Harry Selkow


Harry was the strength and conditioning coach of the Arizona Sundogs as well as for many High School football and Youth Hockey programs. He has worked with hundreds of athletes in a multitude of sports over the course of the last 50 years. Harry is currently working at West Coast Elite in Pleasanton, California.

Rabbit v Wolf
Rabbit v Wolf
a concept in life
The Reason to Look a Certain Way?
The Reason to Look a Certain Way?
I don't want to look lean or even in shape...
I Work For My Team
I Work For My Team
Don't be average and think your team works for you
Mercer Park Murder
Mercer Park Murder
I kill them for free
Just Don't Quit
Just Don't Quit
You may want to...but DON'T
You Thought You Where Done...
You Thought You Where Done...
Not until we whoop'd it!
it's the first thing people notice
It Doesn't Matter IF...
It Doesn't Matter IF...
you feel like it..
Even if you SUCK at Running
Even if you SUCK at Running
it's better than not running at all
Lord...Teach me big things in small ways
Lord...Teach me big things in small ways
and not the other way around
But did you die?
Ain't got time for tired!
Training has kept me...
Training has kept me...
in the "Haven't killed anyone in a long time" zone
You have only TWO Days!!!
You have only TWO Days!!!
in the entire year
We Lift So Much So Often
We Lift So Much So Often
try lifting others up.
A Simple Yes or No
A Simple Yes or No
is all I'm asking for in an answer
Your Excuses Why You Can't
Your Excuses Why You Can't
are my reasons why I will
I might have run slow today...
I might have run slow today...
but I whooped your couch sitting ass.
As written by Steve Taylor...Not Tyler...But I do like Aerosmith
Never Hesitate
Never Hesitate
but don't be greedy
How to Cook Halibut ala Harry
I'm a great chef because I like to EAT
Be Better than 95%
Be Better than 95%
Simple and easily implemented technique.
Man Law Ruling?
Man Law Ruling?
No Man Shall EVER...
Man Law!
Man Law!
so much fun...
I gently slid her panties to the side
I gently slid her panties to the side
so that I could fit the rest of her socks in the drawer.
Get Wet/ Get Sandy
Get Wet/ Get Sandy
Effort is Attractive
Arsonist, Cops, High Speed Chase, and Nut sacking the drum set
It's Thursday!  Thursday is for Squats and or Dead Lifts
It's Thursday! Thursday is for Squats and or Dead Lifts
friends don't let friends miss Thursdays
Sean O'Keefe's second credit for the term
Saturday's Stuff
Saturday's Stuff
Today's Training: Tier I: Run: 5 miles C/S Row: 100 reps in as few sets as possible w/ 135 lbs V Bar Lat pulldown: 100 reps in as few sets as possible w/ 120 lbs BB Curls: 100 reps in as few sets w/ 75 lbs Skull Smashers: 100 reps w/ 65 lbs   Tier […]
people keep sending me these tid bits of information...and I think they're fun
More "useless" Information
More "useless" Information
It's called trivia...have fun
What?  You PR'd Your Gym Lift?
What? You PR'd Your Gym Lift?
"You are the most O.K.est exerciser in your gym" ~Jim Wendler
There Is a Difference
There Is a Difference
You need to know
Sometimes You Need A Bigger DREAM!
Sometimes You Need A Bigger DREAM!
a continuation and follow up to the "Depression" series that is evolving.
I Am The Master of Useless Information
I Am The Master of Useless Information
but I do kill it at trivia pursuit.
Stack'n Hot Dogs and Dick Weight
Stack'n Hot Dogs and Dick Weight
There has been quite a response to the article Smita Nalluri wrote and I posted about "Depression"  among young people and specifically young athletes.  The feedback has been tremendous and the questions I have answered since have been no easy task either since each person's emotional state is overwhelmingly personal. I was working with Eddie […]
Well That Costs an Arm and a Leg
Well That Costs an Arm and a Leg
and thanks to Amaya a new word...Humidititty
Never, EVER Quit
Never, EVER Quit
Not even ONCE!
"God Willing...
"God Willing...
and the CREEK don't rise"
Balls To The Wall
Balls To The Wall
or not at all.
Another To The Point Day
Another To The Point Day
I have nothing to add
Doesn't matter how many times you fall
Doesn't matter how many times you fall
I'll be over here to pick you back up. Brittney Spears didn't quite understand...
Understanding Social Media Dialog
Understanding Social Media Dialog
or what my pea brain digests.
Quick Hitter
Quick Hitter
Need to hurry up to slow down today.  Places to be and nothing to do Today's Training: Tier One Run: 5K Bench: 8-15 reps  210 and 215 Incline DB Press: 8-15 80 for 14 then 80 for 15 OHP: 8-15 120 and 125 DB Lateral Raise: 8-15 50 for 9 and then 12 Shrug: 8-15 […]

Items 1417 to 1475 of 2633 total