9.28.2024. If I Gave Away A FREE Seminar Would You Come?
In my gym, we have daily hours that start at 4:00 AM. That's four in the morning with access to a strength and conditioning coach (ME!), Monday through Friday. I enjoy max-effort squats and deadlifts on Saturday mornings when the gym is closed. However, I will invite a small, selected group of lifters or athletes […]
9.27.2024 Your Goals Should Be Written in Cement
Your goals should be written in cement, never changing, and the objectives of the goal should be written in sand. Tony Robbins says it best: "Stay committed to your decisions but stay flexible in your approach." Today's Training: Cycle Warm-up: Ladder Pulldown: 4 hand positions; 4 sets of 25 reps in each Tricep Pushdown: 4x25 […]
9.26.2024. You Are Motivated In Only Two Ways
I've spoken about being disciplined even more so than motivated many times. Discipline will get you to the finish line whereas "Motivation" will get you to the starting line. That starting line is made up of only two ways. You are either moving toward something (something you want, need, or something) or away from something, […]
9.25.2024 Don't Let Them Get Away With TOO Much
I am all about having fun and bantering with the people in the gym. We go back and forth with regularity. The "Student/Athletes" and I have a great dialogue with just the right sarcastic remarks. HOWEVER ! ! ! There comes a certain point that sarcasm and banter can and DOES turn into a level […]
9.24.2024. I Added "Balance" Exercises to The Program
I have a growing number of "mature" participants in the program. Why? Because I'm old, duh, and (AND) many of them have been with me for quite a while now. While strength is paramount in my training, I never forget the conditioning part. In the past, conditioning primarily referred to oxygen uptake, cardiac output, endurance, […]
9.23.2024 Where Do They Come Up With This Stuff?
I try, really I do...I try to stay open-minded while attempting to continue my learning in the Strength and Conditioning field. BUT...between Podcasters and their guests, Fitness "Influencers" (The fuck is that?), and Wannabe Strength and Conditioning "Coaches" (I quote that term because it's rare to find one), where do they come up with some […]
9.21.2024. And Then Again, Sometimes You Just Shut Your Mouth and SQUAT!
I have joked that "squats fix everything", and the more I say that the more it becomes true. Feeling good? Squat Feel like garbage? Squat Lost your job? Squat Wife is going to have a baby? Squat Whatever is going on in your life...Just shut your mouth and squat! Today was no different. I have […]
After three shitty nights of sleep, I woke up tired yet again. So I decided not to ride my bike to work today and get the added rest. Possibly THE hardest thing for me to do is take time off and walk away from any normal activity. I am so trained and disciplined in my […]
9.19.2024 I Don't Care How Much You Curl
I have everyone in the program keeping a journal of their training. I do it so they can see the actual progression of our four big lifts. When we do accessory work, I do not favor maintaining the biggest numbers for those exercises. Yes, we keep them, but they don't have to improve drastically from […]
9.18.2024 The Thing On My Foot Looks Like Mt. Fuji
I have a nifty growth on the top side of my foot. Looks like a Ganglion Cyst, but a BIG one. Its size puts pressure on the nerve next to it, causing my big toe to tingle and sometimes feel like a sock has curled up under it. Anyway, I'm having surgery on it in […]
9.17.2024 Just The Training
I'm not feeling very insightful today, so here's today's package. Get 'em. Today's Training: Cycle Daily Dynamic Bench: 10x3 Dynamic OHP: 10x3 Stability Ball Push-up: 5x10 DB Lateral Raise: 4x10 Shrug: 4x12 C/S Rear Trap Shrug: 4x12 Dead Hangs: 35 seconds using the Fat Gripz today. Not too many people made this one. Cycle
9.16.2024 Life Gets Hard...
Life is going to get hard sometimes. So get the fuck up and get your shit together. You're either an ocean or a puddle. People walk through puddles like they're nothing. Oceans fucking destroy cities. Today's Training: Cycle Front Plank: 2x35 sec 3" Plank: 2x35 sec Push-up: 2x10 Jump Squat: 2x10 GHR: 5x12 Max Effort […]
9.13.2024 Weight Room Etiquette or Don't Be a Dick
I give everyone the benefit of the doubt about "things" in general. If a person does something wrong and they have no idea about it because they were never taught, then that person is IGNORANT. Not a problem. You don't know what you don't know. However, if you continue to do it incorrectly after being […]
9.12.2024 How Bad Do You Want It?
Many people think they want things but don’t have the strength or discipline. THEY ARE WEAK, not only of the body but of the mind and will. You get what you want if you want it badly enough. Today's Training: Cycle GHR: 5x10 vs. mini band Dynamic Squat: 10x2x wt + Chains Dynamic Deadlift: 10x1xwt […]
9.11.2024 I Remember...
“If we learn nothing else from this tragedy, we learn that life is short and there is no time for hate.” —Sandy Dahl, wife of Flight 93 pilot Jason Dahl, in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, in 2002 Today's Training: Cycle Lat Pulldown: 4x10 Low Cable Row: 4x10 DB Row: 4x6 so go heavy Chin-up: 10x what you […]
9.10.2024 Your Comfortable Life
You are in danger of living a life so comfortable and soft, that you will die without ever realizing your true capabilities. Beware of falling into the trap of complacency and comfort, EVERY DAY you have to do something that SUCKS! Today's Training: Cycle Push-ups / Pull-a-part: 5x10 DB Incline Fly / DB Lateral Raise: […]
9.9.2024 It Isn't About the Appearance As Much As It Is The Longev...
I read this on my social media page, posted by a friend who is working her ass off. What she says struck a chord with me and I thought it worthy of a reprint... "Your appearance is not what people should see when they glance at you. It's your spirit and soul, but unfortunately, unless […]
9.6.2024. Just 5% More
I often hear, "I can do a LOT more, Coach", which speaks volumes about the participant. However, I don't necessarily want you to do a LOT MORE when we max. I don't have many competitive Powerlifters in my program anymore, but I do have other sport athletes. I use a lot of Powerlifting exercises that […]
9.5.2024 This Workout Will Put You To Sleep.
The key to this session is to maintain correct exercise posture while escalating the weight to the point that it almost fails. WHAT? Yes, keep going up in weight until the technique and body posture are compromised. This might be below the normal weight you use for "dynamic day," but that's okay. Maintain proper posture […]
9.4.2024 If You Are Not Willing To Learn, and Practice, No One Can He...
If you are not willing to learn, and practice, no one can help you. However! If you understand what is being taught and put into practice, NO ONE can stop you!!! Today's Training: Cycle: Commute As a "Giant Set" the following exercises (grouped in three) 4x12 1 Supinated Grip Lat Pulldown 2. Tricep Rope Pushdown […]
10.3.2024 What is "Lightweight"?
Ronnie Coleman, the bodybuilding Bazillion time winner of the Mr. Olympia contest can be heard yelling in the weight room, "Yea, BUDDY!" "Lightweight, baby...yea up, Lightweight!!" Understanding that Ronnie Coleman lifted everything BUT lightweight! Massive weight equals massive muscle, which got me thinking, "What is considered LIGHTWEIGHT?" I could come up with nothing other than […]
8.30.2024 Nothing But Today's Training Session...
Today's Training: Cycle: Commute 2x10 of the following: Incline DB Fly super set with Push-ups: 4x10 Incline DB Press super set with Push-ups: 4x10 Cable Crossover super set with Push-ups: 4x10 DB Supine Tricep Extension: 4x12 DB Hammer Curl: 4x10 Single Arm DB Kick Back: 4x12 BB Curl: 4x10 Cycle: Commute
8.29.2024 Whining Is For The Weak
I knew last December when I planned out the final week in August that this particular day would bring quite a few breeches of Rule #67. It did not disappoint. I could only imagine the amount of CHEESE that would go well with the amount of whining I heard. And to think...it IS "Throat Punch […]
8.28.2024 Don’t Expect To Be Motivated Every Day
Don’t expect to be motivated every day. You won’t be. Motivation will get you started, but DISCIPLINE will get you to the finish. Today's Training: Cycle: Commute KB Ladder: 1-20 Lat Pulldown (Medium width grip): 4x12 Low Cable Row: 4x12 High Cable Row (Much like face pulls only on a cable machine): 4x12 Chin-ups: 10x […]
8.27.2024 Someone Needs To Read THIS...
You need to stop procrastinating and get what you've needed to do done already. I don't know who that is for, but someone who reads my stuff needs a boot in the rear end. Today's TrainingCycle: Commute 2x10 of the following: Dynamic Bench: 10x3 Push-ups: 100 and they better be good ones. Chest to the […]
8.26.2024. Super Legs to Start the Week (and not for the weak)
"With the courage to begin and the discipline to endure, victory becomes a matter of time." Today's Training: Run: Sprint: 5x100 yds after warm-up Cycle: Commute Ab Wheel: 3x12 Side Bend with a Kettle Bell: 3x15 (go pretty heavy) GHR: 5x10 5 sets of 20 reps of the following in THIS ORDER:
8.23.2024 The Dinner Table Conversation That Made The Difference
Growing up in the Selkow house many rules needed to be adhered to. The standard ones that I'm sure everyone had, like listening to your mom and dad, being home at curfew, doing 100 push-ups, running a mile then praying before dinner. You know, the usual things every parent makes their kids do. However we […]
8.22.2024 Weight Lifting Builds Courage
Today we beat the crap out of our nervous system by doing dynamic work. I remind people weekly that it's not about the weight as much as the SPEED. I can also coach technique better these days because the weight is lighter and the small adjustments and bad habits can be addressed. So how does […]
8.21.2024 A Thought About Potential
I have a solid opinion when someone talks of another's "potential". To me, potential is un-used talent. Today's Training: Cycle: Commute KB Ladder: 1-20 Cable Crossover: 4x15 Dynamic Bench: 12x3 Push-ups: 100 PERFECT push-ups. Chest to the floor and then full lockout at the top. Suppose any are done incorrectly the entire workout re-starts from […]
8.20.2024 How To Get F.I.T. Variables
Yes F.I.T. is an acronym for my formula when planning an exercise program. F= Frequency or training bouts per week I= Intensity or how hard or heavy each exercise or the session is going to be T= Total time of that exercise session or exercise chosen If the frequency is 4-7 exercise bouts then the […]
8.19.2024 Be Weary When There Aren't a Lot Of Exercises Listed
Back in my undergraduate youth, I had a training partner who would write up my daily program and I would do his. Whenever I would take but a minute to write his in its entirety, he would give me a look of "aww shit nah" because he knew those limited exercises were going to be […]
8.16.2024 "I Choose"
"To live by choice, not by chance. To be motivated, not, manipulated. To be useful, not used. To make changes, not excuses. To excel, not compete. I choose self-esteem, not self-pity. I choose to listen to my inner voice, not the random opinions of others. I CHOOSE TO BE ME." Today's Training: Cycle: Commute 4-way […]
8.15.2024 Guilt and Worry Are Useless Emotions
I have said time and time again, that if you are going to feel guilty about something, DON'T DO IT! As for worry??? What worries you has mastery over you. Today's Training Cycle: Commute GHR: 5x10 Dynamic Squat: Dynamic Squat: Ab Wheel: 3x12 BOSU Sit-up: 100 Cycle: Commute
8.14.2024 A Brand New Category of Learner I Have Happened Upon...
Over the years I have broken down people into the type of learner they are based on their actions when I explain the "how to" of an exercise. The basic categories are: They can be combinations of two or even all three. I have two new people in my program who have invented yet another […]
8.13.2024 Why Am I All Over The Topic Of Discipline?
Discipline isn’t just about being super strict and boring. It’s like a secret sauce for personal growth and success. Think about it: when you have the discipline to stick to your goals and stay on track, you can achieve amazing things. Today's Training: Cycle: Commute Single Arm Farmer Walk: 10x50 yds x HEAVY KB Ab […]
8.12.2024 You Can’t?’
“The only one who can tell you ‘you can’t’ is you. And you don’t have to listen.” — Nike Today's Training: Cycle: Commute KB Ladder: 1-20 BOSU Sit-up: 100 Deadlift: GHR: 5x10 Single DB Side Bend: 3x12 Cycle: Commute Run: 5x100 after transitioning from bike to run. (This still makes me run like a 2x4)
8.9.2024 I Don't Need Anger Management.
I need people to stop irritating me. Seriously, I have worked on lengthening my fuse and it seems for the most part I am doing quite well. The proper amounts of sleep, meditation, and medication have pretty much-taken care of my anger management skills. However, my issue is that once a person has burned through […]
8/8/2024 Keep Record of The Moments
You will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory. Today's Training: Cycle: Commute "Lara Abs": 3x12 GHR: 3x20; 1x10 Dynamic Squat: Dynamic Dead Lift: Cycle: Commute
8.7.2024 Who Do You Think You're Fooling?
I coach! This means I plan out the program (and I do it yearly for the goal and then break it down into training cycles as objectives to meet the goal). I then teach and reiterate the lifts and the technique for those lifts making sure no stone is left unturned. The day's objectives are […]
8.6.2024 Persistance
“As long as there’s breath in You–Persist!” Bernard Kelvin Clive Today's Training: Run: Sprints; 5x100 after warm-up Leg Swing: 2x10 each leg Abduction Swing: 1x20 each leg Ab Wheel: 3x15 Dynamic Bench: 10x3 DB Floor Press: 4x10 DB Fly: 3x15 Tricep Pushdown: 4x12 DB Hammer Curl: 4x10
8/5/2024 Survival...
Survival can be summed up in three words — never give up. Today's Training: Run: Sprints: 10x50 Cycle: Commute Walking Lunge: 150 steps on each leg GHR: 10x10 Box Squat: 12 rep Max BOSU Situps: 100 non-stop reps
8/2/2024 My Women Owned The Fellas Today...
Since I've moved my gym to a new location and have limited Cardiovascular equipment, I needed to get creative in a few of the workouts. This one in particular covers a lot of ground. I have several very competitive people who train in my facility. Some are quite strong, others are in GREAT shape. (Some […]