Harry Selkow


Harry was the strength and conditioning coach of the Arizona Sundogs as well as for many High School football and Youth Hockey programs. He has worked with hundreds of athletes in a multitude of sports over the course of the last 50 years. Harry is currently working at West Coast Elite in Pleasanton, California.

6.17.2024  If You Want to Change Your Life
6.17.2024 If You Want to Change Your Life
you have to make changes in your life. Today's Training: Cycle Weighted Sit-ups: 4x10 DB Supine Tricep Extension: 3x60 super set w/ DB Hammer Curl: 3x30 Use "Fatgripz" on the DBs 3-way Shoulder: 3x20 Front, Side, Rear Delt as a Giant Set Shrugs: 4x15 4-way Neck: Increase the weight this week 1/2 "brick" 1x8 Cycle
6.15.2024. Sometimes You Need a Good Refresher.
6.15.2024. Sometimes You Need a Good Refresher.
As Deebo would say, "Stop being a little bitch and c'mon!" When lifting heavy, there are times when you throw caution to the wind and you just have to get after it. At 66 years of age, I can come up with a lot of reasons not to add more weight to an already heavy […]
6.14.2024. Pain
6.14.2024. Pain
Pain builds character, laugh at it. Instead of allowing pain to defeat you, use it as a personal growth and development catalyst. Embrace challenges and use them as a personal growth and development catalyst and setbacks as opportunities to build resilience and strength. Today's Training: Cycle Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x12 Side Flex with Woodchop […]
6.13.2024  Certain Things Shouldn't Be Compromised
6.13.2024 Certain Things Shouldn't Be Compromised
I am all for spontaneity. In certain areas of life, change can be a good thing. After all, "If you always do what you've always done, you'll get what you already have". However, I have come to realize that if I don't do certain things as if they were rituals, then my day or week […]
6.12.2024   Just Today's Training...
6.12.2024 Just Today's Training...
Today's Training: GHR: 4x12 Suspended Knees to Elbow: 4x12 BOSU Sit-up: 100 reps Dynamic Squat w/ increasing straight weight: 10x2 Dynamic Deadlift w/ increasing straight weight: 10x1 Reverse Hyper: 3x12
6.11.2024. Sometimes You Need a Hug...
6.11.2024. Sometimes You Need a Hug...
A real hard heavy hug... From a Barbell! Today's Training: Cycle 45-degree Side Ab Flex: 3x12 on each side Cable Woodchop: 3x15 on each side 4-way Neck: 1x15 Max Effort Bench: 6 RM Pull-ups: 6x 1/2 the amount you can do for a max rep set. In other words, if you can do 10 pull-ups […]
6.10.2024  It Requires 300 Reps to Create a Movement Pattern...
6.10.2024 It Requires 300 Reps to Create a Movement Pattern...
It requires 300 reps to create a movement pattern, and 5000 to correct a faulty one. That's why it is so important to perfect technique BEFORE adding a shit ton of weight. The weight will come. I teach ONE skill at a time: one queue, one phrase. In that way, there is an 87% chance […]
6.7.2024. 1000 Rep Arm Day
6.7.2024. 1000 Rep Arm Day
Once a month we put the 1000 rep arm day to the test. When people look like they have legs where their arms ought to be, I know it was a good day. Today was a good day. Today's Training: 5x20 of the following (super set an odd number with an even one)
6.6.2024 Nothing But The "Program"
6.6.2024 Nothing But The "Program"
Today's Training: Cycle 2 sets of as many reps as possible in the following exercises. DB Lateral Raise DB Front Raise C/S DB Rear Delt Raise OHP: Six Rep Max Shrugs: 4x10 BOSU Sit-up: 100 reps Cycle
Today's Training: Since I didn't have the best night's sleep, I took a page out of my training manual and cut everything WAAAYYY back. Once we got to the dynamic weight, about 50% of the max lifts, I had the troops increase the weight every two sets on the squat and every set on the […]
6.4.2024  Wants vs. Needs (In Training Too)
6.4.2024 Wants vs. Needs (In Training Too)
There you are, fresh outta the gym having a post-workout shake, and reading the latest post from your favorite "Internet Fitness Influencer". That influencer has told you about the latest and greatest exercise, nutritional facts, or something to help you recover. Still, it sparked your interest because you would be the next Ed Coan or […]
5.3.2024.  Boiling Water
5.3.2024. Boiling Water
"The same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg. It’s what you’re made of. Not the circumstances". – Unknown Today's Training: Cycle KB Ladder:1-20 BOSU Sit-up: 100 reps 4-way Neck: 1x12 Fat Gripz DB Supine Tri Extension: 3x60 super set w/ Fat GripZ Hammer Curl: 3x30 "Kroc" Row: 2x AMRAP Lat Pulldown: 4x12 […]
6.1.2024  We All Experience Hardships and Setbacks
6.1.2024 We All Experience Hardships and Setbacks
We all experience hardships and setbacks at some point in our lives. Those are the times when we have to draw on our inner strength to carry on. When everything around you feels like shit, remember that a rebirth is just a moment away. A fresh start is possible and you have what it takes […]
5.31.2024. I Know At Least One Person Needs This Right NOW!
5.31.2024. I Know At Least One Person Needs This Right NOW!
Remember this When thinking about life: no guilt can change the past, and no anxiety can change the future. That's why guilt and worry are two useless emotions. Today's Training: Cycle 4-way neck: 1x12 BOSU Sit-up: 100 reps Side Flexion using the 45-degree back extension: 4x10 Pull-up Hell: 4 hand positions on the overhead ladder […]
5.30.2024. It's a Slow Process,
5.30.2024. It's a Slow Process,
But quitting won't speed it up. Quitting should be such a hard thing to do that you can't even say the word. Today's Training: Cycle Suspended Knees to Elbow: 4x10 4-way Neck: 1x12 "Lara" Abs: 4x12 DB Lateral Raise: 4x10 DB Front Raise: 4x10 Dynamic OHP: 10x3 Shrugs: 4x10 Cycle
5.29.2024. Stimulate Growth or Fighting Fatigue
5.29.2024. Stimulate Growth or Fighting Fatigue
To move a person from zero to 80% in strength and conditioning doesn't require much. Stimulate the muscle or the oxygen uptake system more than what it has been working and the body will adapt. Do it again and the body will also adapt again. Stimulating and then letting the body adapt is how we […]
5.28..2024  Control of Others Might Be Powerful...
5.28..2024 Control of Others Might Be Powerful...
He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still. – Lao Tzu Today's Training: Cycle Kettlebell Ladder: 1-20 4-way Neck: 1x12 BOSU Sit-up: 100 reps Incline Fly: 3x50 DB Floor Press: 3x50 Dynamic Bench: 10x3 DB Supine Tricep Ext: 3x50 Cable Pushdown: 3x50 Cycle
Memorial Day is a day of remembrance first and foremost. It's a time to respect those who gave up their lives so we can live the life we choose, whichever you think. (I have my own opinion but reserve my right to say) Secondly, Memorial Weekend is the unofficial start to the summer, with BBQs, […]
5.23.2024.  Today's "To Do" List
5.23.2024. Today's "To Do" List
Today's Training: Cycle Suspended Knees to Elbow: 4x10 4-way Neck: 1x12 DB Lateral Raise: 10x10 C/S Rear Delt Raise: 10x10 OHP: 10x10 Shrug: 10x10 Cycle
5.22.2024  Celebrate a Teammate 50 years w/ a Dumbass Session
5.22.2024 Celebrate a Teammate 50 years w/ a Dumbass Session
I like to make a big deal out of different mileposts. A 50-year birthday is one. To celebrate it, I thought doing 50 singles of Deadlift would be pretty cool for everyone to do. What could possibly be cooler? Doing the deadlifts with a double overhand grip on an axle bar. What could be even […]
5.2.2024   A fit body, and a calm mind.
5.2.2024 A fit body, and a calm mind.
They can not be bought, they must be earned. These two aspects of life are treasures from genuine efforts and choices we make along our journey. Today's Training: Cycle Stretch Blast Strap Row: 4x10 super set w/ Push-ups 4x10 4-way Neck: 1x10 Cable Fly: 4x15 Band Pull-a-part: 4x15 super set w/ Ab Wheel: 4x10 Dynamic […]
5.20.2024  Extra Pull-ups for Back Development
5.20.2024 Extra Pull-ups for Back Development
Over the past few weeks, I've been experimenting with various pull-up combinations. High reps at body weight. Higher reps with the pull-up being aided by a band. Even low reps with added weight. I've always loved the pull-up/chin-up because it's like the Upper Body Deadlift. You either do them, or you don't. There is no […]
5.18.2024  SSP  Simple Squat Program
5.18.2024 SSP Simple Squat Program
I felt like doing something different today. I wasn't in the mood for a max effort or dynamic effort squat. So reps it became. Keeping it as simple and basic as I could, Glutes and Hamstrings and Squat. That's it, Done!!! and boy let me tell you, they are COOKED! Today's Training: Cycle GHR: 10x12 […]
5.17.2024  When You Know You're Getting Old
5.17.2024 When You Know You're Getting Old
Old age begins when you look backward rather than forward. Today's Training: Cycle Warm-up: Pull-ups: Aided 8x65 super set with Dips: Aided 8x65 BB Curl: 3x10 Floor Skull Crusher: 3x12 DB Hammer Curl: 3x10 Cable Tricep Extension: 3x12 Bosu Sit-up: 100 Ab Wheel: 4x10 Cycle
5.16.2024  Expectations
5.16.2024 Expectations
"Expecting things to change without putting in the effort is like waiting for a ship at an airport" Today's Training: Cycle Blast Strap Row: 4x10 super set w/ Push-ups: 4x10 Medium Band Face Pull: 4x10 super set w/ BOSU Sit-ups: 4x25 C/S Rear Delt Raise: 4x10 super set w/ Ab Wheel Rollout: 4x10 OHP: 4x10 […]
5.15.2024  You Are Not Weak...
5.15.2024 You Are Not Weak...
When you think you’re weak, it's best to remember that you fought and won battles that others know nothing about nor even begun to engage. Get in the fight. You'll be a better person for doing so, and a lot stronger. Today's Training: Cycle Warm-up: Kettlebell Ladder 1-20 4-way Neck: 1x10 GHR: 5x12 Hex Bar […]
5.14.2023  Just the Training Today
5.14.2023 Just the Training Today
Today's Training: Cycle Warm-up: Big 5 Before leaving the gym super set 500 total pushups Floor Press: 6 rep. Work up to a PRE of 7. Then do three total work sets at that weight Incline Press: 4x15 Cable Incline Fly: 4x15 Dips: 6x10 "Lara" Abs: 4x12 Cycle
5.13.2024  Challenges and Obstacles
5.13.2024 Challenges and Obstacles
Life is full of challenges and obstacles that test our resilience, courage, and determination. Sometimes, we feel like giving up or losing hope in the face of adversity. But that is precisely when we must remind ourselves of our strength and potential. We need to cultivate an unbreakable character that can withstand difficulties and overcome […]
5.11.2024   Training Sessions With a Good Group Fixes EVERYTHING.
5.11.2024 Training Sessions With a Good Group Fixes EVERYTHING.
Yup, if you have anything, I mean everything that bothers you or anything going well, a good training session will fix it. The "crew" you surround yourself with also has something to do with it, but the session itself is the key. I woke up tired and cranky. The moment I got on my bike […]
5.10.2024  We Build TEAMS
5.10.2024 We Build TEAMS
The acronym for TEAM is "Together Everyone Achieves More". I firmly believe that and have worked quite hard in the development of "MY TEAM" or my community. Over the many years that I've been coaching, I felt that making a community was one of the most important things I could do for my people. (YES, […]
5.9.2024.  Far Better to be Strong
5.9.2024. Far Better to be Strong
"It is far better to be strong than good-looking and useless." ~ Lilith Saintcrow. Today's Training: Cycle Warm-up 4 "Lara" Abs: 4x12 Spider Walk: 5x3 Kettle Bell Lateral Raise: 4x15 use the swing and momentum Blast Strap Face Pull: 4x15 OHP: 3x30 Shrug: 4x10 BOSU Sit-up: 125 Cycle
5.8.2024  Soft People
5.8.2024 Soft People
Soft people ruin my day. I mean, REALLY...How can your day be so bad and it isn't even 0500? You're in a gym among good people. The music is set on the right playlist, and we are doing feaking DEADLIFTS. If you look for problems, you will find them! If you look for happiness, you […]
5.7.2024  Bringing the Thunder.
5.7.2024 Bringing the Thunder.
I have to break the groups of people that train with me into smaller sub-groups in order to move things along without bottlenecking or to accommodate different people's special needs. I do it mostly by height, and then by strength. Setting the rack for one height and then having to move J-hooks or spotting pins […]
5.6.2024  A True Champion...
5.6.2024 A True Champion...
When coming face to face with his darkest hour, a true champion will do whatever it takes to rise above. Today's Training: Cycle New Daily: Lat Pulldown: 5x10 C/S Row: 5x10 DB Row: 3x30 DB Hammer Curl w/ Fat Gripz: 5x10 EZ Curl Bar Preacher Curls w/Fat Gripz: 5x10 "Jackson" Abs: 4x10 Ab Wheel: 4x10 […]
5.4.2024. On Saturday We Squat
5.4.2024. On Saturday We Squat
I had a laugh when I watched this guy, (I don't know his name) do a social media gig where he is on a piece of equipment and does a rhyme of some sort..." On Friday we do arms, because if you want (has a name for a part of the male anatomy) to do […]
5.3.2024   1000 Rep Arm Routine and The Weekend.
5.3.2024 1000 Rep Arm Routine and The Weekend.
Don't let your weekend become your weak end. Stay disciplined and keep your goal in the front of your mind! Today's Training:Cycle BOSU Sit-up: 125 reps "Lara" Abs: 4x12 5x20 of the following:
5.2.2024  Live Life Like a Muscle Fiber
5.2.2024 Live Life Like a Muscle Fiber
We talking about living life the way we should early this morning. Some people come in at 4:30 AM half to fully asleep. Those were the good ones. Then some didn't make it in at all. Those that were there got an early dose of my bullshit. When I asked if it was too early, […]
5.1.2024   Anything Worth Doing...
5.1.2024 Anything Worth Doing...
Anything worth doing is worth overdoing. Moderation is for cowards and pussies. Today's Training: Cycle KB Ladder Ab Wheel: 4x12 GHR: 5x12 Suspended Knees to Elbow: 4x12 Leg Curl: 5x12 45-degree Back Extension: 5x12 Dynamic Deadlift: One per minute until the speed slows down. We got to 30 minutes before the explosiveness left. Cycle
4.30.2024   You Have Choices
4.30.2024 You Have Choices
Every single thing you do is a matter of choice. You can approach your choice with trepidation or attack it with reckless abandon and feverish perversion. With every choice comes rewards or consequences. By not making a choice, you have made one. Every choice you make makes who you are. CHOOSE WISELY! Today's Training: Cycle […]
4.29.2024  Failure vs. Greatness
4.29.2024 Failure vs. Greatness
"A man is great not because he hasn't failed; a man is great because failure hasn't stopped him" ~ Confucius Today's Training: Cycle Kettlebell Ladder: 1-20 C/S Row: 4x12 Suspended Knees to Elbow: 4x12 Low Cable Row: 4x12 Oblique Side Flex: Use the45-degree back Extension 4x12 Lat Pulldown: 4x12 BOSU Situps: 100 Fat Gripz Hammer […]
4.27.2024  Work'n The Weakness
4.27.2024 Work'n The Weakness
Saturday probably should be renamed, "Squatted Today" since that's what we do early before doing anything else. Embracing "Work the Weakness", I focus on the group's need to brace harder and to open the hips more. To do this, and make it fun, I love adding "Windchime Squats" What are Windchime Squats? Well, we use […]
4.26.2024  Single Task
4.26.2024 Single Task
When I was in college, a hundred years ago, I went "downtown" one Saturday night to a place of libation and mockery. While there with my friends, I decided to give a new game a try. It was an arcade game in the corner of the bar that went by the name, "Defenders". Dropping quarters […]
4.25.2024  America is FAT!
4.25.2024 America is FAT!
I just got back from a vacation in Kauai, Hawaii. Now and again we all need a bit of downtime to replenish our "power packs", and this one came at a great moment for me. I don't know about everyone who reads my Coaching Log, and their motivation for doing what they do in a […]
Aloha MFers!  4.17.2024
Aloha MFers! 4.17.2024
I'm about to drop off the grid for a much-needed edge sharpening. The last time I went to my roots (Some place tropical or third world, hopefully, both) was pre-pandemic. It's not that I don't enjoy the boogers out of what I do, but even God took a rest on the 7th day. So I […]
4.16.2024.  Nothing Gets My Attention Like What's Right In Front of Me.
4.16.2024. Nothing Gets My Attention Like What's Right In Front of...
I am constantly being bombarded with questions, answers, wants, and desires. Often all at the same time from many sources. A lot of people seeing that are ultra-polite will excuse themselves and pull out of a conversation simply to allow another person to ask a question. This is where I will tell the story of […]
4.15.2024. Winners Embrace Hard Work
4.15.2024. Winners Embrace Hard Work
"Winners embrace hard work. They love the discipline of it, the trade-off they’re making to win. Losers, on the other hand, see it as punishment. And that’s the difference." – Lou Holtz Yeah, I was going to add more, but Coach Holtz said it all already. Today's Training: Cycle Warm-up #2 2x10 of the following: […]
4.13.2024  Some Sessions Are Better When You Leave Your Expectations At The Door.
4.13.2024 Some Sessions Are Better When You Leave Your Expectations At ...
This was a tough week. I had taken two days off from going to the gym with what I thought was a cold and then allergies kicked in with a spring that went from zero to 120 mph in a day. I then added my sprint running three times per week which proved to be […]
4.12.2024   Shoulder Smoke
4.12.2024 Shoulder Smoke
The key to this workout is to grab a LIGHT weight and once you begin, DON'T stop during the set. You certainly can rest between sets of 100, but those 100 reps are consecutive. Remember, if you have to go through hell, do it quickly! Today's Training: Cycle Warm-up: 2x10 of the following: DB Lateral […]
Increase Your VO2 Max by Doing a Kettlebell Swing Ladder
Increase Your VO2 Max by Doing a Kettlebell Swing Ladder
You can increase your VO2 max by doing a kettlebell swing ladder by picking a weight in which you can comfortably execute 20 reps. After one rep, put the weight on the ground and take a single breath through your nose. Then pick the weight back up, do two more reps, set it down again, […]
I Stay Away Not For My Well Being But For Yours 4.10.2024
I Stay Away Not For My Well Being But For Yours 4.10.2024
This is Day 2 and I haven't gone to work due to a "bug" that is going around and I have. Piggybacking off of yesterday's log, I don't get sick very often, and normally I can "gut" anything out. Feeling a bit under the weather will inspire me to get back to normal as soon […]
You Can't Out Train An Illness. 4.9.2024
You Can't Out Train An Illness. 4.9.2024
Rarely do I get sick suffer from a virus or die suddenly. Maybe it happens once a year if at all. Even during the pandemic, I suffered no issues. If and when I DO feel a bit under the weather, I use the 20-minute rule of Harry checking his gauges. I'll do 20 minutes of […]
4.8.2024.  Hustle For The Muscle
4.8.2024. Hustle For The Muscle
A year from now you'll be happy you had started today, although it's a slow process, quitting won't speed it up. Today's Training: Cycle C/S Row: 4 RM Cable Row: 4 RM Lat Pulldown: 4 RM Pull-up: 2x50 in four different hand positions using FATGRIPZ Cycle
My BFF, CJ Murphy, and His Badassery. 4.6.2024
My BFF, CJ Murphy, and His Badassery. 4.6.2024
C.J. Murphy ("Murph") and I have been friends for over a decade and change. There are a lot of blowhards in the fitness world and I will read or listen to most, but I subscribe to very few. Murph always includes me in his training logs and tomfoolery which is a source of much of […]
4.5.2024  Science vs. Intuition
4.5.2024 Science vs. Intuition
There is a lot of science today regarding every single movement that can be trained. There's a better way to squat, bench, deadlift, curl, sit up, run, and walk for goodness sake. Science has made bike riding more efficient and complicated to go along with that efficiency. Do your shoulder presses with your elbows forward […]
4.4.2024  Shoulder Rehab/Prehab
4.4.2024 Shoulder Rehab/Prehab
In two weeks, you'll feel it. In four weeks, you'll see it. In eight weeks, you'll hear it. Today's Training: Shoulder Saver: 4 positions; #1 Ball Wt. (Lightest); 50 reps in clockwise and counter-clockwise directions Banded Face Pull: 100 reps Micro Mini Banded External Rotations: 100 reps each shoulder "Lean Out" DB Lateral Raise: 3x15 […]
4.3.2024. Closer Than Yesterday...
4.3.2024. Closer Than Yesterday...
You may not be there yet, but you are closer than you were yesterday. You have got to keep pace! Quitting is never an option. Today's Training: Cycle 4-way Neck: 1x12 Kettlebell Ladder: 1-20 GHR: 5x12 Prone Leg Curl: 5x8x+10 lbs more than three weeks ago Reverse Hyper: Using a "Hip Circle": 5x10 with a […]
4.2.2024.  You Are The Greatest Project You’ll Ever Work On.
4.2.2024. You Are The Greatest Project You’ll Ever Work On.
Invest in your personal growth and development, recognizing that self-improvement is an ongoing journey. Don’t be afraid to start new whenever necessary, always striving to become the best version of yourself. Today's Training: Cycle: Bench: 4 RM from the spotting straps that give you a 1" clearance from your chest Selectorize Incline Chest Press: 2 […]
4/1/2024   There are seven days in the week
4/1/2024 There are seven days in the week
There are seven days in the week and someday isn’t one of them. Today's Training: Cycle 4 Way Neck: 1x12 2 sets of 4 reps done super slow super set with 2 sets of 40 reps at a quick "pumping" pace of the following: Cycle
3/6/2024. Squats and Chocolate Milk
3/6/2024. Squats and Chocolate Milk
I am a big fan of the Hawaiian islands. My destination of choice has been Maui until recent fires move me over to Kaui this year when I get a break to go. I digress... Upon my return to Lahina, I always get to see a couple of "street people" that I've befriended over the […]

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