Harry Selkow


Harry was the strength and conditioning coach of the Arizona Sundogs as well as for many High School football and Youth Hockey programs. He has worked with hundreds of athletes in a multitude of sports over the course of the last 50 years. Harry is currently working at West Coast Elite in Pleasanton, California.

This isn't a Buffet
This isn't a Buffet
where you can pick and choose...
A DEA agent stopped at our farm yesterday
A DEA agent stopped at our farm yesterday
“We are going to need to search your land for illegally grown drugs.” I said, “that’s fine, but don’t go into that field over there. You won’t like it.” Agitated by this, the officer explodes saying, “do you see this god damn badge son?! This badge means I can go where I please, when I […]
19 Tips  To a PMO
19 Tips To a PMO
Positive Mental Outlook
How to Turn Around a Rotten Day
How to Turn Around a Rotten Day
according to Marcus Aurelius written by Barry Brownstein
Nothing but the facts ma'am
Nothing but the facts ma'am
busy day today. Only have time to write down what we did
Giddy Up
Giddy Up
Your tougher than you think
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Share this
fi yuo cna raed tihs wihtuot a porblem baecuase yuore Asoemwe
Three Simple Ways to Lose Weight
Cut back on sugar Removing sugars from your diet will reduce your appetite, lower your insulin levels and make you lose weight without being hungry. Eat Protein, Fat and Veggies: Protein Sources Meat:Beef, chicken, pork, lamb, etc. Fish and Seafood:Salmon, trout, shrimp, etc. Eggs:Whole eggs with the yolk are best. Low-Carb Vegetables Broccoli Cauliflower Spinach Tomatoes […]
"What else should I do?"
"What else should I do?"
love that question
Sometimes its the only thing needed
Easy Ways to Lose Weight
Easy Ways to Lose Weight
Does it seem like I'm on a "get rid of your fat" kick? Yea, I am
High-Fat Foods That Are Actually Super Healthy
High-Fat Foods That Are Actually Super Healthy
add them to your nutritional plan
Just the Facts
Just the Facts
of what we did today
Eat Eggs
Eat Eggs
even the yolks
Don't go on a "Diet"
Don't go on a "Diet"
because you can go OFF a "Diet" just as easy
If You Have Excess Belly Fat
If You Have Excess Belly Fat
get rid of it fatbody.
Slow Feet Don't Eat
Slow Feet Don't Eat
Keep that shit lit.
Rest and Easy Does it and..
Rest and Easy Does it and..
Badwater Cape Fear Ultra Marathon
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
that's in...OLIVE OIL!
Do Some Conditioning Daily
Do Some Conditioning Daily
Doing conditioning exercises is one of the best things you can do for your mental and physical health. It is particularly effective at reducing belly fat, the harmful type of fat that builds up around your organs. Reduced belly fat should lead to major improvements in metabolic health.   Today's Training: Either do 8x12 or if […]
If You're Hotter Than Me
If You're Hotter Than Me
Does that make me cooler than YOU?
Eat Vegetables and Fruits
Eat Vegetables and Fruits
except for Brussel Sprouts...I don't like the way they taste
What do you Believe in?
What do you Believe in?
Well Crash Davis believes...
Take Vitamin D3
Take Vitamin D3
If You Don't Get Much Sun
Drink Water
Drink Water
Especially Before Meals
Take Care of Your Gut
Take Care of Your Gut
Health not it's girth you fat fux
You, and no one Else...
You, and no one Else...
is responsible for getting stuff done
Getting enough quality sleep isn't overstated.
I Can't Believe I'm Sharing Recipes.
I Can't Believe I'm Sharing Recipes.
It's been classified for so long, I could tell you, but now I think I'm forced to kill you.
Eat Fatty Fish
Eat Fatty Fish
But if you do then you won't be the eating fish, fatty
Avoid Processed Junk Food
Avoid Processed Junk Food
Eat Real Food Instead
Choice and Discipline
Choice and Discipline
when it comes to eating and losing your fat
Adjust, Adapt, and Overcome
Adjust, Adapt, and Overcome
This theme came up no less than 8 times since this past weekend
 Eat Nuts
Eat Nuts
no...NOT those kind of nuts you perv....
"It Was Raining Hard in Frisco...
"It Was Raining Hard in Frisco...
I needed one more fare to make my night"
How Are You Pursing Your Goals?
How Are You Pursing Your Goals?
The all or none principle.
The Days of "Edgy" are Gone
The Days of "Edgy" are Gone
We're too PC and SOFT as fuck
Misread It This Time
Misread It This Time
Checking your participants moods
Saturday's Training
Saturday's Training
is a LOT of fun at my place
Don't Drink Sugar Calories
Don't Drink Sugar Calories
sneaky bastards
"The Goal is Free"
"The Goal is Free"
here it comes boys and girls...
It's that time of the month again, Obviously!
It's that time of the month again, Obviously!
Your critique is not welcomed.
and feeling good
Today's Lesson
Today's Lesson
R.E.M. Sleep
R.E.M. Sleep
and cold showers
Thick?  Bulking?
Thick? Bulking?
naaa...how about fat, lazy and undisciplined.
Please and Thank You
Please and Thank You
you're welcome
Someone needs to read this...
Someone needs to read this...
after all, it's from Sun Tsu

Items 1476 to 1534 of 2633 total