Harry Selkow


Harry was the strength and conditioning coach of the Arizona Sundogs as well as for many High School football and Youth Hockey programs. He has worked with hundreds of athletes in a multitude of sports over the course of the last 50 years. Harry is currently working at West Coast Elite in Pleasanton, California.

9.11.2024  I Remember...
9.11.2024 I Remember...
“If we learn nothing else from this tragedy, we learn that life is short and there is no time for hate.” —Sandy Dahl, wife of Flight 93 pilot Jason Dahl, in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, in 2002 Today's Training: Cycle Lat Pulldown: 4x10 Low Cable Row: 4x10 DB Row: 4x6 so go heavy Chin-up: 10x what you […]
9.10.2024  Your Comfortable Life
9.10.2024 Your Comfortable Life
You are in danger of living a life so comfortable and soft, that you will die without ever realizing your true capabilities. Beware of falling into the trap of complacency and comfort, EVERY DAY you have to do something that SUCKS! Today's Training: Cycle Push-ups / Pull-a-part: 5x10 DB Incline Fly / DB Lateral Raise: […]
9.9.2024  It Isn't About the Appearance As Much As It Is The Longevity...
9.9.2024 It Isn't About the Appearance As Much As It Is The Longev...
I read this on my social media page, posted by a friend who is working her ass off. What she says struck a chord with me and I thought it worthy of a reprint... "Your appearance is not what people should see when they glance at you. It's your spirit and soul, but unfortunately, unless […]
9.6.2024. Just 5% More
9.6.2024. Just 5% More
I often hear, "I can do a LOT more, Coach", which speaks volumes about the participant. However, I don't necessarily want you to do a LOT MORE when we max. I don't have many competitive Powerlifters in my program anymore, but I do have other sport athletes. I use a lot of Powerlifting exercises that […]
9.5.2024  This Workout Will Put You To Sleep.
9.5.2024 This Workout Will Put You To Sleep.
The key to this session is to maintain correct exercise posture while escalating the weight to the point that it almost fails. WHAT? Yes, keep going up in weight until the technique and body posture are compromised. This might be below the normal weight you use for "dynamic day," but that's okay. Maintain proper posture […]
9.4.2024    If You Are Not Willing To Learn, and Practice, No One Can Help You.
9.4.2024 If You Are Not Willing To Learn, and Practice, No One Can He...
If you are not willing to learn, and practice, no one can help you. However! If you understand what is being taught and put into practice, NO ONE can stop you!!! Today's Training: Cycle: Commute As a "Giant Set" the following exercises (grouped in three) 4x12 1 Supinated Grip Lat Pulldown 2. Tricep Rope Pushdown […]
10.3.2024  What is "Lightweight"?
10.3.2024 What is "Lightweight"?
Ronnie Coleman, the bodybuilding Bazillion time winner of the Mr. Olympia contest can be heard yelling in the weight room, "Yea, BUDDY!" "Lightweight, baby...yea up, Lightweight!!" Understanding that Ronnie Coleman lifted everything BUT lightweight! Massive weight equals massive muscle, which got me thinking, "What is considered LIGHTWEIGHT?" I could come up with nothing other than […]
8.30.2024  Nothing But Today's Training Session...
8.30.2024 Nothing But Today's Training Session...
Today's Training: Cycle: Commute 2x10 of the following: Incline DB Fly super set with Push-ups: 4x10 Incline DB Press super set with Push-ups: 4x10 Cable Crossover super set with Push-ups: 4x10 DB Supine Tricep Extension: 4x12 DB Hammer Curl: 4x10 Single Arm DB Kick Back: 4x12 BB Curl: 4x10 Cycle: Commute
8.29.2024  Whining Is For The Weak
8.29.2024 Whining Is For The Weak
I knew last December when I planned out the final week in August that this particular day would bring quite a few breeches of Rule #67. It did not disappoint. I could only imagine the amount of CHEESE that would go well with the amount of whining I heard. And to think...it IS "Throat Punch […]
8.28.2024  Don’t Expect To Be Motivated Every Day
8.28.2024 Don’t Expect To Be Motivated Every Day
Don’t expect to be motivated every day. You won’t be. Motivation will get you started, but DISCIPLINE will get you to the finish. Today's Training: Cycle: Commute KB Ladder: 1-20 Lat Pulldown (Medium width grip): 4x12 Low Cable Row: 4x12 High Cable Row (Much like face pulls only on a cable machine): 4x12 Chin-ups: 10x […]
8.27.2024  Someone Needs To Read THIS...
8.27.2024 Someone Needs To Read THIS...
You need to stop procrastinating and get what you've needed to do done already. I don't know who that is for, but someone who reads my stuff needs a boot in the rear end. Today's TrainingCycle: Commute 2x10 of the following: Dynamic Bench: 10x3 Push-ups: 100 and they better be good ones. Chest to the […]
8.26.2024.  Super Legs to Start the Week (and not for the weak)
8.26.2024. Super Legs to Start the Week (and not for the weak)
"With the courage to begin and the discipline to endure, victory becomes a matter of time." Today's Training: Run: Sprint: 5x100 yds after warm-up Cycle: Commute Ab Wheel: 3x12 Side Bend with a Kettle Bell: 3x15 (go pretty heavy) GHR: 5x10 5 sets of 20 reps of the following in THIS ORDER:
8.23.2024  The Dinner Table Conversation That Made The Difference
8.23.2024 The Dinner Table Conversation That Made The Difference
Growing up in the Selkow house many rules needed to be adhered to. The standard ones that I'm sure everyone had, like listening to your mom and dad, being home at curfew, doing 100 push-ups, running a mile then praying before dinner. You know, the usual things every parent makes their kids do. However we […]
8.22.2024  Weight Lifting Builds Courage
8.22.2024 Weight Lifting Builds Courage
Today we beat the crap out of our nervous system by doing dynamic work. I remind people weekly that it's not about the weight as much as the SPEED. I can also coach technique better these days because the weight is lighter and the small adjustments and bad habits can be addressed. So how does […]
8.21.2024  A Thought About Potential
8.21.2024 A Thought About Potential
I have a solid opinion when someone talks of another's "potential". To me, potential is un-used talent. Today's Training: Cycle: Commute KB Ladder: 1-20 Cable Crossover: 4x15 Dynamic Bench: 12x3 Push-ups: 100 PERFECT push-ups. Chest to the floor and then full lockout at the top. Suppose any are done incorrectly the entire workout re-starts from […]
8.20.2024  How To Get F.I.T. Variables
8.20.2024 How To Get F.I.T. Variables
Yes F.I.T. is an acronym for my formula when planning an exercise program. F= Frequency or training bouts per week I= Intensity or how hard or heavy each exercise or the session is going to be T= Total time of that exercise session or exercise chosen If the frequency is 4-7 exercise bouts then the […]
8.19.2024  Be Weary When There Aren't a Lot Of Exercises Listed
8.19.2024 Be Weary When There Aren't a Lot Of Exercises Listed
Back in my undergraduate youth, I had a training partner who would write up my daily program and I would do his. Whenever I would take but a minute to write his in its entirety, he would give me a look of "aww shit nah" because he knew those limited exercises were going to be […]
8.16.2024  "I Choose"
8.16.2024 "I Choose"
"To live by choice, not by chance. To be motivated, not, manipulated. To be useful, not used. To make changes, not excuses. To excel, not compete. I choose self-esteem, not self-pity. I choose to listen to my inner voice, not the random opinions of others. I CHOOSE TO BE ME." Today's Training: Cycle: Commute 4-way […]
8.15.2024  Guilt and Worry Are Useless Emotions
8.15.2024 Guilt and Worry Are Useless Emotions
I have said time and time again, that if you are going to feel guilty about something, DON'T DO IT! As for worry??? What worries you has mastery over you. Today's Training Cycle: Commute GHR: 5x10 Dynamic Squat: Dynamic Squat: Ab Wheel: 3x12 BOSU Sit-up: 100 Cycle: Commute
8.14.2024  A Brand New Category of Learner I Have Happened Upon...
8.14.2024 A Brand New Category of Learner I Have Happened Upon...
Over the years I have broken down people into the type of learner they are based on their actions when I explain the "how to" of an exercise. The basic categories are: They can be combinations of two or even all three. I have two new people in my program who have invented yet another […]
8.13.2024  Why Am I All Over The Topic Of Discipline?
8.13.2024 Why Am I All Over The Topic Of Discipline?
Discipline isn’t just about being super strict and boring. It’s like a secret sauce for personal growth and success. Think about it: when you have the discipline to stick to your goals and stay on track, you can achieve amazing things. Today's Training: Cycle: Commute Single Arm Farmer Walk: 10x50 yds x HEAVY KB Ab […]
8.12.2024  You Can’t?’
8.12.2024 You Can’t?’
“The only one who can tell you ‘you can’t’ is you. And you don’t have to listen.” — Nike Today's Training: Cycle: Commute KB Ladder: 1-20 BOSU Sit-up: 100 Deadlift: GHR: 5x10 Single DB Side Bend: 3x12 Cycle: Commute Run: 5x100 after transitioning from bike to run. (This still makes me run like a 2x4)
8.9.2024  I Don't Need Anger Management.
8.9.2024 I Don't Need Anger Management.
I need people to stop irritating me. Seriously, I have worked on lengthening my fuse and it seems for the most part I am doing quite well. The proper amounts of sleep, meditation, and medication have pretty much-taken care of my anger management skills. However, my issue is that once a person has burned through […]
8/8/2024 Keep Record of The Moments
8/8/2024 Keep Record of The Moments
You will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory. Today's Training: Cycle: Commute "Lara Abs": 3x12 GHR: 3x20; 1x10 Dynamic Squat: Dynamic Dead Lift: Cycle: Commute
8.7.2024  Who Do You Think You're Fooling?
8.7.2024 Who Do You Think You're Fooling?
I coach! This means I plan out the program (and I do it yearly for the goal and then break it down into training cycles as objectives to meet the goal). I then teach and reiterate the lifts and the technique for those lifts making sure no stone is left unturned. The day's objectives are […]
8.6.2024  Persistance
8.6.2024 Persistance
“As long as there’s breath in You–Persist!” Bernard Kelvin Clive Today's Training: Run: Sprints; 5x100 after warm-up Leg Swing: 2x10 each leg Abduction Swing: 1x20 each leg Ab Wheel: 3x15 Dynamic Bench: 10x3 DB Floor Press: 4x10 DB Fly: 3x15 Tricep Pushdown: 4x12 DB Hammer Curl: 4x10
8/5/2024  Survival...
8/5/2024 Survival...
Survival can be summed up in three words — never give up. Today's Training: Run: Sprints: 10x50 Cycle: Commute Walking Lunge: 150 steps on each leg GHR: 10x10 Box Squat: 12 rep Max BOSU Situps: 100 non-stop reps
8/2/2024  My Women Owned The Fellas Today...
8/2/2024 My Women Owned The Fellas Today...
Since I've moved my gym to a new location and have limited Cardiovascular equipment, I needed to get creative in a few of the workouts. This one in particular covers a lot of ground. I have several very competitive people who train in my facility. Some are quite strong, others are in GREAT shape. (Some […]
8/1/2023. Another World’s Oldest Man Has Died.
8/1/2023. Another World’s Oldest Man Has Died.
This is beginning to look suspicious. Today's Training: Cycle: Commute KB Ladder: 1-20 Ab Wheel: 3x15 GHR: 60 reps in as few sets as possible Dynamic Squat: 10x2x 50% + some chains Dynamic Deadlift: 10x1x Medium bands using the Fat Bar and double overhand grip. It didn't need much weight to make this a challenge […]
7/31/2024  Get Things Done, No Matter How You Feel
7/31/2024 Get Things Done, No Matter How You Feel
One thing I adopted a long time ago was to act on impulse. In other words, practice NO PROCRASTINATION. For example, I haven't used an alarm clock for 20 years. I set the time I want to get up by saying, "I'll get up at (whatever time) and because I've gotten up without hesitation, I […]
7/30/2024   Reward Yourself
7/30/2024 Reward Yourself
You've been training your ass off for weeks, months, for gosh sakes, YEARS! You have noticeable changes in your body and probably your life. "The gym is my therapy (cool for new people but it's bullshit to those of us that spend our life in the place) and my reward is working out." The reward […]
7/29/2024  Why That One?
7/29/2024 Why That One?
"Why that one? The wind has been beating that tree down since the day it was born. But it refuses to fall. It’s the struggle that gives it its beauty.” Today's Training: Cycle Leg Swing: 2x10 Abduction Leg Swing: 2x10 Cat/Camel: 2x10 BOSU Sit-up: 100 consecutive reps GHR: 6x10 High Box Squat (last one in […]
7.26.2024  Tell-Teach-Involve
7.26.2024 Tell-Teach-Involve
"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." ~ Benjamin Franklin. Today's Training: Cycle KB Ladder: 1-20 BOSU Sit-up: 100 Bench: Push-ups: 100 reps in as few sets as possible DB Fly: 3x15 3-way Shoulder: 3x15 Cable Tricep Pushdown w/ rope attachment: 4x15 Hammer Curl w/ Fat Gripz: […]
7/25/2024  Self-care Is Never a Selfish Act
7/25/2024 Self-care Is Never a Selfish Act
“Self-care is never a selfish act—it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer to others.” – Parker Palmer Today's Training: Run: Sprints Cycle GHR: 60 reps in as few sets as possible Dynamic Squat: 10x2 Dynamic Deadlift: 10x1 Leg Curl: 4x10 Suspended Knees […]
7/24/2024  Want To Change Your Life?
7/24/2024 Want To Change Your Life?
If you want to change your life, you need to make changes in your life. Today's Training: Run: Sprints: 100 yd repeats Cycle Suit Case Farmer's Walk: 10 x 50 yds Lat Pulldown Wide: 4x10 C/S Row: 4x10 Chin-ups: 8x 1/2 your max reps for one set Fat Gripz DB Concentration Curl: 4x10 Reverse Fat […]
7.23.2024   Can and Can not.
7.23.2024 Can and Can not.
The only one who can tell you ‘you can’t’ is you. By the way, you can ignore that. Today's Training: Run: 10x60 yd Sprints Cycle Push-ups: 10x10 "Lara Abs" 3x12 Blast Strap Row: 5x10 Mini Band Pull-apart: 5x20 Dynamic Bench: 10x3 DB Floor Press: 5x6 Rear Delt Raise: 3x12 Fat Grip Tricep Pushdown: 3x12 DB […]
7.22.2024  I'm Working On Something New (At least for me it is)
7.22.2024 I'm Working On Something New (At least for me it is)
I haven't said anything to anyone, but two weeks ago I blew something up in my shoulder while dynamically bench-pressing with a bunch of young stud athletes. I've always trained my ass off and taken it to the limit every time I do. I am guilty of a "do as I say, not as I […]
7.19.2024. Success Is Getting What You Want...
7.19.2024. Success Is Getting What You Want...
Happiness is getting wanting what you get. Today's Training: Cycle: The new tire is AWESOME. I'm back to being fast Kettlebell Ladder: 1-20 Max Effort Bench: Close grip 3 RM Pull-ups: 8x 1/2 the amount you can do for one set Tricep Pushdown: 4x15 EZ Curl Bar Biceps: 4x12 Ab Wheel: 4x10 Cycle: Yep, still […]
7.18.2024  It Happens...Oh Well
7.18.2024 It Happens...Oh Well
Murphy! Murphy has a law. But, it was going to happen eventually. I commute via bicycle. I carry no spare, no air pump, no cell phone...NOTHING! (that's on me and I'm ok with it) On the way home, after chatting with another strength coach who traveled pretty far to see me, I got with, oh... […]
7.17.2024. We Are What We Repeatedly Do...
7.17.2024. We Are What We Repeatedly Do...
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” — Aristotle Today's Training: Accessories Get blood flow from the following: 100 reps in each...
7.16.2024  Creating Your Future Is The Best Way To Predict It
7.16.2024 Creating Your Future Is The Best Way To Predict It
“Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most.” — Abraham Lincoln Today's Training: Cycle Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x12 Ab Wheel: 3x12 Dynamic Bench: 10x3 High Pin Press: 3x3 C/S Rear Delt Raise: 3x12 Cable Tricep Pushdown: 3x12 Bicep Curl of any kind: 3x12 Cycle
7.15.2024. Small Daily Improvements
7.15.2024. Small Daily Improvements
Small daily improvements are the key to staggering long-term results. Today's Training: Cycle GHR: 60 reps in as few sets as possible High Box Squat vs. SSB Yoke Bar with a 3-count pause on the box: 3 Rep Max Good Mornings: 4x10 Weighted Sit-ups: 3x10 Cycle
7.12.2024  1500 rep Workout
7.12.2024 1500 rep Workout
We do the 1000 rep arm day on the first Friday of every month. So to accommodate my new format AND to progress those 1000 reps, I upped the ante to 1500 with the addition of five new exercises for this day. Before we got started at 0420 this morning, I was immediately getting "feedback". […]
7.11.2024. Cheesecake
7.11.2024. Cheesecake
I write our daily workout on a whiteboard every morning. The daily plan is based off the monthly objectives which is derived from the yearly goal. When I see someone doing something outside of the plan, I explain to them my philosophy of baking a cheesecake. If the cake calls for half of a cup […]
7.19.2024  This Is A Long One
7.19.2024 This Is A Long One
There is no time to dick around. The average time today was roughly 70 mins and that wasn't taking many breaks. ONE person finished in under an hour, but she's a metabolic inferno. res firma mitescere nescit or...a firm resolve does not know how to weaken. Rule #67 was and still is in full effect […]
7.9.2024  I Still Get Humbled
7.9.2024 I Still Get Humbled
There are days when I feel as if I can tear the ass end off a charging rhino. Those days I feel as if I am immortal and can go on forever. But, as I always say, "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plan". Well, there I was banging the reps […]
7.8.2024  No Words of Wisdom or Instruction
7.8.2024 No Words of Wisdom or Instruction
Just the workout today... Today's Training: Cycle 4-Way Neck: 1x15 Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x12 Leg Swing (Fwd/Bkwd): 2x10 Leg Swing (Abduction): 2x10 Support Position (Push-up): Same side knee to elbow: 2x10 Opposite side knee and elbow: 2x10 GHR: 50 reps in as few sets as possible Deficit Deadlift: 4 RM Beat last week 45-degree […]
7.3.2024. "Lincoln, Do the Thing!!!"
7.3.2024. "Lincoln, Do the Thing!!!"
It’s the 4th of July night at Mount Rushmore and all four dead presidents are gathered around a campfire having a party. They’re drinking, eating, and generally having a grand ol’ time when President Washington puts President Lincoln on the spot. W: “Hey, heyyyy, Lincoln, do that thing you do!L: “What now? What thing?” W: […]
7.2.2024 Outside of Your Comfort Zone
7.2.2024 Outside of Your Comfort Zone
is where all the progress takes place, and in one year from NOW you'll be glad you got that idea. Today's Training: Cycle BOSU Sit-up: 100 reps 4-way Neck: 1x12 Dynamic Bench: 10x3 High Pin Press: 3x3 with increasing weight DB Bench: 3x10 DB Fly: 3x15 DB Supine Tricep Extension/ DB Hammer Curl (super set): […]
7.1.2024 Quitting Guarantees a Loss
7.1.2024 Quitting Guarantees a Loss
Quitting is the surest way to ensure failure. Persistence, even in the face of challenges, keeps the possibility of success alive. Today's Training: Cycle 4-Way Neck: 1x12 GHR: 50 reps in as few sets as possible Deficit Deadlift: 4 RM Beat last week's number Very High Box Step Up: 40 reps on each leg starting […]
6.28.2024  Do What You Can, With What You Have
6.28.2024 Do What You Can, With What You Have
Instead of focusing on limitations or setbacks, focus on leveraging what you have at your disposal to make progress toward your goals. Every step forward, no matter how small, contributes to your journey of growth. Today's Training: Cycle Max Effort Floor Press: 4 RM Pull-ups: 8x 1/2 as many as you can do in a […]
6.27.2024  Cellphones, Earbuds, Lack of Tolerance, and Throat Punch Thursday
6.27.2024 Cellphones, Earbuds, Lack of Tolerance, and Throat Punch Thur...
I run the gym in such a way that it allows many people to consume a small area without slowing down or running into backups. If someone hiccups and throws the rhythm off it will snowball over the hours and cause chaos throughout the day. When people begin to check their cellphones or have earbuds […]
6.26.2024   The Whole World is a Test
6.26.2024 The Whole World is a Test
Don’t let anyone ever trick you into thinking differently. Today's Training: Cycle 4-way Neck: 1x10 Ab Wheel: 4x10 "Lara" Abs: 4x10 Chin-ups super set with Zig Zag Bar Curl: 10x5 of each DB Supine (Elbows Out) Tricep Extension: 4x15 super set with Dips: 4x25 Single Arm DB Preacher Curl: 4x10 super set with Single Arm […]
6.25.2024  Do Not Allow Anyone to Bring You Back to a Level That You Have Already Surpassed.
6.25.2024 Do Not Allow Anyone to Bring You Back to a Level That You Hav...
Surround yourself with individuals who support and uplift you, rather than those who seek to undermine your progress. Today's Training: Cycle BOSU Sit-up: 100 reps Blast Strap Row: 4x25 Face Pull: 4x25 Pull-a-part: 4x25 DB Lateral Raise: 4x10 Rear Delt Destroyer: 1x60-40-20 Shrug: 3x30 Lat Pulldown: 4x10 C/S Row: 4x10 DB Pullover: 3x15 4-way Neck: […]
6.24.2024  July Marks a Format Change At West Coast Elite Strength and Conditioning
6.24.2024 July Marks a Format Change At West Coast Elite Strength and C...
We are a week away from the height of summer. For the past eight months, we have worked HARD going six days a week with a ton of volume to right our bodies for the beach and sports. It's time to pull back on those reigns because you can go hard or long, but you […]
6/21/2024  Big Sprint into a Weekend Off
6/21/2024 Big Sprint into a Weekend Off
If it seems like a lot of training was done today, it was! Often I will have my crew come in on a Saturday to Squat or Deadlift but feeling like I wanted a two day weekend preceding our Independence Day celebration, I thought we would plain old fashion "CRUSH OURSELVES"! So I combined the […]
6.20.2024  Gym Teaching
6.20.2024 Gym Teaching
Sometimes it's not teaching the technique, Sometimes it's not teaching the program I asked a group once what the"product" we were selling was. They told me that they were coaches and not salespeople. I returned with, "No...when you have an idea or a concept that you want people to take on, you are definitely "Selling" […]
6.19.2024. Squats Fix Everything
6.19.2024. Squats Fix Everything
As you get older pain will show up for no particular reason. One minute everything is fine and you go to bed satisfied and tired. You sleep a solid eight hours and when you wake up...BAM! Something is wrong somewhere. My latest experience was in the socket of my hip. I squatted with my crew […]
6.18.2024 Truth That No One Wants To Hear:
6.18.2024 Truth That No One Wants To Hear:
Today's Training: Cycle 4-way Neck: 1x8 Ab Wheel: 4x12 Max Effort Bench: 6 Rep (Beat Last Week's #) Pull-ups: 7x 1/2 the amount you can go totally bonkers getting X BW In other words, if you can do 20 reps, do seven sets of 10. If you can't do ONE pull-up, LOSE WEIGHT, and try […]

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